Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 152: Small water can flow

Wushan Road Sangjia

Mrs. Sheng was in a good mood and in good spirits, because her son and daughter-in-law came back to accompany her to dinner, and the house was very lively.

"Mom, you look good. Xiao Li said that you drank a bowl of fish soup at noon. It\'s not bad. It\'s worthy of praise!"

Sang Huaiyuan gave a thumbs up. He was the deputy mayor of Pingjiang City. He was tall and thin, wearing gold-rimmed glasses. bloodshot.

Pingjiang City is ushering in an important era of economic take-off. Sang Huaiyuan studied economics at University. His mentor, Mr. Chen Ren (made up), once studied overseas, is an internationally renowned economist, and is also an important advocate of saving the country through industry.

The policies that Sang Huaiyuan proposes now are all suggested by Mr. Chen Ren to the government before liberation, but the government at that time was so corrupt that it was impossible to implement these economic measures.

Now is the best time. Sang Huaiyuan wished that he had three heads and six arms and could work all night, and was also annoyed by his physical strength and energy, which could no longer cope with the current intensity of work.

Alas... His best time was wasted on the farm, how old is he now!

When Mrs. Sheng saw her son\'s tired expression, she knew that he must have stayed up late to work again, and she was dissatisfied and reprimanded, "I can\'t eat hot buns in a hurry, and the economy of Pingjiang City cannot take off within a few years. If you don\'t take good care of your health, you will definitely You can\'t see the fruits of your hard work!"

Sun Qiuyun came out of the kitchen. She is Sang Huaiyuan\'s wife who shares weal and woe, and is also the general manager of Yimin Pharmaceutical.

"Mom, you have to talk about Huaiyuan carefully. He doesn\'t listen to what I say. Now he doesn\'t even go home, he just sleeps in the office. Look at how thin he is..."

Sun Qiuyun was full of anger when she said it, but she felt more distressed for her husband.

I stay up all night to work every day, and I can\'t rest well during the day, even my battered body can\'t bear it.

The husband is now the pillar of the Sang family, so nothing can happen again.

Moreover, the Sang family has had enough of hardships, death, illness, and illness. Now she does not seek great wealth or honor, but only hopes that the family will be safe.

Mrs. Sheng\'s expression became stern, "Huaiyuan, only small water can flow. You are no longer a child. Don\'t you understand this truth?"

Sang Huaiyuan has guilt on his face, but the pressure of work is there, he can\'t help it!

"Mom has lost your sister, as well as your aunt and your cousin... too many people have left, if you... what\'s the point of being alive..." Mrs. Sheng sighed, her eyes flashing with tears.

Watching her relatives helplessly, they left her one by one... But she couldn\'t do anything, that kind of heart-piercing pain... She would never bear it again!

The old lady only hopes that the rest of the time and the rest of the family will be safe.

Sang Huaiyuan and Sun Qiuyun looked sad, the past was too painful, their family survived anyway, the poor cousin\'s family... alas!

"Mom... It\'s my fault. I will definitely take care of my body in the future. I will try my best to give young people to do the work." Sang Huaiyuan sincerely assured.

He also wants to live a good life and see with his own eyes that Pingjiang City has become an international metropolis that shines around the world.

He wants to personally witness and create it with his own hands!

Mrs. Sheng smiled and patted Sang Huaiyuan\'s hand, "That\'s it, work is never done, you have to learn to assign work, and you can\'t let work control your life, eat!"

Sun Qiuyun breathed a sigh of relief, and arranged the dishes with Xiao Li, and then personally filled the millet porridge and fed it to the old lady, but—

"... Qiuyun, eat it yourself, I\'ll take it slow." The old lady was so uncomfortable after taking a few bites, so she asked her son and daughter-in-law to eat first.