Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 154: Gu Nianci

"Alas, I didn\'t take care of your cousin...I didn\'t take care of Mingcheng..."

The old lady sighed deeply and looked sad. She was talking and laughing at first, but she was sad all of a sudden.

Sang Huaiyuan hurriedly said: "At that time, Mom, you couldn\'t protect yourself, and you almost... Auntie and Mingcheng won\'t blame you."

"Yeah... Don\'t explain it, even the little sister and..." Sun Qiuyun wet her eyes and swallowed the words behind her. Too many people died... The pain is indescribable.

Sang Huaiyuan\'s younger sister was sent to the frontier. At that time, the younger sister had just been married for a few years. Her unconscionable man, fearing that she would be implicated, abandoned the younger sister. The younger sister was in poor health. The serious illness is gone.

And herself. At that time, she also went to the farm with Sang Huaiyuan and worked with men every day. She had no idea that she was four months pregnant, and the child was exhausted.

She is a little princess who she and Sang Huaiyuan have thought about for a long time.

And because of this, her body was broken and she could never give birth again.

She and Sang Huaiyuan have not dared to tell the old lady about this, for fear that the old lady will be more sad. The old lady has always wanted a granddaughter, but this wish... can no longer be fulfilled.

There are also cousin Gu Nianci, cousin Ye Mingcheng...

There are too many people in the accident, and the past cannot be recalled.

Sang Huaiyuan glanced at his wife in dissatisfaction. The old lady will definitely be more sad when she mentions what the younger sister is doing at this time. Sun Qiuyun also realized that she regretted it too late, and she couldn\'t find any new words to divert this sad topic.

The air suddenly froze!

The old lady\'s heart throbbed, but she felt the worry of her son and daughter-in-law, smiled, and said, "You have a life and death, your little sister must have voted for a good family and live a good life!"

"It is necessary, not only the younger sister, but also my cousin and Mingcheng, all of them are living a good life!" Sang Huaiyuan replied with a smile.

Sun Qiuyun breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, this little girl named Ye Qingqing has the same surname as Mingcheng. She should also be Ye Ziye, right?"

The old lady was stunned for a moment, patted her forehead with a smile and said, "If you don\'t say, I haven\'t thought of it yet. Zhen and Mingcheng have the same surname, that is, the leaves of Ye Zi, the green of green grass, the name is really nice."

Sang Huaiyuan looked surprised and said, "This little girl has a relationship with our family. Mom, when you let this little girl come to our house for a guest, Qiuyun and I will both take a look."

"This girl comes here every day, usually in the morning, you can see it as long as you come here." When Ye Qingqing was mentioned, the old lady was in a better mood, and drank the remaining half bowl of millet porridge.

Sang Huaiyuan and Sun Qiuyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, today was the most eaten meal by the old lady, and it was the credit of that little girl Ye Qingqing!

The couple became more and more interested in Ye Qingqing, and planned to take time to come over in the morning to see how attractive this little girl is!

Seeing that the old lady was in a good mood, Sun Qiuyun asked, "Mom, do you want Huaiyuan to find a way to find out where Aunt Biao\'s property went?"

Gu Nianci had quite a lot of property at the time, but they were all confiscated in those years, as did their Sang family, but part of the Sang family\'s property was returned, but Gu Nianci\'s property has not been heard from until now.

She mentioned it several times, but the old lady didn\'t want Sang Huaiyuan to investigate, and said that it was all those properties that harmed Gu Nianci.
