Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 576: People who read poetry and books are not necessarily pedantic

Chapter 576 Those who are full of poetry and books are not necessarily pedantic

Shen Mianmian shook his head, "Brother He, I\'m not cold, I just couldn\'t adapt to the wind just now."

Seeing her blushing, she really didn\'t look cold. He Nan didn\'t force her into the room, "Do you want to tell me something?"

Big Brother He is so smart, Shen Mianmian nodded, and said "um".

He Nan was silent, as if waiting for her to continue.

Shen Mianmian glanced back and made sure that the door was closed tightly, and Li Shiping wouldn\'t hear it, so she whispered, "Brother He, did you tell Brother Li about the last house sale?"

"Not yet." These words need an opportunity. He Nan is not a person who likes to break his mouth. He always likes to kill with one blow in his work.

Shen Mianmian is not impatient, she knows that He Nan didn\'t say it, he must have his own plans, "Brother He, this afternoon, Xiaocui went out to meet Sister Shiping. She seems to be going to sell gold bracelets."

As for why she sells gold bracelets, she believes that Brother He knows better than her, and Li Shiping\'s temperament will definitely not sell those, she can guess with her toes, it must be instigated by Wang Dongcheng.

As for the use of money, it is also obvious that Wang Dongcheng\'s cousin got married, and he must go back and pretend to be 13 again.

He Nan\'s face sank, "Wang Dongcheng\'s time has been so nourishing."

"Brother He, Sister Shiping has not been happy at all. She is getting more and more haggard every day. If this goes on, she will be depressed sooner or later." Even if she divorces Wang Dongcheng in the future, Li Shiping will almost lose half her life.

"Li Yue has always supported her divorce, but she has a soft temper and repeatedly indulges Wang Dongcheng. She doesn\'t give up, and no one can help her."

As long as Li Shiping is willing to divorce, he and Li Yue have a hundred ways to let her get rid of Wang Dongcheng.

"Brother He, do you also want Sister Shiping to get a divorce?" Shen Mianmian\'s eyes lit up, she never dared to express her thoughts too clearly, because she was afraid that the Li family would be stubborn and feel ashamed of divorce, but Listening to what Big Brother He meant, it seemed that she was wrong.

He Nan smiled lightly, "You can see things clearly, if we can\'t see clearly again, we will probably be laughed at by you."

He usually seldom smiles, and always has a cold face. This sudden smile caught Shen Mianmian off guard, and he was blinded by his smile. I have to say, Brother He looks really good when he smiles.

"Many people think divorce is ashamed, and Uncle Li is a professor. I thought he would pay more attention to this."

"Those who read poetry and books are not necessarily pedantic."

In other words, if Li Shiping gets divorced, Li Julin will also support it?

This news made Shen Mianmian very happy. She only knew about Xu Min and Li Yue\'s divorce of Li Shiping before, so she wouldn\'t have much opinion. She thought it might be difficult to pass Li Julin\'s test.

Now it seems that things are much easier than she thought. As long as Li Shiping is willing, Wang Dongcheng can only stand aside.

"I didn\'t dare to comment too much on Sister Shiping\'s affairs before, I\'m afraid you think I\'m not thinking well and instigate Sister Shiping, but seeing Wang Dongcheng treat her like that, I really can\'t stand it. The last time I saw them at the vegetable market, Sister Shi Ping was holding her child and carrying a lot of things in her hands, and Mr. Wang Dongcheng was standing on the side without helping him, and he often had gatherings with others outside."

Actually, Shen Mianmian still wanted to say that Wang Dongcheng would cheat in the future, but it had not happened yet, she couldn\'t say these words.

(end of this chapter)