Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 577: you're still a small talker

Chapter 577 You are still a small talker

Looking at her little mouth, she didn\'t even notice that her voice had increased. A smile appeared in He Nan\'s eyes, "I didn\'t notice it before, you are still a small talker."

"..." Shen Mianmian stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, "Brother He, I couldn\'t hold back all of a sudden, do you think I\'m annoying?"

A person like Big Brother He must hate those chatter.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, He Nan\'s eyes flashed slightly, which was strange. Usually, he really didn\'t like other people\'s nagging, but listening to her small mouth go on and on, he didn\'t at all annoying.

"I think it\'s okay for now."

Shen Mianmian blinked, what does this mean?

She couldn\'t understand a little. Big Brother He is like a book without words. It\'s too hard to figure out.

He Nan didn\'t explain to her either. He reached out and pushed open the door of the ward, "Go in and sit, it\'s cold outside."

Shen Mianmian went to take off his coat, "Brother He, put on your clothes! I\'m not cold inside, but it\'s a bit windy outside." In the current hospital, the corridors are not surrounded by glass. When the wind blows in late autumn, yes really cold.

He only wore a coat when he went out. Standing here blowing the cold wind, he could easily get sick.

"I\'m used to it, it\'s not cold, you can wear it!" He Nan stopped her from taking off her jacket and tightened her collar.

He was wearing just the right clothes, and when he wore it on her body, he became very large, wrapping her whole body tightly, just showing a pair of calves outside, looking like a salesman.

Shen Mianmian didn\'t know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely roll his eyes, what kind of salesman?

Just say Wu Dalang directly.

Shen Mianmian lightly entered the room and saw that Li Shiping was breathing evenly and was obviously still sleeping, so she breathed a sigh of relief. What she said just now was too excited and her voice was a bit loud, but luckily she didn\'t wake up Sister Shiping.

Otherwise, Li Shiping would be unhappy knowing that she was talking about Wang Dongcheng behind her back. Li Shiping was very supportive of Wang Dongcheng, she could see it.

Looking at Li Shiping\'s tired sleeping face, she sighed helplessly.

If Li Shiping married the right person, her life would be smooth and satisfactory, and the Li family would not be ruined. I hope that with her help, Li Shiping will not be like her previous life.

As for Wang Dongcheng, such a person should go to hell.

"Ah..." As soon as he got home, Wang Dongcheng, who sat on the wine table, sneezed heavily, rubbed his nose, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Could it be that something happened to the child? His right eye kept twitching.

"I came back so late, I have a cold." Pan Huiyun looked at his son distressedly, and took the opportunity to complain to his daughter-in-law, "You are too used to Shiping, your cousin\'s marriage is such a big thing, it\'s fine if she doesn\'t come back. dragged you so late."

"Mom, didn\'t I tell you? The child is sick, and she has to send the child to the hospital." Wang Dongcheng looked at his mother dissatisfied. Usually in front of him, he said that Li Shiping was not a problem. , where should he put his face?

acted as if he was afraid of his daughter-in-law.

Three uncles and several cousins, but they are all watching here.

Seeing his son protecting his daughter-in-law, Pan Huiyun became even more uncomfortable, "Which one of you didn\'t have a fever when you were young? Which one of you doesn\'t need to take a fever-reducing medicine? They don\'t run a bank at home. For such a big thing, I\'ll take her to the hospital. I\'ll see her. I just look down on the country people and don\'t want to come."

(end of this chapter)