Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 575: Is he still in the mood for a wedding?

Chapter 575 Is he still in the mood to attend the wedding?

He Nan frowned, "The child is like this, is he still in the mood to attend the wedding?"

"He, he doesn\'t know that the child has a fever."

Li Shiping is not good at lying, all expressions are on his face.

He Nan and Shen Mianmian are both human beings, and they guessed something at once.

The child didn\'t burn like this all at once. Wang Dongcheng had a serious mind about sons and daughters. He must have not taken the child\'s fever seriously, and went home directly.

Thinking of the cause and effect, the expressions of the two of them were cold and surprisingly consistent.

Li Shiping knew that they had seen through the truth and her face was red, but she felt very embarrassed, but she was even more afraid of being known by her family.

"Mianmian, He Nan, can you not tell Xiaoyue and my parents about this? I\'m afraid they will be worried."

Shen Mianmian glanced at He Nan, pursed his lips and said, "Sister Shiping, I\'m not a talkative person."

He Nan didn\'t express his position, he said slightly coldly: "The child is not feeling well, he may be noisy when he wakes up, you guys hurry up and rest for a while, I\'m looking at the salt water bottle."

"Mianmian, sleep for a while! I can\'t sleep."

Actually, Li Shiping has not slept since last night. The child has a fever and she dare not sleep.

Although I am very tired and sleepy now, I can\'t sleep. I was too frightened just now, and my whole body is still in a trance now.

Besides, Shen Mianmian and He Nan didn\'t sleep, they came to help her watch the child at night, but she slept and felt sorry for them.

The child\'s condition is stable, and it\'s okay to let the two of them go back, but she has just experienced a moment of helplessness, and she has someone to accompany her, and she feels more at ease.

He Nan is a big man, it is inconvenient to accompany him here alone, Shen Mianmian is a little girl, and they are probably afraid here, there is a man here, they feel more at ease.

"Sister Shiping, I\'m not sleepy, I won\'t go to school tomorrow, I can sleep during the day, you should rest first! You shouldn\'t have slept last night, right? There\'s no way to rest tomorrow, children are uncomfortable and like to pester their mother, you must Rest well, don\'t get tired, or who will take care of the children?"

Li Shiping\'s dark circles are very serious, and she obviously hasn\'t slept well. According to Wang Dongcheng\'s character, she will definitely not take care of the children. I am afraid that these two days, Li Shiping is taking care of the children alone.

She looked distressed.

If Xu Min and Li Julin knew, how distressed would Li Shiping be?

I\'m afraid Li Yue has the heart to kill Wang Dongcheng.

"Mianmian..." Li Shiping was moved and speechless.

Shen Mianmian, who is not related by blood, cares so much about her and her children, but her husband doesn\'t care about her at all.

When the child is sick, he will only say that the child has a normal fever, just take some antipyretics.

When the child cries, he also feels impatient.

Today she prayed like that, but he still left without mercy. Although he had been comforting himself in his heart, if he said that he was not cold, it would be false.

"Sister Shiping, take a rest!" Shen Mianmian comforted softly, "I know what you want to say, I understand."

Compared with the previous life, Xu Min and Li Julin treated her well, and what they do now is nothing at all.

"Hmm." Li Shiping wiped her tears and lay down beside the child, breathing evenly after a while.

He Nan saw this, turned around and walked out.

Shen Mianmian glanced at the water bottle, there was still a lot of water in it, and it would not be finished in a while, so he also walked out lightly.

When the cold wind blew outside, she shivered, He Nan raised his brows slightly, and pulled the clothes she was wearing, "It\'s cold outside, go in and stay."

(end of this chapter)