Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 743

With a smile, Yang Jian seemed to be talking about the life and death of others, not his own son.

And now it seems that he knows the danger of the spirit king, but he doesn\'t mean to help.

It\'s careless to die one. If you die second, you\'re not prepared enough. It would be a joke if the third was killed by Yang Wenguang.

Yang Jian doesn\'t think his son will be slaughtered so easily. Unless there are forces beyond their resistance, for example, the monks in xuanhai territory do it themselves.

"What\'s the latest situation at the ancestral temple?"

"No problem. But as your life is coming to an end, the evil spirit on the ancestral statue is becoming more and more serious. The elders dare not leave half a step recently. They are worried about any mistakes."

"I haven\'t been to worship the ancestral statue for a long time. You\'ll come with me later."

When Yang Jian mentioned his ancestors, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of imperceptible fear flashed in his eyes. It seemed that there was something in the Imperial Ancestral Temple that frightened him.

At noon, when the sun was at its peak, Yang Jian came out of the warm soup of Fu\'an palace, drank today\'s soup medicine, put on a robe with a purple golden crown, and then left the palace from a small transmission array in the palace. The next moment he appeared outside Fenghong villa outside the Imperial city.

The Imperial Ancestral Hall is in Fenghong villa.

When the emperor arrived, he should have publicized himself, but Yang Jian didn\'t publicize his whereabouts. Everything was simple and low-key. He didn\'t even go through the middle gate when entering the villa, but turned in from the side gate of the villa led by Yang Xiusheng.

Others may think that the Royal ancestral hall must be magnificent and magnificent, decorated with a royal momentum and solemnity overlooking the world. But this is not the case.

In the back mountain of Fenghong villa, although the Imperial Ancestral Hall covers a wide area, most of them are the residence of people who take care of and guard the ancestral hall. In fact, the real ancestral hall is almost the same as the scale and style of ordinary people\'s family ancestral hall.

After entering the door, there is a huge incense table, which has nine floors, and memorial tablets are placed on each floor to worship the ancestors of the Yang family.

There are also suspensions on both sides of the main hall, and memorial tablets are also placed on the shelves.

Generally speaking, whether it is the incense table or the suspension on both sides after death depends on the level of seniority and how much contribution he made to the family before he died. If the contribution is large enough, it can be offered as a incense table in the future.

In contrast, if the seniority is low and has not brought any credit to the family before his death, he is not qualified to serve on the incense table. He can only find a place to put it on the suspension, and the spirit cards are much smaller.

But don\'t think that all the lingpais that can be put on the incense table are emperors. In fact, none of the ancestors of the Yang family in the top three rows of the incense table is an emperor.

The ancestors of the Yang family were born in a rough place, but they were monks. The only black jade tablet in the middle of the top row on the incense table is a big monk of the Yang family, and the Yang family began to grow in his hands.

Ancestor of the Yang family: Immortal Huiling, the spirit of Yang Zheng.

It was from Yang Zheng that the Yang family began to thrive. From an insignificant small family, it quickly became an aristocratic family, and dominated one side and became a powerful one.

Yang Zheng, as recorded in the family, died at a breakthrough and died under the influence of fate. It is a serious "passing away".

The so-called "death and creation" actually means that when the practice reaches the xuanhai realm and wants to break through the xuanhai realm and step into the realm of creation, he fails and is killed on the spot by the great power of heaven and earth.

After Yang Zheng\'s death, the Yang family did not wither, but continued to grow by relying on the inside information. It was even granted as the northwest of marquis Yong Town by the Li family of the Jing Dynasty who ruled the land at that time.

However, when the Yang family was in its heyday, the Li family was fatuous and incompetent, making the people miserable and the whole country rioted, and finally fell apart directly. The barbarians in the South saw the potential to invade, burn, kill and loot on a large scale, so that the whole Terran region was in danger.

Even in the worst time, the barbarians had occupied today\'s Jingxi and Jingnan areas, and filled half the land of the people with the banner of the royal court. And captured the lineage of Li\'s royal family in the Jing Dynasty and cut it off as a whole, which also officially declared the end of the rule of the Jing Dynasty.

In such a turbulent period, the Yang family moved all the way to Jingdong. Finally, they joined forces with several aristocratic families to resist, and fought bravely and recovered a large area of lost land. Later, it was called the restoration of the Jing Dynasty and the old Jing Dynasty. It united many scattered forces of the previous dynasty, and finally drove the barbarians out of Zhudao and recovered all Terran areas.

Today, the first Xiongguan against the barbarians was built after the Yang family settled the throne.

Of course, there are too many stories and many records in the history books, but some are not recorded in the history books. Even the secrets of the Yang family have no written records. They are only passed down from head to head and a limited number of people.

According to the rules, after Shen Hao entered the ancestral hall, he began to worship according to the family etiquette. The process of worship is simple, but it can\'t be completed in a moment and a half. It takes half an hour to end.

During this period, Yang Jian could only endure the pain of the curse on his body, making his face as pale as paper and his forehead dripping with sweat.

After worship, Yang Jiancai and Yang Xiusheng went into the back of the main hall together. After walking through a long and narrow passage, they finally opened a stone gate. They held back and walked in.

Inside the stone gate is a stone statue, a statue of Yang Zheng, the ancestor of the Yang family. In front of the statue is a strange black stone basin. In the basin are raised black spars.

Yang Xiusheng turned his hand, added a knife three inches long and one finger wide, and handed it to the emperor standing in front of the statue.

Yang Jian took the knife, then untied his clothes and exposed the "cobwebs" on his chest. Then he took a deep breath and carefully drew a line at the corner of the cobweb with the knife. A wisp of blood splashed out along the small opening. It is strange to describe it.

Yang Jian\'s teeth were rattling, and the small cut in his chest brought him severe pain like scraping a bone. Fortunately, the "cobweb" soon healed, and the severe pain didn\'t last long.

"Hoo, so I don\'t want to come here because of this." Yang Jian returned the knife to Yang Xiusheng and looked at the black stone basin in front of the statue. Most of the blood he splashed just now fell into the stone basin.

Yang Xiusheng took the knife and put it away, but he didn\'t take Yang Jian\'s words. Instead, he looked serious and stared at the stone statue in front of him.

This stone statue is not ordinary, but the ancestor of the Yang family. It was left by Yang Zheng before he chose to break through the xuanhai sea. It is of great significance and use to the Yang family.

At this time, the evil spirit on the stone statue can be said to be almost as real as it has become a smoke lingering in the house. It is only by the confinement of several Dharma arrays in the house that the evil spirit will not be exposed.

After the black crystal stone in the stone basin was stained with blood, it began to emit faint light, and finally the stone statue began to shine slightly. Then the statue began to hang in the air, revealing a dark staircase below.