Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 742

The emperor was hard hearted and didn\'t care about the dead in the "big exam". But there are preconditions and bottom lines.

The bottom line is not to allow xuanhai friars to directly intervene in the "big test".

All killings are not allowed to involve the people, which is the premise.

King Jing and King Qian were sent to prison by the angry emperor because the fight spread to innocent people, but they didn\'t expect King Qian to die in prison.

Then the king of Jin, who had been lurking for many years, came forward and was found by Xuanqing Wei to have a direct relationship with the death of King Qian. Even King Qian may be the moving hand of King Yang Wenguang of Jin. At that time, Yang Xiusheng said he would clean up the king of Jin, but he was stopped by the emperor, and even regarded it as a temporary increase in the difficulty of the "big test".

The dead dry king, although the emperor was heartbroken at that time, the subconscious waste who could not even protect his life was not qualified to inherit the great unification.

This attempt was dangerous, but the emperor had confidence in his sons. He believed that there were people in his sons who could find danger and deal with it properly in a dangerous environment.

In addition, the black water under Xuanqing guard has made repeated contributions. The emperor has almost put Yang Wenguang, king of Jin, under his own eyes. Are you afraid of any accidents?

Yang Xiusheng thought for a moment and didn\'t answer the emperor\'s remark about whether the Ministry of punishment was a waste. Instead, he said, "although it\'s not the king of Jin\'s own hand this time, it must be his order. Really look at it like that? Two have died, and you have only seven sons."

Although the Royal "big test" is bloody, at least one can be left in the end. The purpose of the king of Jin is hard to say. What if his idea is to kill all?

"No. Yang Wenguang won\'t show up just for simple revenge. He must have other plans."

"What\'s the plan?"

The emperor shook his head and was silent for a while. Suddenly he said, "do you think Yang Wenguang will have a son after running to the city in vain for so many years?"

Will Yang Wenguang have a son?!

Hearing the speech, Yang Xiusheng was full of excitement. Suddenly turned his head and looked at the emperor in the pool with complex eyes. After a long time, he said, "you thought of it? That\'s why you don\'t want me to move the king of Jin?"

Yang Jian leaned his head back, leaned against the soft pillow, nodded slightly, looked at Yang Xiusheng on one side, raised his mouth slightly, and said, "this is only one of the reasons. Only for this reason can Yang Wenguang dare to mix in the" big test ", otherwise even if he has hatred for me in his heart, he will never dare to challenge the" big test "

Yang Xiusheng took a deep breath and said, "do you think the king of Jin is going to kill all your son, and then explode his son and force you to help his son ascend the throne? Is he not afraid of death?"

"Death? Hehe, uncle, who in the royal family is afraid of death? Yang Wenguang escaped from death in those years. He has earned enough money for decades. How can he be afraid of death? He just wants to win once.

It\'s a pity. I knew his safe and comprehensive arrangement from the beginning. Now there is this "black water", which is well analyzed. I\'ll see how he can play the trick behind him. "

The emperor was not in a hurry, but Yang Xiusheng frowned and said in a deep voice, "do you want to find out the possible descendants of the king of Jin?"

"Of course. At least it\'s my royal blood. How can I hide? Besides, Yang Wenguang didn\'t die in those years. It\'s my omission. This time, not only he will die, but all his descendants, no matter how many, will die with him. In this way, I can have a lot of company along the way."

Find it and kill it. Things in this life are over in this life, leaving no burden for future generations. This may be Yang Jian\'s real idea.

"Is there a clue?"

"Not yet, but we should see some clues soon." he paused, raised his hand and asked the eunuch serving him to add a cup of herbal tea, took a sip, and then said: "Once King Lu died, he deliberately didn\'t leave a trace on the scene and let the Ministry of punishment check it. This is a fire. As long as the fire burns up and burns all the weeds, the things hidden in the weeds will come out."

Yang Xiusheng didn\'t understand and asked, "fire?"

"Yes, fire."

"Well... How can you make a fire if you don\'t leave a clue on purpose this time?" Yang Xiusheng is really bad at this kind of twists and turns. His idea is not the same as that of the emperor. According to his idea, if King Yang Wenguang of Jin wants to make a fire and burn people, it should be like the case of King Qian before, so he wants to hide two clues for people to find and use as a guiding target.

How can a case like this deliberately leave a headless case ignite?

Yang Jian said with a smile, "uncle, I understand why my father pushed you to take charge of Fenghong villa. You\'re really not good at power."

"Power is really not my strong point. Come along and I\'ll listen to the calculation." Yang Xiusheng doesn\'t mind. His cultivation is a required course. Looking directly at his own shortcomings is nothing to him. Moreover, the emperor has no malice and is all joking. At the same time, he also wants to hear what twists and turns there are.

"I killed the king Qian before and blamed him on the king of Lu. The king of Lu deserved to be calculated for his lack of defense. I closed his door and wanted to see if he could protect his life. You know, only if he lives in this situation can he see more opportunities. He also understood that it was honest not to step out of the gate. But he lost his life because of a move of the king of spirit."

"The spirit king? Is it really related to the spirit king?"

"That\'s right. The spirit king should have found out that the identities of his children, Yang Wenguang, were wrong, and beat them while alienating. Speaking of this, I didn\'t expect that the spirit king was the gold master behind the moon shadow building. It\'s a good means!

Cough... The king of spirit didn\'t know that he actually knocked on Yang Wenguang when he knocked on the moon shadow building, and made Yang Wenguang feel a threat. That\'s why he lit a fire against the "losing" king of Lu.

It\'s a wonderful fire! The king of Lu is the weakest and most harmless at present. Even if he died, it would not have much impact on other people in the "big test". But the problem is that the death of the king of Lu has no direction.

No directivity means it may be you or me. You can put it on whoever you want. As long as there is a tacit understanding, you can push the fire to the person you want.

Who is the most unpopular and threatening person in the imperial city today? "

"Spirit king beam!"

Yang Xiusheng felt as if he understood.

Yang Jian then continued, "that\'s right. So once the Ministry of punishment can\'t get the results, in order to catch up with the rhythm of the soldiers in the south, my sons will make an article about the death of King Lu and challenge King Ling.

Once the fight starts, if the king of spirit has an accident, won\'t Yang Wenguang\'s tail be "hidden" by him again