Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 744

As soon as I stepped down the stairs, a long string of dark red lights lit up on both sides, illuminating the long and narrow stairs with shoulder width.

Although Yang Xiusheng has been in charge of Fenghong villa for many years, he has entered this tunnel only a few times. Because even if he wants to come in, there must be an emperor to open the way, just like Yang Jian bleeding outside just now.

In addition, to tell the truth, Yang Xiusheng doesn\'t want to come in. Even every time he steps here, he gets a hair in his heart. He always feels that he is looked at maliciously by countless eyes.

If the warm soup in the Fu\'an palace is the basis for the survival of successive emperors, what is hidden under this tunnel is the most unknown secret of the whole royal family.

Down the stairs, Yang Xiusheng used his technique, so that Yang Jian didn\'t need to waste his energy. He hung down in the air. After walking for almost a incense stick, a stone gate appeared again.

Complex patterns are engraved on the stone gate. It looks like array patterns, but it is directly different from most of the array patterns outside. However, if you mix with the top array mages in the Jingjiu Dynasty, you can tell that the complex lines on this door are not unique here. There are similar lines on the core array cornerstone of the transmission method array existing everywhere.

The stone gate is a combination of the left and right, with two golden decorations in the middle, like handles, but the shape is more like the arthropod legs of two insects.

Yang Jian stood in front of the door, holding the handle on the door with both hands, and then felt a touch upload from the handle into his body. Then the dark red "cobwebs" on his body immediately responded, as if they were greeting each other. That feeling was terrible for Yang Jian, just like his body, but he was just a spectator.


The closed stone door suddenly heard the sound of the machine opening. Then Yang Jian pushed it with a little force, and the heavy stone door opened with a bang.

Once the stone gate was opened, there was an unpleasant musty smell inside.

As before, when Yang Jian stepped into the stairs, a dark red light lit up the stone door at the moment when he stepped into it.

Huge space, but empty.

Only an odd chair is placed in the middle of this space.

The chair is very large, about one foot wide, and the back of the chair stands six feet high. It is scarlet as a whole. The material is smooth, like jade, but there is streamer sliding on it. With Yang Jian\'s footsteps approaching, the streamer on the surface seems to be induced and suddenly becomes restless.

Yang Jian walked to the chair, but didn\'t sit up. He looked at it expressionless and didn\'t say a word.

Yang Xiusheng, who stood behind Yang Jian, was on full alert. He even set a layer of Qi barrier around his body, while maintaining a position of only two feet from the emperor in front.


Suddenly, a harsh hiss sounded, which seemed to come from all directions, as if the whole surrounding space was roaring. The next moment, Yang Xiusheng, who felt the most sensitive, said in his heart: come!

Seeing the strange chair in front of Yang Jian, the original smooth dark red back suddenly streamed and chaotic. After a stir, a huge eye appeared, like a mirror image and real existence. The eyes were vertical and not like human eyes, but it was clear that we could feel the surging ferocity and contempt for mole ants.

"Recently, my royal" big test "is coming to the most critical moment. You\'d better keep an eye on it. If there are monks in xuanhai territory who dare to do it directly, I hope you can win them. Yes, you can\'t eat. You can\'t eat until I ask some questions."

Compared with Yang Xiusheng\'s all God alert, Yang Jian seemed very casual. His words were like talking to an old acquaintance, but there was no smile on his face, but there was a layer of frost on his face.

"Hiss, hiss..." it was another kind of hiss that sounded in all directions, as if it was a response to Yang Jiangang\'s words. But can you understand?

Yang Xiusheng couldn\'t understand these screams. It was almost a tone and had no characteristics at all. He listened to only a simple voice without any information.

But Yang Jian can understand. These sounds seem to act on his ears, but in fact they resonate with the "cobwebs" all over him, and then form a message and print it directly into his mind. These "hisses" in front of him are actually communicating with him. And this kind of exchange can only be achieved by every generation of emperors of the old Jing Dynasty.

"Hiss, hiss..."

"Well, you keep an eye on my sons. If any monk in xuanhai territory dares to reach out to them, you will catch them. You don\'t have to worry about anything else... Don\'t worry, my deadline is coming, I will fulfill my promise later, and the next emperor will continue to contract.

Besides, didn\'t you say that you are very good at pursuing breath and blood characteristics? Help me find someone in the Imperial City... "


The Emperor didn\'t return to the palace until the evening. Then he couldn\'t wait to soak in the warm soup of Fu\'an palace again, and his face eased slightly.

Yang Xiusheng has been following. It\'s not the first time he has seen the terrible and strange things under the ancestral temple. I still remember the first time Yang Jian\'s father, that is, after the first emperor granted the golden seal to Fenghong villa, led him in and saw the scene. At that time, Yang Xiusheng realized that being the emperor of the old Jing Dynasty was really not a good job, even the worst job in the world.

At that time, Yang Xiusheng had "happiness" and has been happy so far. Compared with being an emperor, he is more comfortable in running Fenghong villa now.

According to the ancestral name, the eye just seen underground is called "red", a mysterious existence that is not clear about its origin but is powerful beyond imagination.

No one knows the origin of "Chi", but as far as Yang Xiusheng knows, it was discovered from a secret place after the Yang family recovered the Jing Dynasty palace. At that time, "Chi" was placed on that chair.

Then the Yang family and "Chi" reached a deal. "Chi" helps the Yang family stabilize the country, resist the peep and covet from the sect door in the world, and will frighten all sect doors when necessary, and the Yang family needs to share the fortune of the world with it.

For so many years, "red" has been fulfilling its promise. He secretly helped Jingjiu Dynasty resist countless peeps and temptations from various sects, and even surprised the super sects directly. Accordingly, the Yang family needs to share the national and imperial fortune with it. The way they use is the "cobweb" on the emperor, which is very much like a legendary curse.

Of course, how the "red" completed the so-called sharing of Qi through the "cobweb" on the emperor is not clear to Yang Xiusheng, and no one in the Yang family in previous dynasties can tell.

Even the ethereal thing of Qi Yun, even in the xuanhai realm like Yang Xiusheng, the triple is only aware at the beginning and can\'t be transparent at all.

Perhaps compared with Yang Xiusheng, who has been watching, Yang Jian, who is in the trading center, will have a deeper understanding of "red".