Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 741

As Shen Hao had expected, he could not avoid this case, and the case was no longer directly involved as he thought it was, but in the form of a covert investigation.

As for the apparent helper, he no longer contacted the Ministry of punishment this time, but replaced him with someone from the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

The Royal ancestral hall, like the ancestral hall of ordinary people, is responsible for handling the affairs of the family. Because a prince died, the Royal ancestral temple will naturally come forward to help the Ministry of punishment do some coordination. This happened in the case of Qianwang before, but Shen Hao was in the position of assistant investigation at that time, so he didn\'t contact each other.

The content of the secret order is very simple. It is Shen Hao who secretly investigates the murder case of King Lu, and allows the Royal ancestral hall to help him do some investigations in the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, he is also a channel for him to get information about first-hand cases. With the secret order, there is a thousand mile note that can contact the deacon of the Imperial Ancestral Hall.

A brief report of the case was attached to the secret order. It was recorded by the deacon of the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

The flat and direct style made Shen Hao relax. He was still worried about whether the deacon of the Imperial Ancestral Temple who assisted him in the investigation would like to add some of his own guesses to the case. Now it seems that others still know some common sense. The description of the case is simple and realistic.

Shen Hao looked at it carefully, and his eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

I have to say that the situation of the case is far from what Shen Hao thought. The only thing that is not surprising is that the death of King Lu seems to be the same as the previous death of King Qian. They all died of the sudden collapse of the soul and the sudden fall of the body.

In addition to the cause of death, which seems not surprising, almost all the other details of the case made Shen Haoru fall into the clouds and have no sense of direction.

According to the information obtained from the case of King Qian, the killer of King Qian should be a talisman from the dead city of vain, subordinate to Zhang rutie or Lin Qinghong, who is proficient in the means of "integrating skills into words", and performed the "nine skills scattered soul mantra" in the soul killing mantra.

If we deduce according to logic, the cause of death is the same and rare, and the time is also similar. The probability is that the same murderer did it, so it should be the same murder technique.

But the problem is that there is no carrier to use the means of "melting skills into words", and even the king of Lu is a person who doesn\'t like reading at all.

This completely disrupted Shen Hao\'s thinking and added countless uncertainties.

"How did he kill the king of Lu without the carrier of magic? And he killed in front of the guards of the king of Lu. Could it be that the master of xuanhai territory did it?" Shen Hao even directly hit Yang Wenguang, who was hiding in the Wuzhuang. Because to talk about the master of xuanhai realm, Yang Wenguang, the king of Jin, is uncontrolled and ill intentioned in the imperial city.

But soon Shen Hao shook his head again. It was impossible for Yang Wenguang to do it himself.

The reason why Shen Hao firmly believes that Yang Wenguang did not do it himself is based on the emperor\'s reaction. No matter the Blackwater news or the contents of this secret order, there is no trace of "Your Majesty\'s anger". It\'s like that he is just a passer-by, not the emperor\'s parent-child.

This indifference should be an attitude in Shen Hao\'s view. One: as long as I am within the "big test" rules, I will not intervene.

Why did the emperor show some emotion when Qian Wang died? Shen Hao seems to have two possibilities: the first may be the first time he lost his son and is not used to it; The second possibility is that the emperor prefers the dry king to the king of Lu.

In this way, if the emperor does not make a statement, it shows that the death of King Lu is within the rules of the "big test". In the rules of the "big test", it is very clear that monks in xuanhai territory are not allowed to intervene directly.

So Shen Hao denied the possibility of Yang Wenguang\'s direct action.

In fact, Shen Hao has always been curious about the "invigilator" of the imperial "big test". Obviously no one sees it, but it can really circle the "big test" within a rule. What is the power and how?


Fu\'an palace, warm soup.

Yang Jian took a copper bar and looked at it repeatedly in the warm soup. It took a long time to put it down. This is an intelligence analysis reported by Pang ban in the afternoon. It has no empirical support and depends on logic.

If at ordinary times, this kind of pure "speculation" without empirical evidence is despised by Yang Jian. Even he thinks that a stable person like Pang ban will not present this kind of thing to him.

But now, this analysis comes at a very opportune time. It happens to be connected with the murder of King Lu. After reading the whole article several times, it seems that the conclusion of the analysis can not be completely ruled out.

"This" black water "has some meaning!" Yang Jian put down the copper bar and took a sip of herbal tea at hand, with some emotion.

"Yes. It\'s said that Pang Ban\'s black flag camp did it alone."

"The black flag camp was originally Pang Ban\'s helpless move after he was forced to the corner by civil servants. There are black flag camps in the four major town envoys yamen all over the country, but the one that really worked was the black flag camp in fengri city. Hehe, Pang Ban\'s luck is good, otherwise he will be punished for a crime of slackness."

Yang Xiusheng also nodded and said, "it\'s really Pang Ban\'s luck. However, it\'s really rare to establish such an intelligence system with the strength of a city black flag camp. It seems that they were sent to investigate the case of King Qian last time, right?"

Yang Xiusheng still remembers the file about the murder of King Qian sent by xuanqingwei. The above conclusion is very different from that of the Ministry of punishment, and there is evidence as the basis. It is more convincing than the summary of the Ministry of punishment, which only has a witness but finally did not catch the murderer. The most important thing is that the logic is very smooth, and it is not like the Ministry of punishment to treat King Lu as a fool.

And that file is from the black flag camp in fengri city.

Yang Jian said: "Yes, it seems that Shen Hao is the chief official. He has a lot of ideas and has won the support of Pang ban and Jiang Cheng. He made a pilot before. Now Jingxi black flag camp has been integrated into one. Shen Hao has been an official of five grades and thousands of households since he was young. He made Heishui, and he is investigating the case of King Qian. This time, he will be responsible for the death of King Lu don \'t worry.

Tut, I don\'t know. I just know that those people in the Ministry of punishment are really rubbish. "

Even if he had another son died, Yang Jian didn\'t have any more sorrow on his face or in his heart this time. The part of his heart as a father had been hidden by him when King Qian died last time. Now Yang Jian is just a pure emperor. He doesn\'t care which son died. He cares about which son can escape from the complex situation of crisis Stand out and become a winner.

It is for this reason that Yang Jian received the news about the spirit king in danger, but he didn\'t reach out, because he thought it was also part of the "big test".