Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 740

On the eighth day of July, in the early morning, at Mao.

Imperial City, Prince Lu\'s residence.

It has entered summer. At the time of Mao, the horizon has turned white, and the temperature has begun to rise rapidly.

Prince Lu\'s residence is brightly lit. In addition to the royal guards in and out of the whole residence, there are a large number of Yamen servants of the Ministry of punishment who are busy with frost on their faces. You can even see that the royal guards who don\'t look at people in the eyes on weekdays are also honestly questioned by yamen servants.

The master of Prince Lu\'s residence died and died in his own back garden, which was a bolt from the blue for Prince Lu\'s residence. There are those who cry, those who are scared to pee, those who rub wood, and those who can\'t believe it. For the people in the palace, the sky has collapsed.

In fact, it has been cloudy in Prince Lu\'s residence for a long time. When King Qian was killed, the king of Lu was suspected to be a murderer. Not only was the emperor asked to shut his door and think about it, but also the forces of his supporters were scattered. Even the servants in the house did not dare to breathe. They knew that the LORD was on the verge of anger.

The bodyguard who served King Lu on weekdays said: "the Lord is in a bad mood recently. He likes drinking. He always drinks alone, sometimes in the study and sometimes in the pavilion in the back garden.

Last night, the moonlight was good and there was some cool wind. The king of Lu asked someone to prepare wine in the pavilion and sit alone. I stood ten feet away from the Lord in the pavilion. I didn\'t find any abnormality until the Lord\'s breath suddenly collapsed... "

The personal internal guard of the king of Lu achieved the eight levels of Yuan Dan territory, which was almost the highest within the scope allowed by the "big test". In addition, the king of Lu had bad luck recently, involving safety issues, so he always kept up with the king of Lu and never relaxed his vigilance. Even there was not only one internal guard around King Lu, but a full eight, all of whom were experts in the back of the yuan Dan realm.

But it was in this tight defense that Lu Wang died, even under the eyes of many internal defenders.

"Before you came, I was the only one who approached the body of King Lu and the pavilion. I checked all the breath around King Lu at that time, and I didn\'t find anything suspicious..."

King Lu\'s personal internal guard\'s face is as gray as death. At the same time, he is angry and full of killing intention. He knows that he is finished this time. Even if he doesn\'t die, he has lost his position in the imperial internal guard. I\'m afraid he will go to Zu di to be a guard this time. Thinking about the dark days in the future, my heart and liver are sore with anger.

Xue GUI, the head of the major case department, is responsible for recording the confession.

The mask on Xue GUI\'s face often gives him the impression of coldness. In fact, Xue GUI\'s heart is not calm at this time. He knew very well that the death of one prince after another, even in the "big test", it was not a good thing to take such a case in any way.

But Xue GUI is only a five grade official. How can he shirk the order personally given to him by Ma xuanlin, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment? Moreover, Ma xuanlin showed him many times before and after. Ten days ago, he had been asked to temporarily take the job of the right waiter of the Ministry of punishment. Now he naturally can\'t shirk it.

But Xue GUI\'s heart is also very empty. He was worried that the prince who finally ascended the throne did not read the "good" of the Ministry of punishment, and it would be miserable at that time.

My mind is uncertain. I don\'t have much clue when I face the case. But the clues collected so far have made Xue GUI feel familiar.

With the completion of the confession, Xu\'s conclusion came to Xue GUI\'s hand.

As like as two peas, no trauma, no signs of poisoning, and unknown cause of death... Is this exactly the same as that of the former king Qian? Even the expression on the body\'s face was not painful at all, but a sad face. It seemed that King Lu was still worried about something before he died, and he died on the spot in the next instant.

Xue GUI nodded and waved to let the imperial guards whose fate was unknown wait, but he had no power to deal with these guards. He had no power to use torture or imprisonment, and only limited power to let the other party cooperate with him in investigating the case. However, the imperial clan ancestral hall sent people to cooperate. Xue GUI doesn\'t have to worry about what moths will happen to the internal guards up and down the prince Lu\'s residence.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the internal guards may lie. Although the internal guards of the royal family are equal to the dead of the royal family, there are no absolute things in the world, and some things are hard to say. It\'s just that it\'s not his turn to check whether the other party is lying. The people in the Imperial Ancestral Hall are already doing it. But Xue GUI also knows that this possibility is very low.

The autopsy of King Lu is almost the same as that of King Qian. But there are still great differences in the places where the corpses are displayed. One is in a dungeon, and there is no one on his side when he dies; One was in his own back garden and was watched by his own guard when he died.

Zhuo is unable to judge the cause of death, but Xue GUI has come to the conclusion in his heart that the soul of King Lu collapsed and died in an instant.

According to his previous experience in the Qianwang case, Xue GUI mainly searched for scripts, books, and even all the things with words at the scene of his investigation, but he gained little. He was even told by the people in the king\'s house that the king of Lu never liked reading and would not touch books except some necessary documents. In the pavilion where the corpse of King Lu was presented, there was nothing else, not to mention half a piece of paper, except the tableware, dishes and chopsticks and wine utensils on the stone table.

How was the soul of King Lu broken by people?

The idea made Xue GUI\'s mind a mess. As like as two peas of death, Wang and Wang were divided into different ways, but they could not find the original script on the edge of the king\'s corpse. Even Lu Wang had no habit of reading.

Isn\'t it the slow foreshadowing of killing the dry king? The last blow must be killed? This time it was a direct spell to crush the soul of King Lu without telling eight monks in the back of Yuandan territory to guard it?

Finally, Xue GUI can only keep these questions in mind, and strengthen the search of Prince Lu\'s residence, hoping to find some details that can support some useful deduction.

But when it was daybreak, there was no clue for Xue GUI to shine at the middle of the sun.

This... Even though he is against the case in his heart, Xue GUI is also annoyed that he can\'t do anything again, because he knows that this case can\'t be delayed or delayed compared with the previous case of Qianwang.

Just after noon, Ma xuanlin came and ordered Xue GUI to go back and make a report on the case and hand it in in writing. Xue GUI had no choice but to do so. At the same time, he ordered to start questioning all the servants in King Lu\'s house. If necessary, he could be tortured to extort a confession.

At the same time, a flat and direct briefing was passed out from the people of the Imperial Ancestral Temple who came to coordinate the investigation of the Ministry of punishment, and went to the palace. Before long, Pang ban, the commander of xuanqingwei, was recruited by the emperor.

In the evening of that day, a secret order was issued to the chief yamen of the black flag camp in fengri city. The top secret copper bar was signed by Shen Hao face to face, and then a matched thousand mile note was handed over to him at the same time.