Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 739

Although busy, Shen Hao did not relax his attention to the situation in the imperial city because of what was in front of him.

After entering the Royal "big test", the number of spies arranged by Heishui in the imperial city is more than ten times that before. So whenever there is any trouble in the Imperial City, he can know it at the first time.

The secret report from the imperial city on the table was just sent by Wang Jian. At this time, the sky is not bright and the window is dark. It should be about Yin hour.

Unless this period is extremely important, Wang Jian will not disturb him overnight.

The fourth prince, Yang Shang, king of Lu, is dead. Just two hours ago, that is, the eighth day of July, Zishi. Died in the back garden of King Lu\'s house.

For King Lu, all Shen Hao\'s understanding remained on paper. He didn\'t even meet King Lu.

The last time I came into contact with this name was at the late stage of the investigation of the last murder of King Qian. The clues that were deliberately confused finally pointed to King Lu. The king of Lu was directly ordered by the emperor to "think behind closed doors" because of this blame, and he lost at least 60% of his dependent power. It can be said that he lost miserably. Basically, it announced that it bid farewell to the final competition for the Royal "big test".

The king of Lu may also be unconvinced and struggle, but according to Shen Hao\'s speculation, the more unconvinced the king of Lu wants to gamble last, it is likely to lead to death. This time, it may no longer be the secret force of "suspected Yang Wenguang". It is more likely to be the prince with red eyes.

Of course, nothing is absolute, and Shen Hao will not easily conclude the death of King Lu.

"Who is in charge of the investigation? Did the governor know the news?"

Wang Jian was also quarreled from the quilt. After reading the news, he didn\'t dare to delay and sent it to Shen Hao. At this time, his clothes were a little scattered and he stood in Shen Hao\'s study with his hands tied.

"If you return, the news has been passed to the governor\'s Yamen. Because the incident happened in the Imperial City, the spies over there reported it directly after asking for instructions. At this time, Lord Jiang should have known it.

In addition, because the time is still short, it is not clear who is responsible for the specific investigation, but the people at the scene are from the Ministry of punishment and the people from the major case department. "

Sure enough, it\'s still from the criminal department.

Big case Division... Shen Hao\'s mouth rose slightly. He mourned for the people of the big case division for a moment. If he spread this kind of thing, it would be difficult to have a good end in the future.

In addition, Shen Hao thinks that he may still be unable to avoid the case this time. Maybe the top will come down again tomorrow and order him. However, he believes that there will be changes in the way, and it is unlikely that he will intervene again in the same way as the previous one.

"Has the king of Jin made any moves these days?" anyway, Shen Hao\'s first reaction was to stare at the king of Jin Yang Wenguang first. As long as it wasn\'t the pick, everything was OK.

Wang Jian shook his head when he heard the speech and said, "Sir, the king of Jin hasn\'t appeared in the imperial city for more than half a month, and he hasn\'t found a trace in several places he\'s been to before. It seems that the tie Ji who was close to him has encountered some trouble."

"Huh? Tie Ji? The zither player?"

"Yes, sir. This is also the new news that Heishui received two days ago. It is still sorting and deducing, so I haven\'t given it to you for the time being."

Shen Hao put down the note in his hand, leaned back in his chair and said, "tell me, what\'s the trouble?"

"The spirit king ordered to withdraw all the running money from the Hongding piano house, and forcibly settled all the profits in the past five years, and completely withdrew from the Hongding piano house. The Hongding piano house is where tie Ji lived and taught her disciples. Before, the spirit king raised money to help tie Ji Xiu settle down.

Now, as soon as the spirit king leaves, the huge piano house needs a very high rental fee. It is said that this piece alone can transfer more than half of tie Ji\'s usual income.

There was no splash in the imperial city. People who heard of it just thought that the king of spirit was collecting money, but Heishui thought it was probably some kind of message released by the king of spirit to the moon shadow building, or beating?

My subordinates think this matter is too close to the time when King Lu was killed. Do you think there will be any connection? "

The last sentence reveals the main purpose of Wang Jian.

The two things that seem to be out of touch with each other are now picked out by Wang Jian. This is not a random connection, but the conclusion drawn by Blackwater four through the information analysis of the document library. But this conclusion has no empirical support, so Wang Jian\'s words dare not say die.

Shen Hao was silent for a while and understood the smell. He smiled and said, "the four under your hand are becoming more and more capable. If you don\'t think about it, you really may have some words in it."

Hearing Shen haozan\'s approval, Wang Jian nodded quickly and became a little bolder. He said: "the analysis of the four parts is that the king of Jin realized the possibility of exposure because of the beating of the king of spirit against tie Ji and the behavior of the king of spirit alienating the five disciples of the king of Jin, which you mentioned before, so it\'s better to start first..."

"You want the spirit king of Yin, right?"

"Yes, sir. Because if every time it\'s like killing the dry king, it\'s easy. There\'s no silver 300 Liang here. The safest thing is to push the spirit king out and let the spirit king block the sword and provoke a siege."

Some words Wang Jian didn\'t talk nonsense even in private in front of Shen Hao, so he only said half of them.

Shen Hao understood what Wang Jian didn\'t say. Push King Ling out to block the sword and provoke a siege. Finally, King Ling either died under the siege of his brothers or was killed by King Jin\'s backhand in troubled waters.

After pondering for a while, Shen Haocai said, "reorganize these ideas and report them to the Zhenfu envoy Yamen in the name of Blackwater. According to what we deduced just now, there should be no omission in all links. They should be sent up before noon, okay?"

"My subordinates obey! But my Lord, these deduction have no empirical support. Is it appropriate to report to Lord Jiang?" Wang Jian has an instinctive awe for Jiang Cheng, which is far more empty than facing Shen Hao, because he doesn\'t understand at all.

Previously, when Shen Hao was in the South with the army, Wang Jian verified all the news of Blackwater three times and reported it only after he was sure of it. Or he would go around and transfer Shen Hao with a thousand mile note first, and then report it.

Shen Hao waved his hand: "if you don\'t need it, you can directly call the roll. This is a deduction of the situation by Blackwater. Remember, Blackwater is not only information collection, but also information analysis, and the purpose of analysis is not to ask you to make decisions about everything, but to provide one or several ideas to those who make decisions."

Wang Jian nodded quickly when he heard the speech. My heart trembled and suddenly realized that I had gone to extremes before. Indeed, no matter how strong Blackwater becomes, it is not a decision-maker. Just provide ideas. Why pursue absolute hard evidence?

"Thank you for your instruction. My subordinates understand."