Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 696

If it\'s a preliminary study of the crime scene, sitting down like Shen Hao has destroyed the scene pattern, but now it\'s just a comeback. Shen Hao\'s move will not have any impact on the current case. Xue GUI is silent except Li Qing\'s lips.

Even Li Qing, who is the most popular person, will not still think that Shen Hao is a fool in vain after a loss. Sinister and vicious is her pertinent evaluation of Shen Hao. Therefore, Shen Hao\'s current behavior is directly understood as the behavior of "starting to sort out the scene".

Many experts in solving cases have the habit of substituting themselves into the environment of the dead and then inferring according to the things on the scene. For example, Xue GUI sometimes does.

Shen Hao\'s behavior is indeed as judged by Xue GUI and Li Qing. Now he wants to experience the feeling of a dry king in this prison room.

Ignoring the words of Xue GUI and Li Qing at the door, Shen Hao sat on the bed and looked around. The prison room made him feel small and depressed. On the contrary, after lighting candles inside, it was very bright, even no worse than the light in his public house. It\'s hard to associate this with a cell. Xuanqingwei\'s cell is the difference between heaven and abyss.

There was some food spilled on the table on the left. It should have been spilled by dry king when he was eating on the table. And there is a small wine pot and a book on the table.

"It\'s a comfortable little day. You can eat, drink and read books to pass the time. I\'m afraid many people can be leisure after sitting in prison for a year or two?" Shen Hao thought. At the same time, he picked up the wine pot on the table with the bottle stopper open. The smell of wine has dissipated a lot, but it can also smell some kind of fruit wine.

Seeing Shen Hao looking over, Xue GUI said directly, "this wine is the signature Baiguo wine of Wang\'s wine shop in Xicheng District of the imperial city. It\'s checked that it\'s non-toxic and sent in by the people of King Qian\'s residence. It\'s said that King Qian likes to drink this wine in his spare time to quench his thirst."

Shen Hao nodded. Indeed, generally speaking, the degree of fruit wine is relatively low. If you don\'t go to the steamer, it\'s usually more than ten degrees to the sky. There\'s absolutely no problem when you drink a drink. It is conceivable that Qian Wang should be sitting in bed reading and drinking, and then suddenly fell to the ground and died.

There were autopsy results of the body in the previous file. Shen Hao looked at it and said that no poison was found in the esophagus or gastrointestinal tract.

In this way, it is less likely to die by eating and drinking.

Frowning, because so far Shen Hao has not found anything useful. Even if he has pulled out every detail he can notice and checked it carefully, it is still so.

Pick up the book on the desk. Looked at the name on the cover: Baijiang evil beast.

Oh, the name has some flavor. It reminds Shen Hao of the naming style of some novels in another world. After opening it, I scanned a few pages. Not to mention, it is really an adventure thriller novel. There are not only monks but also fierce beasts who can practice. And just looking at the beginning is quite eye-catching. The author has some skills!

Because the story is really wonderful, Shen Hao turned more than ten pages without paying attention. His reading speed is very fast. At the same time, he also understands that no wonder a prince can read the script. This story is really wonderful. But a sudden agitation in his chest awakened Shen Hao from reading.

What happened?

Generally speaking, the black animal tattoo on the chest will only react suddenly in two cases. One is that Shen Hao has some "food" in front of him that can make the black animal tattoo greedy. It will come out to remind Shen Hao to eat quickly. The other is to pick out a warning when encountering some danger that Shen Hao is not aware of.

Do you have any food? Shen Hao directly denied this possibility. Xue GUI and Li Qing are nearby. Big living people are never within the eating range of black animal tattoos and are directly excluded. So that\'s the second possibility left?

There\'s a sudden danger?!

But this is the prison of the Ministry of punishment. It is heavily guarded. Where is the danger? Moreover, with Shen Hao\'s current cultivation in Yuan Dan realm, he didn\'t feel any sign of crisis. Where did the danger come from?

Or is the black beast tattoo wrong?

What\'s wrong with the black beast tattoo? Anyway, so far, Shen Hao has never found any fault with the black beast tattoo. In terms of perception, the black beast tattoo is definitely Shen Hao\'s killer mace.

So what went wrong? Where does the danger come from?

Having been warned, Shen Hao quickly put down his book and guarded his surroundings. This move immediately attracted the curiosity of Xue GUI and Li Qing. What\'s the matter with Shen? Are you pretending to be surprised?

"Lord Shen, what are you doing?"

Shen Hao ignored Xue GUI\'s inquiry and sat back in bed, because the stimulating reaction in his chest disappeared at the moment he stood up.

Is it dangerous to go away, or is there really something wrong with the black beast tattoo?

He was confused. After sitting down again, he motioned to Xue GUI that there was nothing wrong, and then continued to pick up the book of Baijiang evil beast on the table. When he turned to the previous page, suddenly the feeling of black animal tattoo on his chest appeared again.

This is!? What\'s wrong with this book?!

After repeatedly picking up and putting down, he came to a conclusion: there is a problem with this book.

To be exact, there is a problem with a page in this book. If you don\'t look at and read that page, this book can\'t make the black animal tattoo on Shen Hao\'s chest react. In other words, only when you turn to a specific page will there be a threat. Although Shen Hao does not know what the threat is.

"Lord Xue, when will the things in this prison room be cleaned up?"

"Clean up? At least we won\'t clean up again until there is a statement about the case. What? Did Lord Shen find anything?" Xue GUI was surprised to see Shen Hao turning over the book on the table again and again just now. He also turned over the book. Didn\'t he think there was any problem? Shen Hao didn\'t really find any clues when he came, did he?

Li Qing, who stood at the door and looked in, sneered in her heart. She didn\'t believe what Shen could find. So many experts and Lord Xue didn\'t have a clue before. Although Shen is cunning, can he solve the case better than so many experts?

"That\'s good. Because the case is overturned and started again, I think it\'s better not to move these sites first. Moreover, the relevant personnel had better not have any damage. What does Lord Xue think?"


The so-called personnel loss is actually worried that the punishment will be too death. Xue GUI responded to this. The Ministry of punishment is not xuanqingwei. Even if it is used, it will not be so easy to kill people.

Shen Hao put down the book and left the prison room. Instead of leaving the prison of the Ministry of punishment, he went to the vacant classroom, and then asked the people involved one by one. Now his heart has a vague direction of investigation because of the unexpected discovery just now.