Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 697

Shen Hao inquired about the prison guards and wardens of the prison of the Ministry of punishment one by one in the class room. There are eight in total. They have been watching since Qian Wang came in, but there are shifts.

To tell the truth, these people are in a much better state than Shen Hao thought. At first, he thought that after such a long period of detention, these people would lose a layer of skin even if they didn\'t die, but now these people don\'t have many scars except for some depression. No wonder Xue GUI didn\'t blink when talking about personnel damage before.

It seems that the Ministry of punishment has softened its heart towards these prisoners.

Shen Hao didn\'t come up, so he was tortured. This is the criminal department. Many things still have to abide by the rules of others. Xue GUI should think that these people are still colleagues of the Ministry of punishment, and they are really only implicated, so they don\'t use any fierce means. But the relative drugs should not be used less, otherwise the spirit of these people will not be so poor.

After a round of questioning, the answer is basically the same as that obtained on the file. These people have answered many questions more than ten times. I was flustered, but I didn\'t dare not answer.

Li Qing continued to hum coldly in her heart. She thought that Shen could have any clever tricks. Now it seems that she can have any means to break the game.

Compared with Li Qing\'s disapproval, Xue GUI was obviously calm. He sat on the side without saying a word and saw Shen Haoshi\'s actions. He knew that even if Shen Hao had any new ideas, he couldn\'t see them for a while.

When Xue GUI thought he had finished all the questions, Shen Hao didn\'t end the inquiry and continued to ask some more and more strange questions.

"When does King Qian usually get up and go to sleep in the prison room?"

"When does Qian Wang eat every meal?"

"Is the quilt folded by the dry king every time you get up? Or is it scattered on the bed?"

"Generally speaking, how long can a pot of dried fruit wine King drink?"

These questions have never been asked before. Several people kneeling on the ground have also come to some spirit, because they no longer need repeated answers, but need their other memories, so they have a little more look in their eyes.

Li Qing, who was on the edge, had a little sneer on her face, but didn\'t laugh. In her opinion, Shen was pretending. Why do you ask these unimportant shit?

Xue GUI took a deep look at Shen Hao and continued to sit quietly beside him without saying a word.

Shen Hao\'s face remained unchanged. After these people answered his questions, he nodded and asked the people of the Ministry of punishment to take these guys back to the prison room for custody.

"What\'s the matter, Lord Shen? It seems that there is some harvest?"

Shen Hao nodded and said with a smile, "there are some. But I\'m not sure yet. I need to ask the person in charge of King Qian\'s daily life in King Qian\'s residence."

Xue GUI didn\'t have the patience to wait for Shen Hao to slowly touch it clearly before reporting the situation to him, so Shen Sheng said, "Lord Shen, I just said that this matter is mainly the major case Department of the Ministry of justice, supplemented by Xuanqing Wei. What? What do you have to hide and hide if you find anything?"

Shen Hao didn\'t really mean it. On the contrary, the reason why he didn\'t say it was because there was less evidence. But now Xue GUI has said this, and he can\'t be silent anymore.

"Has Lord Xue read that book carefully?"

"Yes, it\'s a wonderful story about a fierce beast on the Baijiang river. But I didn\'t find any problems. What? Does Lord Shen think there\'s something wrong?"

"Well, I think something\'s wrong. When I heard Shen Hao\'s words in that book, Xue GUI naturally looked through them word by word, but still didn\'t find any clue.

Is Shen lying?

He shook his head and didn\'t believe that Shen Hao dared to perfunctory this kind of thing, so he began to look again. When Xue GUI saw it for the fifth time, his eyes suddenly felt different when he scanned a word on this page.

That\'s a word "Curse".

The original words in the book are: Why are you so broken? Chattering is as annoying as chanting spells.

There seemed to be nothing different. Xue GUI had read it several times before, but this time the word "Curse" was like a burr, which made his heart inexplicable. Immediately, there was a kind of soul stabbing pain.

Very slight, very slight, even if Xue GUI had not been highly concentrated and Shen Hao had reminded him in advance, he could not have found this little "tingling". Moreover, it is difficult to feel carefully after discovering it. It is easy to ignore this inexplicable feeling if you feel it a little and do not concentrate fully.

How to describe it? It\'s like catching a loach in the water.

It\'s just a story book. Generally speaking, it\'s easy to turn over a few pages. If you turn it over carefully like Xue GUI, you\'re serious about the evidence at the crime scene. It\'s impossible to look at it five or six times like just now.

"No wonder I haven\'t noticed before. This is the real darkness under the light!"

On second reading, Xue GUI wondered how Shen Hao could easily notice that there was something wrong with this book? Even if Shen Hao\'s cultivation was higher than before, could it be higher than that of the Xuanqing Guard commander before? Why did Shen Hao find it when others didn\'t find it?

No, Shen Hao didn\'t find it at once. It seems that Shen also tried several times?

Recalling Shen Hao\'s strange behavior in the prison room, it seems that everything can be explained at this time. In addition, the word "mantra" can make the soul feel tingling. Does it mean that their previous judgment on the cause of King Qian\'s death is correct? The dry king died of some kind of soul means?

It\'s really another village with a bright future. Unexpectedly, Shen can really find the thread!

"Go to the Yamen document library!" Xue GUI put down his book and said to Li Qing that he was leaving the prison. Before leaving, he also ordered the guards to improve the defense of the special prison area. No one is allowed to come in unless there is a warrant.