Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 695

"What do you mean?" Xue GUI picked up his mood. He knew that Shen haogang\'s words had fallen on the case. It\'s not time for other intrigues. It\'s still important to focus on the case.

"My meaning is actually the same as that of Lord Xue. All the investigations before this case should have gone the wrong way, so there is no clue to find."

Xue GUI did not deny Shen Hao\'s statement, and even he agreed with it. To put it bluntly, this is actually the conclusion reached by him and several case solving experts of xuanqingwei. But now the question is, even if you know you\'re going the wrong way, where is the right way?

"What do you think?"

Shen Hao shook his head and said, "I don\'t have any ideas. If you just rely on the so-called ideas, I don\'t think it\'s realistic. You must have tried many ways and angles before, and you didn\'t succeed. That means there\'s really no shortcut to this case. So I think it\'s better to push it all over again."

"All over again?"

"Yes. Otherwise, it\'s easy to be biased by habitual thinking. In addition, I want to start right away. I don\'t know if there is any problem with Lord Xue?"

People died in the prison of the Ministry of justice. The Ministry of justice is responsible for autopsy, investigation and so on. So no matter what Shen Hao plans, he can\'t get around the criminal department.

Xue GUI thought a little and nodded. "Yes. Where does Lord Shen want to start first?"

"Go to the prison first, or you won\'t count. Then go to see the jailers."

"Well, let\'s go now. I hope Lord Shen can find something."

With that, they got up and went out of Xue GUI\'s public house. They went out and turned left to the direction of the prison of the Ministry of punishment. Xue GUI also called his adjutant Li Qing to go to the prison to go through the formalities first.

Compared with Xue GUI wearing a mask, she can\'t see whether her expression is good or bad. Li Qing is very unfriendly when she looks at Shen Hao\'s face. It\'s not too much to say that she hates Shen Hao. From beginning to end, she doesn\'t even look at Shen Hao more, for fear that her eyes are dirty.

Shen Hao pretended not to see Li Qing\'s resistance. He was small-minded, but he didn\'t lose his sense of propriety. He was just an insignificant woman. He had plenty of opportunities to clean up slowly, but he knew he was powerful when he fell into his hands later.

"Please, Lord Shen."

In front of him is a huge building behind the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment, with strict security in all directions. From the outside, it seems that there are many checkpoints, and the fluctuation of the array is obvious. The defense system here is never worse than the dungeon of Xuanqing Wei Qianhu, and may even be more rigorous.

To be honest, even Shen Hao will feel a trace of oppression when walking into such a place. Because this is not xuanqingwei\'s territory.

Without hesitation, he followed Xue GUI through several checkpoints before entering the prison. During this period, Shen Hao saw Li Qing walking in front and took out three warrants. There are ma xuanlin, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment, Xue GUI, and one is actually the commander of xuanqingwei Yamen. It seems that his visit has actually been communicated by all parties.

Although no one introduced Shen Hao to the environment, as soon as Shen Hao came in, he obviously felt that there was a breath locked on him and made no secret of it. However, Shen Hao has made great progress in cultivation. He doesn\'t feel any great threat because of these breath locks. Just quickly make some judgment on the various arrangements here.

At least on the surface, the prison of the Ministry of punishment is indeed strict from the inside to the outside. Whether it is the design of walkways or machines, or the gap between prison area and defense area, it is set up reasonably, which is no worse than the most rigorous cell in a thousand households.

Generally speaking, according to this alert and array density, it is almost impossible to break in from the outside. Not even the monks in xuanhai. Therefore, Shen Hao still prefers people inside the prison to commit crimes.

There are three branches in the middle defense area. One is to the ordinary prison area, one is to the prison, and the other is to the special prison area under the prison.

"Wait a minute. Lord Xue, is there a complete separation between the prison and the special prison area, or is there another access inside?" Shen Hao suddenly stopped and asked a question before entering the fork road.

Xue GUI replied, "it\'s completely separated. Because the prison is full of felons, and the special prison area is generally held by royal families, it\'s completely separated to avoid unnecessary nuisance. There are not only walls in the middle, but also defense array shielding. Therefore, Lord Shen doesn\'t have to doubt that it\'s the hands and feet of the people in the prison."

When Xue GUI saw his thoughts, Shen Hao was not surprised, but he insisted: "I want to go around in the prison. Would you mind if Lord Xue gave me some guidance?"

"Yes." Xue GUI didn\'t refuse. This was agreed before. The case will be overturned and started again, so it\'s understandable that Shen Hao wants to eliminate all possibilities first.

Xue GUI followed Xue GUI into the prison area of the prison, which said he was a felon, but compared with the prisoners held by xuanqingwei, he was actually very "docile". Even Shen Hao saw several ordinary people who didn\'t practice here. He was relieved that the "felons" who wanted to come here were all "felons" in the law, which was different from the situation of xuanqingwei.

According to Xue GUI\'s guidance, Shen Hao carefully turned around the prison and focused on the area separated from the special prison area.

No problem. At least Shen Hao has not found any problems at present, which is in line with the results mentioned by Xue GUI before.

After seeing the prison, Shen Haocai and Xue GUI went into the special prison area together.

"Before, only king Qian and King Jing were detained here. Now that King Qian was killed, King Jing\'s safety is in jeopardy, so your majesty ordered King Jing to leave the prison and think behind closed doors."

"What about the things inside? Haven\'t they moved?"

"No. everything is the same as at the time of the crime. It\'s just that some of the furnishings in King Qian\'s cell were confused due to the negligence of the prison guards, but others are OK." Xue GUI has lost his previous anger and now quickly entered the role. He\'s already familiar with everything here. Let\'s see how Shen investigates the case.

As before, Shen Hao turned every place in the special prison area around, and finally entered the prison where Qian Wang was held.

Messy bedding, simple furnishings, but no blood, no signs of fighting, and no other peculiar smell in the air. Yes, there is not even the usual musty smell in the cell in the special prison area.

"This is the location of the body. The jailer who was rushed in later moved to the bed for treatment, so the bed was so messy."

"Oh? That\'s why the beds are messy?"


Shen Hao nodded, then carefully observed the two positions where Xue GUI said the body moved, and finally sat on the bed.