Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 694

Five days is not a long time. If it is changed into hours, it will be 60 hours, so there is no time for Shen Hao to squander.

When Shen Hao came out of the commander\'s Yamen, he had a simple communication with Jiang Cheng in the carriage. When he got off, he had reached the gate of the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment.

"Your personal guard will stay in the imperial city and continue to follow you. Your residence is arranged in the residence of Zhenfu envoy yamen, which is where you used to live. If you have any questions, you can directly find me. In addition, be sure to hurry!"

"Don\'t worry, my Lord, my subordinates will do their best!" Shen Hao sent Jiang Cheng away, then took a look at the two huge stone beasts at the door of the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment, took a deep breath, and walked in towards the bodyguard Liangming\'s identity at the door.

Although it has been a few years, Shen Hao still can\'t help laughing when he sees Xue GUI again. At the beginning, he united with the fifth Prince Yang Lin to calculate the head of the big case department. It\'s not too much to say it\'s a tie.

"Lord Shen, I haven\'t seen you for a long time, and my cultivation has become more and more refined!" Xue GUI emptied his eyes. Seeing Shen Hao\'s mana fluctuation this time is completely different from the last time. This is entering the realm of Yuan Dan?! So fast?!

"Lord Xue is polite, so he\'s a little in advance. But Shen didn\'t expect to cooperate with Lord Xue to investigate the case so soon. Last time, I was forced to do it. Some people on the peak dared not disobey me, so I offended Lord Xue. This time, Xuanqing guards will definitely uphold their duty of assistance and will never make it difficult for Lord Xue to do it again."

Xue GUI trembled a few times. To tell the truth, with his self-restraint, he couldn\'t help being angry when he saw this surname Shen.

How did you mean to mention last time? Fortunately, I want to shirk the responsibility to the high level of Xuanqing Wei? Who are these people!

Besides, you know it\'s help this time? You have the ability to take away the hosting right like last time! You won!

Xue GUI has pondered over the taste in so many days, and knows that this time when the emperor pulled Xuanqing Wei into the case, the search and punishment Department has been roasted on the fire.

Just as Jiang Cheng said to Shen Hao before, Xue GUI also understood the twists and turns, but what can he do? If you can\'t find out, you\'ll be held accountable and you may have to go to jail. If it is found out, it is the Ministry of punishment. At that time, it will leave a reputation of "hands stained with royal blood", and the end will be worrying.

This time, Xue GUI wanted this Shen to do another trick to win the hosting right. He definitely pushed the boat with the water, but now it seems that this Shen is not a fool.

"Five days, the time limit given to me by commander Pang is five days. I have to push this case forward and come up with an explanation. So please give me more advice." Shen Hao\'s attitude when asking others to carry the pot is absolutely low.

On the one hand, Shen Hao\'s current position of "assistance" really needs to be dominated by Xue GUI, so the necessary "request for instructions" can not be saved.

I don\'t know why Xue GUI hates his teeth when he sees Shen Hao. Fortunately, with a mask on his face, his expression doesn\'t show, otherwise he will really lose his temper.

"Five days? I talked a lot with a commander of xuanqingwei and thousands of families and Deputy thousands of families before, but the case is like a stone and there is no gap at all. Unexpectedly, as soon as Lord Shen comes back, the huge people are confident of making significant progress in five days? It seems that Lord Shen has a very important position in Lord Pang\'s eyes!"

Hearing this sour, Shen Hao wanted to laugh again. However, he was still tense and explained: "Lord Xue misunderstood. Shen is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor this time. The huge people called me back to take a chance when I was lucky. Five days may not be enough to solve the case, but it\'s almost the same if we take a chance. If we still can\'t, we xuanqingwei will do our best."

Shen Hao said that he was single, as if xuanqingwei was really making the last fight. If it still doesn\'t work, it means to quit directly.

"You!" Xue GUI fiercely stood up from his chair. He heard the threat smell in Shen Hao\'s words, but the fire could not come out. Even the Minister of justice is in a state of uncertainty. He has to do everything he can to push the case. At present, Xuan Qingwei is the only one Xue GUI can rely on. Therefore, although he is extremely upset, he still has to bear what he should bear.

After a long silence, Xue Guicai calmed his mind, took out a file, pushed it to Shen Hao and said, "I don\'t know if you\'ve seen it. While you look at it, listen to me. Some things may not be clearly expressed in the file."

Although Shen Hao had just seen the file, he still took it over and opened it. He was not sure whether the file Pang ban gave him was the same as that of the Ministry of punishment. Would there be any omission.

Seeing that Shen Hao began to read, Xue GUI said: "the situation is very strange. From the body and the scene, let alone find the clue of the murderer. So far, we have not been able to determine the cause of King Qian\'s death. But the unified opinion is that King Qian should have died of some kind of sinister hand aimed at the soul.

But what means has it been so far? How has it been used to kill the dry king? I don\'t know anything about it... "

The basic situation is not different from that recorded in the file, but there are many details that Shen Hao didn\'t know before. It mainly lies in the behavior of Qian Wang Yang Ye and all the people he came into contact with during his life after he was put in prison.

"What about the personnel? Have all the people contacted before Qian Wang died been examined? What was the result?"

"Everyone must have been tried and tried more than once. The punishment and drugs were used, but all the people who had contact with King Qian in the prison had no problem. At least they didn\'t have the motivation and ability to kill King Qian. Moreover, we also checked the identity background of these people in detail, and there was nothing strange.

You also know that the nature of this matter is unusual, and the murderer behind it must be very important. The means are also unheard of, which makes the investigation difficult. Since you are so trusted by huge people, I hope you can bring some different ideas. "

Ideas? Shen Hao shook his head and said: "Lord Xue, as you said just now, all the people who came here are experts from Xuanqing Wei. One of them even came to the commander\'s office. In addition, Lord Xue, you are a divine catcher. It can\'t be that you can\'t find any doubts in the case, because such a thing can\'t happen with your experience and ability. The only explanation is that you have been cheated and embarked on a road where there is no answer at all.

There is no answer. No matter how powerful the master is, he can\'t make any achievements on this wrong road. "

Shen Hao had this idea on his way back from Wuhu. A large group of experts in solving cases just didn\'t make any progress. Is it possible? Of course not!