Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 676

In the Imperial City, apart from the forbidden guards in the Imperial Palace and Fenghong villa on the outskirts of the imperial dynasty, the four garrisons of the Imperial City garrison and the Yamen of the local Yamen in the city have the force.

These forces are not worth mentioning on weekdays. Not to mention the distance, the 20000 people of the forbidden guards alone can smash the four garrisons, let alone the Yamen servants in the Yamen. Is it used to fight?

But it\'s weaker, but it\'s time-sharing.

The forbidden guard\'s silence depends on the emperor\'s meaning, and the emperor is silent now. The forbidden guard is like a pool of stagnant water, which is not disturbed by the outside world. Of course, no one dares to make the idea of the forbidden guards. That\'s the real way to die and no brain.

In addition to the kaiban guards, the nearest armed forces in the imperial city are only four garrisons and yamen soldiers in the city.

The "big test" of the past dynasties is not only full of blood, but also summarizes many experiences and lessons for the latecomers, and even some very mysterious laws.

For example, the person who finally won the "big test" was a few people who mastered the knife handle in the Imperial City in advance. These armed forces are equivalent to knife handles.

Because in the end of the "big test", extreme situations are likely to occur. At that time, if you are unarmed, you will almost die. On the contrary, you will win a huge face.

The competition began to become white hot.

First, two of the four door garrison generals directly reported to the military headquarters that they were ill and could no longer guard the imperial city for their majesty. They hoped to return home for the rest of their lives.

The Ministry of war has always been very cautious about this request for retirement, not to mention the request of the imperial city guard general. Generally, it will give a reply after repeated consideration. Before the military department replies, if you dare to leave without a crown, you are absent without permission. You can cut off your head if you ask for a crime.

But this time the army moved quickly. The two city gate guards handed in the request and got a reply within five days. Even the audit procedures were just a formality. They didn\'t check the reason of the request as carefully as usual.

The two resigning elders breathed a sigh of relief, then hurried to the military headquarters to make the handover, and then directly went out of the imperial city for half a minute, changed lanes and went back to their hometown, just like running for their lives.

Two old people, someone immediately filled the two vacancies in the sky. People seem to have been ready for a long time. There is no time to grind and adjust. There is no empty window for the four gates of the imperial city.

Then it looks good.

In three days or two, all kinds of scandals about the general of the imperial city and the head of the local yamen were exposed. Even the matter of picking up ashes at home was spread by people who didn\'t know who had noses and eyes in the streets. After a month, five positions have changed one round in a row!

Where\'s the replacement? Either go to the prison of the Ministry of punishment, or commit suicide at home. Anyway, no one can settle down. The end is miserable.

Shen Hao has been paying close attention to these news. It\'s not that he is fussy, but that the black water in his hand was learned by the wind and grass in the Imperial City ordered by Jiang Cheng.

It is also the fierce competition among the four gates of the imperial city that set off the white heat of the Royal "big test".

These news are like a "novel", full of Shen Hao\'s "leisure" life outside the battle. There are no flower houses here, no sweet and soft singers, and even dare not drink wine. A group of energetic men either compete in martial arts or boast together all day. Those bulls can really "go to heaven". Sometimes people who can hear Shen Hao\'s three views are stunned and shout fiercely.

Blackwater\'s intelligence always gives Shen Hao a new opportunity to use his mind. At the same time, he is glad that he is now in the army and is far away from the ups and downs within the country and the dynasty. No matter how the situation changes, it doesn\'t seem to affect him at present. Just hold hands and watch the play.

From the timeline of Blackwater, the Royal "big test" began when Yang Shu, the seventh prince, took the power of the money and grain austerity plan from the emperor. The transition from this time to the white hot stage of the "big test" is very short, and it is not gradual by department, but directly affected by the war situation in the south.

Therefore, the white hot node on the timeline of the discharge of Blackwater suddenly began after Jianchuan completely broke through the barbarian confrontation line.

Based on Blackwater\'s analysis, they believe that the fundamental reason for the sudden white heat of the "big test" is "time". The war process will speed up, and the process of the "big test" will also speed up, and even the two may be completed at the same time.

This does not mean that the war is over because several princes have to decide the absolute victory or defeat, but that the time limit of the "big test" will be exhausted. After that, the emperor will directly point out the winners and announce the end of the "big test". Therefore, in order to avoid the uncertain factor of the emperor, the safest way for the seven princes is to sweep out all the other competitors. At that time, they will be left alone, and the victory will not run away.

Shen Hao has an idea, or guess. Is it possible that because of the war in the south, the Ministry of war or the emperor in turn controlled the progress of the "big test"?

Because before, Shen Hao also read many historical books of the old Jing Dynasty. In fact, the Royal "big test" was called by historians many years ago and has been used by later generations.

The time of each royal "big test" recorded in the book is not short, more than five years long and two years short. Entering the white hot stage, such as competing for the "knife handle" of the Imperial City, is generally in the middle and late stage of the "big test", which is very different from this time. Even in the history of the old Jing Dynasty, it was the first time that the "big test" encountered a big war.

Recently, Shen Hao, who is in the army, also received the first-hand news, and the military affairs in the South have been adjusted again. The 30000 people who have been rotated will be deployed to Baitou gorge again, and Jianchuan is also adjusting the focus of its troops. The troops of the middle and lower military strongholds will be combined. Chen Bing will be in the lower part, and the empty place in the middle will be directly contracted in the form of a military station.

In this way, Jianchuan\'s aggressiveness will be sharply weakened and its functionality will be doubled. It became a pipe into the barbarians, and a steady stream of generals and supplies were transported to Baitou gorge.

The combined strength of these two sides has exceeded 150000. The direct pressure on the barbarians can be imagined.

This does not give the barbarians a chance to breathe. At the same time, it seems that there is less digestion time. It gives Shen Hao the feeling that he means to rob time. I don\'t know whether this is Zuo Yuliang\'s military strategy or because the emperor forced him to use the army.

Shen Hao thinks that if his guess is correct, once there is any breakthrough progress in Baitou gorge, the "big test" in the imperial city will probably cause more waves.