Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 677

After the blue moon festival, even if the short psychological comfort is over, the rest is the old saying in the Army: training and killing the enemy.

In mid March, it began to heat up here. If you move a little, you\'ll be sweating. Monks with lower accomplishments feel very hot after training, especially ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, Shen Hao had to speak again to remind Chen Zifang to equip the front-line soldiers in each army with enough light salt water.

Salt is not a street product, let alone a bargain. Even if the price of necessities is limited by the national government, it is definitely not to the extent that you can ask for as much as you like. It can be said to be a "luxury" to take it out and popularize the whole army.

During the Jianchuan war, Shen Hao mentioned to Chen Zifang that light salt water can better supplement physical strength. At that time, Chen Zifang did, and the effect was good, but at that time, life and death were at stake. The commander of the army would not care about the details. Naturally, all the methods available would be used to ensure the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. But now it is not so easy to popularize the whole army.

If the results of "cool and white" and "emergency team" were not straightforward and obvious to all, Shen Hao\'s idea of "salt water" would definitely have a good debate again, and someone would even jump out and sneer at Shen Hao. However, in the end, no one jumped out against Shen Hao and handed over the decision to Zuo Yuliang.

Of course, Zuo Yuliang agreed with Shen Hao\'s suggestion, but also made restrictions: only the front-line combat establishment can distribute salt water to soldiers in wartime, and the rest of the establishment and non wartime are only cold and white.

Shen Hao knows the difficulty of obtaining salt in this world. It all depends on the slow drying in coastal areas. Naturally, the techniques and crafts are not high, and even few places use the means of monks. It seems that he knows the importance of salt, but no friar is willing to think about how it can improve yield and efficiency.

Therefore, Shen Hao wanted to bring the technology of another world to benefit the public. As a result, he found that he was also half irrigation. What he could do was some theoretical formulas. The actual operation and popularity were very low, so he had to think about it in the long run and wait until he was free in the future.

After that, according to Chen Zifang\'s excited feedback, the soldiers on the front line did have better physical strength in wartime after distributing salt water. He also said that in the future, salt will also become war preparedness materials, and began to increase the supply to the army, which has become a note to report to the Ministry of war.

The reason for this hurry is that after entering the middle of March, the war situation is bloody again. The way to improve the soldiers\' physical strength, even if it costs more, will let Zuo Yuliang do his best to promote it.

The distribution of troops in Jianchuan and Baitou gorge was still adjusted in early March, and the war became more and more intense after mid March.

Zuo Yuliang\'s way is simple and rough. It\'s not like the cunning and ruthless style when he won Jianchuan. Instead, he chose a dignified style and directly launched an attack on the opposite enemy with an additional 30000 advantageous troops on the front of Baitou gorge.

At the same time, in the north of Baitou gorge, that is, in the direction of Jianchuan, the Department of Jianchuan from the victory also began to slowly oppress towards the boundary of Baitou gorge. Forced the barbarians to transfer some people to deal with the pressure on Jianchuan. This further stretched their forces.

Based on the feedback from the front, Shen Hao was surprised to find that the barbarians still did not reach a unified opinion on the king\'s court under such an urgent situation, and even the red pupil wolf family did not have the courage to set up the king\'s court independently of the red earth clan. Otherwise, baitouxia is in such a crisis that the bear and monkey tribes related to the red soil clan cannot help.

At least it seems that things within the barbarians are more urgent than those in the Jingjiu Dynasty, but it is difficult to reconcile.

Anyway, based on Shen Hao\'s current understanding of the military, his feeling is that Zuo Yuliang is ready to start a new round of big moves, which is most likely Baitou gorge.

Opening Baitou gorge will directly threaten sangpicchu and directly split the main food producing area of the barbarians and their hinterland. In this way, it is very likely to force the barbarians who have not yet reached a unified caliber to put on a decisive posture in front of sanpicchu.

If it is really as Shen Hao thought, the decisive battle opened in a hurry, then the odds of winning the Jingjiu Dynasty are definitely much higher than the barbarians. At that time, the world will be determined by the first World War, which will affect not only the stall in the south, but also the internal affairs of Jingjiu Dynasty.

Recently, the news from Blackwater has gradually confirmed Shen Hao\'s guess. That is, the war in the South seems to have no direct relationship with the Royal "big test" within the national Dynasty, but the Royal "big test" followed the war in the south.

Previously, Jianchuan was opened up by Zuo Yuliang, and the "big test" immediately crossed many preparatory times and entered the white hot stage of competing for the "knife handle" of the imperial city. Now people with a clear eye know that Zuo Yuliang will launch a new round of offensive. Will he win again as soon as before?

Out of the awareness of the weakness of the barbarians and the outstanding performance of Zuo Yuliang, a famous general, most people will think that the war situation is likely to improve again. So the "big test" will speed up the process again.

The most representative event is that on March 19, the eldest prince Yang Baicheng was attacked by unidentified dead men at a banquet for a xiuzu patriarch. He was cut twice in the back. Fortunately, he was wearing top-grade soft armor and a magic weapon. The protector helped him offset a large part of the damage, otherwise Yang Baicheng\'s fate would be worrying.

Although the last attack failed, the patriarch of the xiuzu died on the spot. This monk is also a monk in Yuandan territory. This shows how dangerous the attacker\'s strength is.

Of course, if Yang Baicheng can survive, those who did not kill him will have no chance to live. Drink poison pills directly and commit suicide.

The furious Yang Baicheng locked his suspicion on the second prince, the dry King Yang Ye. Because they are similar in age, their apparent strength is also equal, and there is an obvious conflict in the power structure, it can be said that the tip of the needle does not give way to Mai mang all the time. Now Yang Baicheng almost died. The first thing he thought of was his second brother, followed by an act of revenge.

Unfortunately, Yang Baicheng\'s anger was not well organized and planned. At the beginning of the operation, they were detected by Yang Ye, who was highly vigilant. They fought in Huangcheng street, killing more than ten people each. It\'s nothing, but the friar started it and was in the street again. It would have a great impact.

According to the news released by the Ministry of justice after the incident, the street fighting between Yang Baicheng and Yang Ye directly resulted in three people seriously injured, dozens of slightly injured people and more than 10 houses damaged. Fortunately, there were no dead people.

But the emperor was still angry and directly ordered the major case Department of the Ministry of punishment to arrest Yang Baicheng and Yang Ye. Now it\'s almost April, and there\'s no news to release