Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 675

March 25 is the annual blue moon festival. Unlike in the past, this time Shen Hao ate blue moon cake in the military camp, and made an exception to distribute half a kilo of fruit wine.

Compared with the blue moon cake eaten before, the cooking skills of the military cooks are much more rough. Although the taste is not bad, the taste is far worse. If this level of blue moon cake is in fengri City, no one will buy it.

However, at this level, blue moon cake is very popular in the army.

What is blue moon cake? It\'s the atmosphere! It\'s comfort! It\'s a good day other than killing!

The haze or bloody psychology all day needs some simple and warm things. Seeing that even people like Li Jiang and Zhang Ye who obviously enjoy a good life also eat with relish, we know that it is very rare to enjoy the food of their hometown in the army.

While eating the blue moon cake, Shen Hao couldn\'t help recalling the scene of the blue moon festival in previous years. I don\'t know the current situation. Is there still a blue moon meeting in fengri city?

As for the half kilo of fruit wine, Shen Hao gave it to Li Jiang. He was not used to this kind of "wine" with sour taste.

Although the festival is over, Shen Hao has nothing in his hands.

One is to monitor internal affairs. This aspect is relatively simple. Because the supervision envoys were set up to "target" the supervisors, but now the supervisors shut up and become wood, which means that the functions of the supervision envoys will be idle. If Shen Hao hadn\'t let them secretly record the omission of the commander-in-chief and the slack of the supervisor, they would have nothing to do.

On the other hand, it is the internal affairs of xuanqingwei on the other side of fengri city. Although Shen Hao is in the army now, he hasn\'t left the affairs of fengri city. He doesn\'t have to worry about ordinary small things. Wang Yiming is also very capable and can handle them well. However, there are always some things he needs to make up his mind, so the news from xuanqingwei channel has been much more than that of the supervision envoy recently.

Shen Hao was stunned for a while when he saw the news that Liao Chengfeng was now wanted.

I still remember that Liao Chengfeng was the first senior member of Xuanqing Wei. It was on the painted boat on the Bank of Baijiang river at that time. Shen Haoru, a minion, was laughing. Later, Jiang Cheng took the upper position, and Liao Chengfeng was transferred to Jingnan. I haven\'t seen him since. Didn\'t expect it to be only a few years? No one?

Of course, Liao Chengfeng\'s relevant documents will be reported to the emperor, and there must be conclusive evidence enough to kill Liao Chengfeng. But these will not be made public. Because "there is no need to advertise" is essentially different from the noisy situation of the previous Jingxi operation. In addition, the situation up and down in the country and the DPRK is delicate, so it is not suitable to publicize this matter.

But Shen Hao understands that Liao Chengfeng\'s affair is definitely not just for internal cleaning. Later, Blackwater also gave the news, which revealed the secret behind Liao Chengfeng: he didn\'t abide by the rules of xuanqingwei and wanted to stand alone outside xuanqingwei with his deep background, which was an intolerable risk for xuanqingwei and pangban.

Since Shen Hao arrived at fengri City, he has established Blackwater, contacted many high-level power structures of the old Jing Dynasty, and also had a new understanding of Xuanqing Wei. In his cognition, xuanqingwei seems to have great power and is not bound by the laws of the Jingjiu Dynasty. It is not too much to use the word "arrogance" to describe his actions.

But if xuanqingwei commits a crime and is caught in a pigtail, he will not be judged by the law. In most cases, it is far more miserable than the severe sentence of the law.

Just like Liao Chengfeng, now there is almost no news from the outside world. Even outsiders don\'t know whether he and his family are dead or alive. According to xuanqingwei\'s habit, Liao Chengfeng must be cold at this time. No one in the whole family can run.

Is it fair to kill Liao Chengfeng? Shen Hao doesn\'t believe it.

Blackwater has stripped Liao Chengfeng of the details. It involves many great forces, including xiuzu and the third prince, which can explain a lot of things.

How many years has Liao Chengfeng worked as an envoy to the town? First in Jingxi, then in Jingnan, and then in Jingzhong. It can be said that most of my life has been along the way. Even if something happens, it can\'t be two days a day. It\'s definitely over the years. With his personality and means, he doesn\'t know what kind of pacifier under his command is?

There may be some other reasons when helping Liao Chengfeng up. For example, the influence of the emperor, perhaps Pang ban was based on some other considerations. Therefore, it is not unbelievable to tolerate Liao Chengfeng.

But everything has a degree. Pang ban may be able to ignore Liao Chengfeng\'s many shortcomings and small moves, even his secret identity. But Liao Chengfeng will never be tolerated to break through the bottom line of xuanqingwei.

Others Pang ban honestly dare not participate in the Royal "big test", but Liao Chengfeng wants to take the Third Prince of Jingnan Xuanqing guard? Is this a direct drag into the water?

Dare to do this? I really think Pang ban doesn\'t dare to kill?

What makes Shen Hao feel most interesting is that Pang ban returned the pot to Jiang Cheng. The external posture is that Jiang Cheng is looking for "private hatred". Taking the "private hatred" as an opportunity, he finally involved a sudden change of senior management in Xuanqing Wei. He even washed the whole Jingnan Xuanqing guard.

Is this the Jiang Cheng brand shame cloth pulled up by Pang ban? The answer is yes. But the use is not to hide shame, but to avoid suspicion.

"Private feud" is ugly, but what is it on xuanqingwei? People in the market are afraid of xuanqingwei as evil. The dirty water doesn\'t know how much to say in private, but they don\'t dare to say it in public.

Therefore, there is no need to cover up xuanqingwei, mainly to avoid suspicion. Avoid people treating Liao Chengfeng\'s affairs as Pang Ban\'s relationship with the third prince. Even if this is true, as long as it is not on the table, the Pang ban can close his eyes and pretend to be blind.

One of the direct reasons why Shen Hao thinks so much about this matter is that even leaders at Pang ban level need to pull Jiang Cheng as a fig leaf to hide their intentions before they dare to deal with their people. Does this mean that the internal situation of the country and the DPRK is not just "tense"?

One word that appears many times in the message sent by Blackwater is: silent as a cold cicada.

Dare not speak. As long as there is self-knowledge, people who know that they are not qualified to stand in line do not dare to speak indiscriminately at this time, for fear that if half a sentence is wrong, they will be labeled as "Prince of so and so" and then be muddled to death.

This is not a joke, but the truth. According to the news of Heishui in the Imperial City, in February alone, the heads of the local Yamen and the four garrisons in the imperial city all changed in turn. The people who were dragged down ended up miserable. Anyway, they stinked.

What are you doing?

Fight for the knife handle in the imperial city!