Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 667

Early in the morning, Shen Hao stood on the school field of the camp. He wanted to practice the battle array with the pro guards in the camp.

Shen Hao hasn\'t practiced much since he became a small flag many years ago. Although he still remembers it generally, he is still unfamiliar after the actual practice and can\'t reach the level of fighting and killing the enemy, so he simply practices with the pro guards.

There is also the captain Xu who once went to Jianchuan with Shen Hao and participated in the victory of Jianchuan. Now that Xu has replenished his troops, he will camp next to the monitoring envoy\'s camp and listen to the tune at any time. He will also come here to visit at ordinary times. He will also take his soldiers and Shen Hao\'s personal guards to practice battle together. It will also give some guidance on practical experience.

In addition to the battle array, Shen Hao also took this opportunity to make up for some of his shortcomings, such as riding and some basic concepts in the battle array.

Compared with the two guys Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, the current captain Xu is obviously much more patient, and he is always willing to give his money. As long as Shen Hao has any questions about the military, he will try his best to answer them. I won\'t be impatient because Shen Hao often asks some ridiculous questions from laymen.

Therefore, Xu Xiaowei impressed Shen Hao very well. He felt that he had found a good teacher.

And the fact is true. Shen Hao has really made great progress in his understanding of military affairs in the past more than a month. It is not appropriate to say that he is a novice. He knows the basic ways. In particular, combined with the information returned by the monitoring envoys in the military, Shen Hao gradually felt that he could see clearly Zuo Yuliang\'s layout in the barbarian territory.

For more than a month, the battle between the Jingjiu Dynasty and the barbarians was still centered on Jianchuan, but the front line position was moved from the three military strongholds in Jianchuan to Shimen and the front line of the military stronghold in front of the gate. At the same time, the middle and lower military strongholds in Jianchuan also began to attack frequently, mainly harassing and exploratory attacks, threatening the barbarian garrison opposite Jianchuan.

This is the opposite of what happened two months ago. Jingjiu Dynasty has taken the initiative, while the barbarians can only defend passively now.

However, according to Xu Xiaowei, in fact, affected by the terrain here in Jianchuan, neither the barbarians nor the national Dynasty can prepare for a decisive battle. Can only grind slowly, or steal the city. And if you want to achieve a great victory at the strategic level, you must completely pierce the other party\'s defense line.

This is the same as what Zhang Qian said to Shen Hao when he was in Shimen stronghold. He is not optimistic that Jianchuan can win or lose in a short time, which will completely change the war process. Just a word "grinding" does not know how long it will take for both sides.

But don\'t think that "grinding" means that both sides are slack. On the contrary, the word "grinding" can be understood as a flesh and blood mill. The intensity of attack and defense war Shen Hao experienced in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan is still continuing, but the place has changed from the upper stronghold of Jianchuan to Shimen and front stronghold.

Since Shen Hao left the customs, he can see almost every day that the main forces of the four formed front armies pass through Wuhu in the form of a mixed army or set out for Jianchuan. Moreover, the number of mixed troops retreating from Jianchuan is very small. Generally speaking, it is a main force of 20000 to 30000. Only half of them are left after retreating in January, including the wounded.

Shen Hao didn\'t know the specific casualty figures since the war, but he probably estimated that there would never be less than 50000 people!

If the war damage is compared by one to two, the number of barbarians killed in battle will reach 100000, and this number is only high, because compared with the medical system of Jingjiu Dynasty, the barbarians are not a bit simple, the wounded can not be treated, and the number of casualties may be much higher than that of Jingjiu Dynasty.

So it seems that the barbarians are still being consumed more seriously. The reason is simple. Despite the equal strength at the friar level, the strong individual combat effectiveness of the barbarians is actually at an obvious disadvantage in front of the better equipment and better battle array cooperation of the soldiers of the Jingjiu Dynasty.

In this way, Jingjiu dynasty still makes money, but it\'s not a comfortable thing to win or lose by relying on the few dead.

If you can withstand it, you still have to record a first merit for Shimen military stronghold. Through the thousands of miles of bamboo sea, various supplies can be directly sent to the front line in a shorter path, and there is almost no need to worry that the route will be cut off by barbarians. The danger in the thousands of miles of bamboo sea has become the barrier of this new supply line.

It is precisely because of the passage between Shimen military stronghold and Wanli bamboo sea that Jianchuan now has the confidence and courage to take the initiative and consciously kill the effective power of the barbarians.

In the south of Jianchuan, Baitou gorge also fought fiercely, and suddenly increased the fighting intensity after the victory of Jianchuan. Although it is not comparable to Jianchuan, it is more than twice the initial stage of the confrontation.

Compared with Jianchuan and Baitou gorge, the southernmost tiger pillar was originally called "Youzai Youzai". It\'s a state of tacit understanding and idling on both sides. There has been no decent attack and defense. So far, the casualties of huzhuyuan are less than two in lianjianchuan.

The contrast between the strong and the weak is so obvious that many soldiers who are new to Wuhu will look bad when they hear that they go to the original garrison of Huzhu, because who doesn\'t want to go to the place where the battle is the most intense when they first go to the battlefield? The more fierce you fight, the more credit you can get. Who doesn\'t want to fight for a future by relying on the barbarian\'s head? It\'s said that Huzhu was still in confrontation. They would rather go to Jianchuan than Baitou gorge.

Only those soldiers who came down from the first round rested without saying a word, but they still hope to go to places with low battle intensity next time. Now they all know that they are neither heroes nor undead gods of war. Living is the most simple idea in their hearts.

But this may not hinder the morale of Jingjiu Dynasty. Even if you want to choose a relatively safe place after life and death, you still have no hesitation when you get the military order.

The army has no conditions to say. This is an iron rule that all "willing" and "unwilling" people know.

Just after noon, the sun was still overhead. It must be quite cold in fengri city this season, but in Wuhu, you only need to wear a single coat to keep warm, and the temperature is rising rapidly every day.

"My Lord, Zuo Shuai of the Chinese Army asked you to go right away. He said there was a military strategy meeting for you to attend."

When Shen Hao got the notice, he had just finished the battle drill. He was sweating and had no time to change his clothes. After receiving the order and verifying that it was correct, he immediately went out of the camp and walked quickly to the tent of the central army.

After coming so long, Shen Hao also found out some rules. Zuo Yuliang would not ask him to attend as a nonvoting delegate in general daily military strategy. He would only call him when it was important to the whole war situation or the mobilization and strategy of the whole army.

Today is the first time Shen Hao has been called to attend the military strategy meeting since he returned to Wuhu last time. I don\'t know what Zuo Yuliang has to say.