Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 666

Yang Xiusheng was a little confused. His calm state of mind over the years seemed to be splashed with ripples after seeing the message in the copper bar.

The emperor never tells you the answer easily. He likes to listen to you first and then confirm the information in his hand. Yang Xiusheng also knew that his younger brother was the same after he inherited the throne, which seemed to be a common problem of the emperor.

"Both mingshanzong and wanjuan Shushan had a generation of Tianjiao who entered xuanhai for more than 30 years." Yang Xiusheng didn\'t think how great Yang Wenguang achieved xuanhai thirty-three years ago. Those Tianjiao in the sect were the real monsters. Moreover, if we really count it up, Yang Wenguang would have practiced for 60 years at that time 33 years ago, which is not short. Moreover, there is a huge gap between the same xuanhai realm. Many people enter the xuanhai realm is the limit, and there are few people who can continue in the future.

Only those who have not arrived at xuanhai will think that the gap between the first and second levels of xuanhai will not be too big as the previous levels. In fact, it\'s far from heaven and earth.

The emperor was obviously stunned and said, "more than 30 years? Tut Tut, how long did you use it?"

"Sixty five years."

"Then you see, can Yang Wenguang\'s talent compare with you?"

Yang Xiusheng shook his head. He knew what the emperor was going to say and said directly, "I know what you mean. Yang Wenguang had the best talent in your generation, but I\'m not optimistic that he can enter the xuanhai one day. Of course, if he has any chance, it\'s not impossible to enter the xuanhai in a hundred years."

"But Yang Wenguang didn\'t last that long. Why?"

"Either there is the legendary" Heaven pill "that directly promotes a great realm. Or he has practiced a method that can break through the realm with brute force in a short time regardless of talent restrictions."

The emperor\'s eyes were slightly empty: "Dharma? What kind?"

"I don\'t know. But this kind of Dharma does exist, and generally exists among evil friars. It means Yin and evil, and it will be accompanied by great costs."

"Is there a detailed record of this method in Fenghong villa?"

"No, it\'s impossible. That kind of means also belongs to the top among evil friars. The way of inheritance has become a mystery, and there\'s no way to know."

The more advanced the cultivation of evil friars, the more they can\'t catch a living. Their control over the soul can end at any time. Even the most powerful evil friars such as plate lock have no restrictive effect. Therefore, many deep secrets of evil friars have not been known by outsiders.

The emperor, um, said that what Yang Xiusheng said was basically the same as what he learned.

"Uncle, what do you think Yang Wenguang would do if he came back this time?" the emperor frowned. He really didn\'t expect Yang Wenguang to come back from the dead city when he was here. I\'m afraid the purpose is not simple.

"I don\'t know. But I don\'t think I will come back to see you off. And I\'m curious that you found him many years ago. Why have you kept him?" based on Yang Xiusheng\'s understanding of the emperor, there is no saying of "overnight revenge". In addition, Yang Wenguang was rescued in that year. There are too many uncertain factors in it. It is inevitable that future troubles should not be left.

"Hehe, it\'s hard to find a person in the dead city. It\'s even harder to kill him. Besides, he has been secretly cultivating in a special force in the dead city and can\'t move."

The emperor did not hide it. He really wanted to eliminate the root, but when he found Yang Wenguang, it was many years after he ascended the throne, and Yang Wenguang had made great progress. He found shelter in a dead city where he was difficult to move killers. In the future, the stronger Yang Wenguang\'s strength is, the more difficult it is to keep an eye on him. There is a blank time line for a long time. In fact, the emperor did not have much information about Yang Wenguang in the last 30 years.

Even the news that Yang Wenguang left the dead city was obtained under some coincidence.

Yang Xiusheng had to worry because the recent period of the Jingjiu Dynasty was too sensitive. In the south, the national war is going on, and the crucial Royal "big test" is going on inside. At the same time, the upper level of the civil service group may face cleansing. Finally, the life of the emperor who ruled this huge empire will run out.

At such a critical juncture, there is another "Lord" who may have become an evil monk and become xuanhai. I\'m afraid this... Mess is not enough to describe.

"I think I\'d better transfer some more people here. Fu\'an palace and the queen, eh... Several princes should also have people around them. Even if they don\'t help, they can\'t let others disturb the" big test ". Yang Xiusheng can only give some suggestions, but he hopes the emperor can accept them.

But the emperor waved his hand and said: "There will be no problem in terms of security if you add several palace attendants to me. What about the monks in xuanhai? If you dare to come to the palace, you can only go back. It\'s just a few princes. You can send someone to stare at them. Those with higher cultivation can\'t be found. Especially around Yang Shu, let those who are best at hiding go. That\'s the key."

"Why is the spirit king the key?"

"Yang Shu didn\'t know where to contact a group of friars who wasted the dead city as his cards. There were five people in total. The waist token on his body was just retained in the imperial palace. He was a disciple of nine life immortal."

"Nine life immortal? Yang Wenguang?! he wants to take part in the Royal" big test "?" Yang Xiusheng somewhat understands why the emperor suddenly mentioned Yang Wenguang. This is Yang Wenguang reaching out to the core event of the national Dynasty.

"It\'s not clear exactly what he wants to do, but it\'s certain to take part in the Royal" big test ". However, I\'m curious that Yang Wenguang has no foundation now. What good can he do even if he takes part in the" big test "or mixes the" big test "? He lost decades ago. What\'s the reason for this?"

This is what the emperor did not understand. A man who went to xuanhai after a great disaster ran back decades later and wanted to make wind and rain. Can\'t this be explained by "revenge"? There must be some purpose, but it\'s just not clear for the time being.

"Do you mean to stare first?"

"That\'s right. My men don\'t have enough accomplishments. They are OK to be spies. If anything happens, it\'s hard to deal with it, so I need your help. Also, at present, I only know that Yang Wenguang left the dead city to the Imperial City, but I don\'t have any information about where he is now. I hope your people can get some information from the five disciples of Yang Wenguang.

In addition, I will inform Pang ban about Yang Wenguang separately. He will check it from xuanqingwei\'s channels at the same time and ask your people not to collide with them. "

"Pang ban? Yes, he is a trustworthy man. However, since you know Yang Wenguang is hiding away from good intentions, why don\'t you kill his five disciples as a deterrent?"

When the emperor heard the speech, he suddenly smiled and said, "shock and awe? Isn\'t that a waste of this once-in-a-lifetime" big test "