Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 668

When Shen Hao arrived at the big account of the Chinese army, he found that the specifications of the military strategy meeting were much higher than he thought. They were all figures at the level of chief General in the army.

Shen Hao sat in the corner of the big tent as usual, swept around with his eyes, and then honestly waited for the military strategy meeting to begin.

Zuo Yuliang had no habit of talking nonsense. He didn\'t directly tell everyone here the general situation of the current war situation in his opening remarks, which was regarded as a formal military briefing.

"At present, Jianchuan is still the focus of our attack. Relying on Shimen military stronghold, we continue to implement the established strategy of cutting through the enemy\'s Jianchuan defense line. Now, the people and horses at the attack end will gradually transition from the mixed army of the four front armies in the former military garrison to the independent organization of the four front armies, and the command power will remain unchanged.

In terms of logistics, because there are more first-aid teams, there are more supplies, including first-aid kits. At present, everyone can\'t have them, so give priority to the elite equipment on the front line. You should know this well. When the output of things increases, they will be equipped gradually.

Baitou gorge continues to be dominated by harassment, and the intensity remains unchanged.

Huzhu continued to focus on Garrison and military training, and continued to follow the previous strategy to make the soldiers of all departments familiar with the battlefield as much as possible with the low-intensity battle there, and then rotate with the people of Jianchuan and Baitou gorge... "

What Zuo Yuliang said is not new, but everyone knows that Zuo Yuliang must say more than that today.

Sure enough, after simply summarizing the current war situation, Zuo Yuliang stood up from the upper chair and walked to the topographic map on the side.

"Now the war situation has entered a new stage because of the previous victory in Jianchuan. The front line of Jianchuan has made a big step forward, and forced the barbarians to increase troops in Jianchuan again. In addition, because of the terrain of Jianchuan, they can\'t prepare for a decisive battle, so they have to continue to fight with us in Jianchuan. For the barbarians, um, it should be said that for the frost Moon Clan led by the red pupil wolf clan It\'s quite sad to say.

However, Jianchuan is indeed not a place to seek a decisive battle, and it is not realistic to chisel through Jianchuan by consumption. Moreover, even the war damage of one for two is not something we can resist for a long time. The lives of soldiers cannot be consumed endlessly. "

Zuo Yuliang was a little chilly when he said this, because he should be a little burned by the huge war damage of Jianchuan.

After all, no general is willing to play the game of flesh and blood mill with the enemy.

"Zeng Zhou, general Zeng." Zuo Yuliang made an effort to point the location of Shimen military stronghold on the map, and then pointed out the name of a person in the big tent at the same time.

"The end will come!"

As soon as Zuo Yuliang\'s voice fell, a medium-sized general stood up from his chair and bowed to listen to the order.

"General Zeng, you lead 20000 people of an army to go to the two former tanjun strongholds in Shimen tomorrow. I will inform the defenders of Shimen to cooperate with you to make some cover up." while saying, Zuo Yuliang drew an arc line on the map from Wuhu to the front Shimen, which represents 20000 people of Zeng Zhou\'s department.

Shen Hao on the side also cheered up. Zeng Zhou knew that he was one of the main forces of the Jingxi army who went to Wuhu to repair half a month ago. He was known as the elite of the Jingxi army, especially good at field operations.

"The end will understand!"

Zuo Yuliang didn\'t let the other party sit down, but drew a line on the map. This time, he fell on the central military stronghold of Jianchuan. At the same time, he said, "Li Zhongzheng, General Li. Tomorrow, 20000 people from your department will set out for the central military stronghold of Jianchuan."

Another general got up and gave orders. This is another well-known figure from the Jingbei army. His 20000 people are also the elite of the main force of the Jingbei army, and are good at field operations and tackling tough problems.

"The end will take command!"

Shen Hao was surprised. According to the news from the front-line monitoring envoy, the strongholds in Jianchuan are almost full at present, and it is not time for the strongholds to rotate their forces. Zuo Yuliang sent 40000 more people to the front line of Jianchuan. I\'m afraid it\'s a big move.

Zuo Yuliang then said, "later, the military stronghold in the middle of Jianchuan and the military stronghold in front of the gate will launch night attacks on the barbarian camp opposite each other, and will mobilize all the barbarians stationed in Jianchuan with superior forces."

While talking, Zuo Yuliang drew three lines indicating movement between the three barbarian troops stationed points marked on the map. He continued: "let them move, and then stop them in the wild. As long as we eliminate two of them, we can completely separate their three garrisons. Finally, by concentrating on breaking through one of them, we can break the balance of their defense line, then cut them horizontally, and then completely cut through..."

Shen Hao listened carefully, but he still didn\'t understand the details. But he had understood the general context and shouted in his heart.

According to Zuo Yuliang\'s idea, in fact, it is to overlap the two encirclement support strategies. The troops of the front army stronghold, the middle army stronghold of Jianchuan, the lower army stronghold and Shimen army stronghold almost poured out, and successively launched attacks on the enemy\'s station, creating a sense of urgency with a sudden attack, forcing the nearest enemy to rush for help.

Then launch a second RAID and let the third way enemy continue to rush to help, so that the two enemy forces can be mobilized from a stable state.

After that, the two mobilized enemy forces will be eliminated in the field by intercepting and killing halfway.

Finally, gather the forces intercepted in the field, select the weakest station to encircle and break it. If it is successful and can break through one of the other party\'s garrisons, the other party\'s defense system will be completely disintegrated, which will give a good opportunity to chisel through the other party\'s front.

Shen Hao can only understand these at present, but the basic strategy will certainly not be too far away.

I don\'t know what these generals here think. Anyway, Shen Hao thinks the success of this plan may be very high.

First, he believes that using this series of calculations to achieve the purpose of "stealing the city" is indeed a clever arrangement. Even if the barbarians are aware of it, they can\'t prevent it twice. If you get caught once, you will be directly divided into two parts and fall into an extremely passive situation.

Second, compared with the Jingjiu Dynasty, relying on equipment and battle array support, the barbarians are comfortable in both attack and defense, and the barbarians are extremely unbalanced at both ends of attack and defense. They can attack like fire when they attack, but they are quite clumsy when they defend. This is also why the Jingjiu Dynasty can still maintain at least one for two war damage after the victory of Jianchuan: the defensive ability is really not enough, and it depends on human life to make a hard pile.

After Zuo Yuliang finished these arrangements, including Shen Hao, who was present as a nonvoting delegate, all the specific tasks that had not been assigned were dismissed, except Zeng Zhou and Li Zhongzheng, who were left behind, and Zuo Yuliang had to give advice in person.

PS: today\'s two watch, half a day off. Bow your hands!