Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 648

It is absolutely a pleasure for Zhang Qian and others to look up again and see the clear and vast sky and wilderness.

Looking back at Lin Hai behind him, especially looking up in half a month, he can only see the sky cut by dense bamboo leaves. Now his eyes are open. Zhang Qian inexplicably has the illusion of escaping from another world.

"Where is this?"

The only thing Zhang Qian knows is that he actually led the army through Wanli bamboo sea, but because there is no accurate description of Wanli bamboo sea on the map, Zhang Qian doesn\'t know his exact position now. He can only know in general that he should have entered the Northeast boundary of the barbarians.

After coming out, a large army was stationed on the spot, and with Zhang Qian\'s insight, it was digging trenches and resisting horses. Many monks gathered stones into a wall by using their skills, as if they wanted to build a stronghold.

Where the hell is this? Dare you join the stronghold with such a loud voice? Aren\'t you afraid of being trapped here?

Unfortunately, no one will answer the question in Zhang Qian\'s heart. Even now, he still doesn\'t know who the master general is. The orders he got were given by the Taoist priest Yamen in front of the line, and were opened and executed by the accompanying golden sword friar Lin Ye according to the time.

Now that he can come out of the thousands of miles of bamboo sea, Zhang Qian is not only greatly relieved, but also wants to know who the leader of his trip is as soon as possible, otherwise he is very uneasy.

About half a day after Zhang Qian came out, he saw the rain coming out from behind. They looked at each other from a distance and smiled, which was a big stone to put down their hearts. Fortunately, my old friend is all right.

After that, Zhang Qian was incorporated into the engineering work of building the stronghold, responsible for the leveling of a slope, and set aside an open space for at least 10000 people as required.

This kind of job is not much trouble. There are friars in the army who can help. The soldiers spend their labor to pick up the loose soil.

It is so busy that it will not stop work. Instead, it will take turns in three batches and build it day and night. The order is that the external defense of the stronghold must be completed within two days.

In fact, it is not only the Dazhai village, but also two small villages, which are far smaller, but the framework is also built according to the long-term existence, which is very solid. Gan Lin is leading his brothers to explore the Xiaozhai on the left.

Until noon the next day, Zhang Qian, who had only rested for two hours, received the first warrant from the general and asked them to discuss the matter immediately. The signature is written with a name familiar to Zhang Qian: Pan Shigui.

Hurried to the tent in the Dazhai village. They met the same rain at the door. They didn\'t get together for a long time. They immediately found their old sense of familiarity and whispered to each other.

"I didn\'t expect Lord pan to be the main general. You and I should be able to mix easily this time?"

"I\'m sure! Lord pan is nostalgic. You and I are his old hands. We must be treated better. But didn\'t lord pan retire? Why did he come to the front?"

"Aren\'t you stupid? Lord Pan\'s cultivation needs to be retired when he was fighting? It\'s not evil. Yang Yansi was cleaned up. Isn\'t there a similar reason why Lord Jiang left the army in those years? Now Yang Yansi has disappeared and Lord Wen is in charge of the military headquarters. How can a famous general like Lord pan have the reason to leave the mountains and fields idle?"

"That\'s right! I\'m relieved that Lord pan is here. I just don\'t know what we\'re doing to build such a big military stronghold. Is there any backup?"

"It\'s hard to say. Do you know exactly where this is?"

"Know a fart, you know?"

"I know I need to ask you? But I guess we have crossed the line of Jianchuan now." Zhang Qian finally said in his voice, listening to the face of the sweet rain around him.

However, after Zhang Qian said so, Gan Lin felt the same in his heart. Indeed, it took so much effort to come out after Xiaochuan entered the Wanli bamboo sea. According to the geographical location of the Wanli bamboo sea, it must be in the southeast hinterland of the barbarians.

Moreover, it is possible to cross the line of Jianchuan, because only if it is deeper than Jianchuan, it will be meaningful to build a military stronghold at this position, or it will be a pure brain attack.

They talked a few words at the door and heard their names sung. They quickly sorted out their clothes and bowed down to the account.

"My subordinates Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, see the general!"

"Well, sit down."

Acquaintances belong to acquaintances. Greetings are not allowed on occasions, nor is it necessary. After Zhang Qian and Gan Lin took their seats, several generals came in and sat down. A moment later, the partial army that started from Xiaochuan and finally crossed the bamboo sea finally ushered in the first formal military strategy meeting.

After pan Shigui unfolded the map, many of the generals present showed a sudden look. Zhang Qian smiled at the sweet rain around him, which meant: how? Am I right?

"This is where we are now. The Taoist governor yamen is named" Shimen ". You must also see that it is not far from the upper military stronghold in the northernmost Jianchuan of our army. It can be reached by fast horses day and night. The normal March is only four and a half days. It is the most important connection point for our army to continue to advance.

In addition, the secret road of the thousands of miles of bamboo sea that you have worked hard to open before can make it only take Ogawa half a month to come here, which has doubled and shortened the long military line of the army from the humble fire to the Wu lake, and then to the north. You don\'t need me to remind you of its importance?

Therefore, we have two tasks at present. The first is to build the general stronghold as soon as possible, and the second is to stick to it.

Just the day before yesterday, the barbarians took advantage of the great victory in Jianchuan and pressed the army in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan. They wanted to fight to break it and form a circuitous stronghold between the middle and lower strongholds. As a result, they were countered by Jianchuan master Shen Wanlin, who broke the barbarian offensive in one fell swoop and formed a joint attack of the upper, middle and lower strongholds, which solved the crisis of Jianchuan. Yesterday, the military stronghold in the upper part of Jianchuan sent a mixed army along the edge of the bamboo sea... "

The military strategy is relatively simple, but the news is exciting.

Jianchuan victory!?

All of you here are leading soldiers to fight. You can\'t talk about famous generals, but you can definitely see the war situation. In Jianchuan\'s great victory, the upper stronghold was a hard bone thrown into the wolves. The barbarians tried their best to bite it off, but they were attacked in turn. Finally, they became the way to break the deadlock.

Others don\'t know how many details and dangers there are, but the result is very clear: after the victory of Jianchuan, the whole defense line will enter the stage of changing from defense to attack. As a strong support for the long front, it is now this newly named place: Shimen.

Pan Shigui said that the following generals understood their current positioning, and they were relieved at the same time. Jianchuan has broken the game, so Shimen is not alone, but has become a new highlight. It is their task to hold and ensure the supply line.