Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 649

It\'s a lie to say you\'re secure in your heart. Even if you\'re the bravest, you\'re actually empty in your heart at this time.

Now they are in a situation where they go deep into the enemy\'s hinterland alone and lead the crowd. As a prominent part of the bridgehead, they are likely to be attacked by the enemy on three sides at all times. More importantly, they can\'t retreat. Behind them is the secret exit of the thousands of miles of bamboo sea. If they step back, they will completely disrupt the front military strategy. If they don\'t do well, the results of Jianchuan victory will be directly offset, and most of them are uncertain.

So even if they rushed out of the dangerous bamboo sea and immediately threw themselves into the construction of the military stronghold without rest, most of the soldiers didn\'t look very good because of fatigue and tension, but no one complained.

Repair the stronghold as early as possible. Only when there is a firm fulcrum can the army behind dare to advance on a large scale, so as to ensure the safety of Shimen stronghold.

Compared with field combat, Terran friars are also good at building fortifications because they are almost all practicing skills, and the progress is very fast.

According to pan Shigui\'s requirements, the infrastructure of the military stronghold must be in place in one step, in strict accordance with the size and strength approved by the Taoist and Taoist chief yamen, and at the same time, it should be able to accommodate at least 60000 people.

The main time-consuming thing is the stronghold wall, because it not only needs to be erected, but also needs to support enough defense array on it. This is an arduous task for mages. Even if there are 30 array mages who do this job, they all look pale.

However, the confidence of the partial army still exists. For one thing, they have not lost much manpower in the thousands of miles of bamboo sea. The establishment of 30000 is now more than 28000. It can be considered that there are sufficient manpower, and they only need to guard. The unilateral pressure will be less. Second, there are a large number of golden sword friars in the partial army, with a number of more than 500. It is unknown how many top experts there are, but at least if the barbarian army comes, the partial army will not lose at the friar level.

By the afternoon of the second day when Zhang Qian arrived at Shimen, the main structure of the military stronghold had been completed, with a huge area. However, in addition to the stronghold wall, the ancillary buildings inside were still being built, mainly including towers, reservoirs, septic tanks, waterproof ditches, deep wells and so on. In addition, because it will be used as a supply point later, a large number of stone houses are needed as the storage place for materials from behind.

It\'s not enough to build a perfect large-scale military stronghold for a few days, but after the framework comes out, it means that Shimen has initially possessed the basic ability to accept friendly forces and serve as a defense point.

Zhang Qian and Gan Lin finally got together. Pan Shigui arranged it. When they were in the border army, Zhang, Gan and Jiang Chengdu worked under pan Shigui, and the time was not short. Until pan Shigui retired in advance for some reason, Jiang Cheng was forced to transfer out of the army to Xuanqing guard, and Zhang Qian and Gan Lin also left the border army and were sent to the garrison to eat and die.

Zhang Qian was right to say that he and Gan Lin were pan Shigui\'s old hands. Although pan Shigui didn\'t say anything close, it was a signal to arrange Zhang and Gan together. Two people who trust and know each other are the most secure in wartime.

What father and son soldiers say is similar.

However, because of this trust, pan Shigui entrusted the task of guarding the camp in front of the right to Zhang Qian and Gan Lin. In other words, Zhang Qian and Gan Lin left the main military stronghold and went to the right front of the main military stronghold.

The existence of Qiantan military stronghold is to expand the attack and defense scope of the military stronghold, increase the attack and defense methods, and also play the role of early warning.

But... Compared with the main military stronghold, Qiantan military stronghold is not so safe. Once the situation is critical, it is likely to be surrounded and chewed off slowly.

"Lao Zhang, do you think general pan is taking care of us or beating us?"

"What? Afraid?"

"I\'m afraid not. I just feel that it\'s not safe to hang out in front of the army stronghold in such a place. In case..."

"In case of a fart. If the situation is really wrong, there will not be a large army immediately. With the pressure from Jianchuan, do you think the barbarians really dare to besiege us? Hum, keep your eyes away. Maybe the barbarians dare to come and be attacked again."

Gan Lin nodded and recognized Zhang Qian\'s statement. For a long time, Zhang Qian has been the two of them. He has used his brain more and his hands more. Today, it is still the case.

Compared with the main military stronghold, the former tanjun stronghold is actually built faster. Now not only the stronghold walls have been built, but also the array has been blessed. It has begun to build the relevant ancillary buildings of the tower in the stronghold.

"Report! Sir, the spy sent back the news that a large group of our men and horses were coming towards us along the edge of the bamboo sea. Now the distance is less than five miles."

Zhang Qian and Gan Lin were together. When they heard the news, they went to the West stronghold wall and looked into the distance. After a meal of Kung Fu, they did see a team coming.

"Look, the flag is from the Jingnan army. There is a garrison in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan. The main force is from the Jingnan army. That\'s what general Pan said!"

"Well, report it to the main military stronghold. Let\'s say that the first batch of people from the military stronghold in the upper part of Jianchuan have arrived and visually check the establishment of a battalion."

The news came back to the main military stronghold. When the other party was closer, Zhang Qian and Gan Lin on the stronghold wall rubbed their eyes. When they saw a familiar face walking in front of the lower cavalry team, they immediately looked at each other.

"Is that Shen Hao? Why did he come here?!"

Gan Lin never expected that the first batch of people who came here would have their own old acquaintance Shen Hao. Shouldn\'t that guy follow Zuo Yuliang\'s Chinese army? Even if it\'s a clumsy pass, it should be in Wuhu, right?

After checking the documents and waist tags, they determined that these people were from Qianfeng camp in the upper part of Jianchuan. The chief officer is also an acquaintance of Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, a former colleague Wu Kai, and Shen Hao, who holds the posts of chief supervisory officer and chief chore officer.

"Why are you here?" Gan Lin couldn\'t hold his words. After the formalities were verified, he pulled the smiling Shen Hao aside and asked in surprise. He didn\'t want to see Shen Hao who didn\'t understand military affairs in this front-line battlefield.

"It\'s a long story. You\'re stationed here to explore the military stronghold? I\'ll talk to you later after I hand in the order to general pan." Shen Hao is also curious about the experience of Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, but he still has military affairs. He can\'t talk more. He needs to meet pan Shigui in front and give the order before he can be free.

"Well, business matters. Remember to come to us when you\'re done."

Zhang Qian and Gan Lin\'s enthusiasm for Shen Hao surprised Wu Kai nearby. He knew that Zhang Qian knew Gan Lin and Shen Hao. After all, he was introduced to Shen Hao by these two people, but he didn\'t expect that there seemed to be private friends among them.

After crossing the Qiantan military stronghold and moving on, Shen Hao soon saw a larger giant military stronghold. At least the stronghold wall was almost the same as the upper part of Jianchuan where he had been.