Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 647

The storm was caused by an inexplicable fire and then burned to a very interesting song family.

Where are the interesting places? The reason why the Song family is in great trouble this time is that the newly promulgated strategy of tightening money and grain mentioned "the crime is more serious". This strategy happens to be the biggest backer of the Song family at present, which was promulgated under the guidance of the king Ling.

Do you hurt yourself?

It is estimated that Yang Shu will not think that his front foot issued the strategy. The first one who hit the knife edge with his back foot has always followed his iron vassal.

Where not?

At present, it seems that some people in the Song family are more active than Yang Shu. The amount punishment Department of the local yamen directly intervened, and what it said was to convict the Song family with the newly promulgated strategy of money and grain tightening. He even deliberately raised the storm and made it big in order to squeeze Yang Shu onto the wall.

Even the fire was very strange. Such a large number of Pan Ling stones would be so hastily hidden in a secret room in another hospital. The secret room is actually a deep pit dug on the ground. It can\'t be covered tightly for a while. Can it be called a secret room? Can you hide things so hastily?

People with a clear eye know that someone is deliberately framing the Song family. Naturally, the target of the attack is Yang Shu behind the Song family.

"Ha ha, that\'s interesting. The Ministry of punishment and the local yamen joined hands to pit the Song family. It\'s estimated that the Song family can\'t get away without taking off a layer of skin this time. It\'s unknown that they will be made an example of others."

Wuzhuang, the backyard of Yang Yansi\'s residence.

Still on the edge of the small vegetable field, Yang Yansi, dressed as an old farmer, sat on the edge of the vegetable field, wiping his sweat and listening to the report of the bodyguard behind him. In a nearby Pavilion, there was a man with cold breath and black and white eyes, who had visited Yang Yansi once before and was called "the Lord" by Yang Yansi.

Yang Yansi said as he got up, went to the pavilion, sat down opposite the previous man, grabbed the teapot on the table, gave himself a cup of herbal tea and drank it in one gulp.

"Lord, there has been news outside. I want to start the prelude. The seven princes have begun to show their skills."

"They are all young boys. They are wild hearted and courageous. With years of repression, they are now like beasts released from their cages. They are focused on showing themselves and tearing up the enemy. Hehe, just like me in those years, they always ignore the most important things."

"Oh? What\'s the most important?"

"The most important thing is not only fighting and ruthlessness, but also how to show my ability in the fight, not just fighting and killing. Unfortunately, when I understood this truth, I had been wandering to the dead city for many years. If I could wake up earlier, I wouldn\'t have been narrowly defeated by the villain Yang Jian."

Yang Yansi grabbed a point and said with a smile, "a narrow victory? Didn\'t you say that the emperor cheated before? Now you admit defeat?"

"I was cheating when he won, but winning is winning. Why can\'t I lose? I\'m just not satisfied. If I can sit in that position, I can do better than him!

My father\'s choice was wrong. That\'s why I have to correct this mistake. "

Yang Yansi didn\'t bite now.

They were silent for a long time. Yang Yansi broke the silence and said, "you told me that Yueying studio and Yang Shu colluded together, which surprised me. I didn\'t expect that Yang Shu, the least favored one all the time, had hidden such a move. I don\'t know if the others are so hidden."

"Hahaha, surprised you? Didn\'t I also hide my relationship with the master? If not, how could I escape my life? Others should look at the Royal" big test "like watching a play, but it\'s a matter of life and death for us. I\'m sure Yang Jian\'s seven sons definitely have their cards hidden.

But what you said about Yang Shu is really interesting. The boy is not simple. His relationship with Yueying building is strange. It doesn\'t look like a simple "ally" relationship.

And many people, including you, are fascinated by old ideas. What makes you think Yang Shu is weak? He is in charge of the "tea" in the five imperial merchants , his business is all over the country and the dynasty. Almost half of the big merchants have contacts with him, and 30% of Xinxing xungui are close to him. How much can he do in the open and in the dark? These things are no different from the so-called upper class in your eyes?

Now Yang Jian gives Yang Shu the power to tighten money and grain, which can be regarded as making up the only defect of Yang Shu. As long as Yang Shu is not stupid, this power and other forces in his hand... Tut Tut, I think he is the strongest person now. "

"No wonder you put people around Yang Shu. So you\'re so optimistic about him?"

"A born in the end, with a pair of bad cards in his hand, lives by accumulating strength bit by bit from a place where others don\'t stand out. It\'s a sword. Now things have changed. I should do something. It\'s just a bet. If I bet right, I can spend a lot of energy less. It doesn\'t matter if I bet wrong. It\'s a big deal to choose another one.

Anyway, this "big test" won\'t win or lose for a while. "

Yang Yansi nodded and agreed: "yes. Now the southern army has just won a game, and the overall war has become favorable to Zuo Yuliang. The situation in the imperial city is closely related to the military affairs in the south, and it should not end in a short time.

I just don\'t know where Zuo Yuliang came from. He dared to drag the front so long. Once there was a slight problem with the supply line, the whole army would be directly divided into two. Dangerous! Too dangerous! "

"You are an expert in military affairs. Zuo Yuliang doesn\'t deserve to give you shoes. There must be something you don\'t know that will be missed."

"That\'s right. Zuo Yuliang likes to take risks, but he will never put the whole army in danger and win. He must have some way to solve the problem of supply line." Yang Yansi fell into meditation. In fact, he thought about this problem when he heard that Zuo Yuliang moved the Chinese army to Wuhu, but he didn\'t have a clue.

At least for the time being, Yang Yansi would not think that Zuo Yuliang dared to lead his army into the hinterland of the barbarians because he could cross the thousands of miles of bamboo sea and establish a closer and more convenient supply point in the depths of the barbarian boundary. Yang Yansi did not think that the route through the thousands of miles of bamboo sea came from his former confidant Xu Hong. Even if I think of Yang Yansi, I\'m not sure, because the sidewalk in the thousands of miles of bamboo sea known by Xu Hong is only a general direction. Where can the army go through?

This is a difference in information, which can not be guessed by derivation alone.

In fact, it seems inconceivable for the outside world to enter the thousands of miles bamboo sea from Xiaochuan and cross it, but it seems breathless for those who have experienced it first-hand.

PS: I want to take a half day off today. Bow your hands!