Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 646

If the previous Jingxi action was to find out the pests in the military headquarters and indirectly opened the prelude to the war against the barbarians again 40 years after the Jingjiu Dynasty, then the power of Lingwang Yang Shu to accept the implementation of the "national money and food tightening strategy" appointed by the emperor means that the Royal "big test" officially opened.

At the same time, two big plays were staged together, which was the first time in the history of the old Jing Dynasty.

Those who feel that the atmosphere and wind direction are beginning to change are the top three officials in the Imperial City, then the centers of all departments in the Imperial City, and then the relevant local systems.

Do people have to eat and spend money? Money and grain can\'t get around, whether it\'s high up or in the market. This is the same even for those who boast of coming out of the dust.

Yang Shu moved quickly. In two days, with the cooperation of Bai Changqing, the Minister of household, he refined the strategy of tightening money and grain. The austerity plan proposed by Bai Changqing was finely divided into three stages. Each tightening stage corresponds to three processes of the war situation in the South: smooth, anxious and declining.

Even Yang Shu went directly to the Yamen of the Ministry of war, found Yang Yansi, the left chamberlain of the Ministry of war, and several old generals with idle posts in the Ministry of war, and took his refined strategy with Bai Changqing to the other party for discussion.

This move surprised many people\'s chin. Because the Ministry of war and the Ministry of household have been in an almost opposite position for many years? Can we also discuss this cross departmental system?

Surprised to be surprised, even if the Ministry of household and the Ministry of military no longer deal with each other, with Yang Shu as an intermediary and the refinement of the money and grain strategy, it really needs the people familiar with the military strategy of the Ministry of military to make corrections, so it seems that many people outside the world can\'t believe it. They exclaim that the Ministry of household Juran didn\'t fight with the Ministry of military, but in fact it is progressing very smoothly.

Whether it\'s Wen Mingju, now the head of the Ministry of war, or Bai Changqing, the Minister of household, at least there won\'t be any moths in Yang Shu\'s face.

After a careful evaluation, the Ministry of household and the Ministry of war put forward their opinions together. Finally, Yang Shu decided to characterize the current state of the Jingjiu Dynasty as "smooth and anxious", that is, a state that is neither smooth nor anxious. It can be regarded as taking an intermediate value.

In fact, the conclusion given by the Ministry of military affairs is that "the war situation is smooth", and the Ministry of household reduced it by half in order to make some room to deal with possible emergencies.

According to this process, Yang Shu began to inspect all localities. At the same time, he first advertised the detailed layout of the money and grain tightening strategy of this process throughout the country. All yamen, government run shops and warehouses related to the strategy must not be postponed and must be followed immediately. Yang Shuhui will inspect and supervise the hub cities one by one. If Yang Shu is ready to set up a few children as an example.

Yang Shu left the imperial city on November 21, and from that day on, the whole imperial city became more and more unstable.

First, on the evening of November 21, a fire broke out in the other courtyard of the Song government in the south of the city. The water animal team of the Yamen came five water tankers and nearly a hundred people came one after another. They worked hard for most of the time to put out the fire. This is still the water beast team. A friar happened to have his head in the water. He was good at the five elements water art, which strengthened the power of the waterwheel. Otherwise, the Dabie courtyard of the Song family would be burned up.

The cause of the fire was investigated by the water beast team, while the Song family arranged for people to clean up the burned compound.

There\'s nothing to say about this, but it\'s strange. Even the Song family didn\'t take it seriously. They just thought it was an accident. The people of the water animal team investigating the cause of the fire found a secret room at the foundation of a firewood house burned down in the other courtyard of the song family, in which there were a dozen and a half people high huge boxes. Because of the fire, many boxes were damaged and the contents leaked out. As a result, the people of the water beast team were stunned.

It\'s all pan spirit stones!

Because there were too many people present, including local yamen, water animal team, Song family\'s own servants, and even some people who lived nearby to help put out the fire. In addition, the incident happened suddenly, and there were no leading figures in the Song family. For a moment, the response was slow for half a beat, and they didn\'t cover others\' mouths. At once, they were told that "a lot of Pan Lingshi!" was spread.

What is a pantheon stone? Ordinary people can sometimes get in touch with it. They have seen it in some workshops or when they work in the city wall. They know that it is a high-grade goods used to replace genuine Qi to promote the Dharma array. It\'s expensive. It\'s worthy of the Song family. It\'s really rich. I\'m afraid there are thousands of Pan Ling stones, right?

Honest people watch the excitement, and hundreds of people are not only honest people, but also people with keen minds.

Therefore, in less than a meal, the local Yamen and xuanqingwei received news that a large number of prohibited materials were hidden in the other courtyard of the Song family.

If a year ago, this kind of thing of storing pan Lingshi in the family was also against the rules, but it would not have been put on the line. Moreover, it was a rich family like the Song family, which had a bad relationship. It was difficult for someone to get along with them easily. But now

At this time, the talents of the Song family reacted and hurried over from the big room, but their other courtyard could not get in and was sealed. The person who sealed the was the Yamen servant of the Imperial City yamen, and xuanqingwei, who also came, just made a call and said that they left without participating in local affairs.

"I\'m sorry, second master song. This is the place of the crime. You can\'t go in for the time being."

"What happened? What happened?"

It was song Zhisong, the second master of the Song family, who came in a hurry. With a straight face, I already feel that something bad is going on in my heart.

The Yamen servant didn\'t grovel to the leading figure of the Song family as before. Instead, he looked very tough and replied with a smile: "naturally, it\'s a case of private possession of prohibited materials. And at present, it seems that the amount is very large."

Without waiting for song Zhisong to say more, the Yamen turned and left, and told the people below to watch this other courtyard and not allow outsiders to enter.

We\'re in big trouble. Song Zhisong didn\'t bother much, so he turned around and went back to report, but as soon as he returned to the gate of the big house, he was trembled by the scene in front of him. Because a large group of Yamen servants dressed in the clothes of the major case Department of the Ministry of punishment have guarded the door of the big room. When they see him, they don\'t ask, but send someone to follow.

On that night, song Wenqiao, the master of the Song family, and several of the main direct members of the Song family were all taken away by the major case Department of the Ministry of punishment.

The news was not simple. It spread all over the imperial city immediately.

The pan spirit stone itself is to strictly control materials. In wartime, it is listed as prohibited materials. Private individuals are not allowed to hold, sell and transfer a large number of materials. If they violate it, the local yamen will punish them according to the law. But it\'s not a felony to just hold a large number of Pantheon stones.

However, just two days ago, because the detailed rules for the first step of the national austerity strategy for money and food had been published and advertised throughout the country, it was mentioned that materials such as fanlingshi would also be included in the scope of the "austerity strategy", and all acts violating the austerity strategy would be aggravated in this special period.

Therefore, the Song family looks a little unlucky.