Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 645

"Dong Dong Dong." knock on the door.

"Come in." in the study, Yang Shu sat back in a chair and looked through a thick account book with one hand while eating a plate of fried beans. Don\'t lift your head and let people outside the door in.

In came the guest Qing, who Yang Shu trusted most. He looked very energetic with a smile.

Although Yang Shu said many times not to be polite to him at home, Keqing never dared to neglect it. After saluting in a proper manner, he said, "Lord, Lord Li has just left. He left a post saying he wants to drink when you are free. He specially prepared immortal wine for you."

"Tut Tut, immortal brew? Li Chun has some meaning. He brazenly invited me to drink immortal brew? What\'s his identity? He invited me to drink a jar of wine with hundreds of thousands of silver coins? He thought he was the gray and white identity of xuanqingwei? Hum, such a person had better stay away, or he will be cut off by the king sooner or later."

It\'s hard to say whether Xuanqing guard is gray or not. After all, people are the private soldiers of the emperor. The emperor has the power of life and death, and the law can\'t control it. Therefore, it\'s the same for all dynasties to give some preferential treatment. But the officials of the system also want to learn xuanqingwei? Dream!

Ke Qing knew Yang Shu\'s temper very well. He handed over a gift list and said, "Lord, this is the gift list left by Lord Li. Everything on it was rejected according to your instructions, but I said I would look at it when you came back, so I kept it."

"With a seal on it?"


"Very good. Stay. We\'ll also learn to build a document library and load all the people who have sent good things to Wang these days. Hehe, if we have a chance in the future, we\'ll want them to look good."

"There will be a day when the king\'s wise and powerful will be proud of the world..."

"All right, all right... Do you know that you self styled scholars are really ungrateful to flatter? Awkward! Is there anything else? If not, just step back. If someone else comes to visit, do it as before. I\'m not here now."

Keqing didn\'t leave, but advised: "Lord, now you have officially taken the task of tightening money and food throughout the country. You can be said to be in power. In three days, you will patrol all the key cities in the country. It is the first formal Prince patrol of the national Dynasty in decades. It\'s of great significance. Among them, you can definitely get great benefits and recruit leaders from all over the country to build a strong momentum.

If you don\'t see anyone, I\'m afraid it will damage your reputation and deter some people who want to take refuge in you.

You see... "

Yang Shu waved his hand and directly interrupted Keqing\'s words, and frowned. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Keqing\'s words.

"Do you think Yang Shu needs to win over a group of people with unclean hands, feet and brains to participate in my royal" big test "? Who can beat my six brothers?

What\'s more, do you think it\'s the same thing to think that snakes are in collusion with others? "

Keqing heard the unusual anger in Yang Shu\'s tone and quickly knelt down to admit his mistake. But Yang Shu got up from his chair, went to the guest Qing, squatted down, looked into each other\'s eyes and said word by word: "Do you want to tell me that those who achieve great things don\'t stick to small things? When I was five years old, I knew it was used to deceive fools. How can we achieve great things if we can\'t abide by small things? As my guest secretary, you are also my counselor. If you say such words of righteousness that are just brain, don\'t blame me for being unkind. Remember!"

"Yes! Lord! My subordinates remember."

Yang Shu looked straight into each other\'s eyes.

Keqing didn\'t dare to avoid his sight, so he could only look at Yang Shu. Yang Shu\'s eyes became harmless again after ten breath.

Sitting back in his chair, Yang Shu took a sip of the already cold tea and said, "if something can\'t start, it can\'t stop at the beginning. So don\'t blame me for being strict with you, because I can\'t make a mistake."

"The Lord taught me that my subordinates just talked nonsense and will never do it again in the future."

"HMM. anything else?" Yang Shu didn\'t follow the other party\'s words. Commit again? He doesn\'t care. The person who commits again won\'t give another chance. Like the principle he has always adhered to, Yang Shu has never made an exception to anyone.

Guest Qing\'s back was soaked with his cold sweat, and he didn\'t dare to look up. He answered, "my Lord, tie Ji has made an appointment for you, and the people from Wenjiang have arrived. According to your instructions, I ordered a restaurant to thank you face-to-face in the evening. Do you need to prepare some gifts?"

Yang Shu thought for a moment and said, "well, she likes to collect these strange zither after loading the black stone zither she picked up in the sea. The stone zither is still an antique, and it is said that it has something to do with their music practice, because it should be regarded as a big gift.

In addition, prepare another batch of Baodan, which can be regarded as a meeting gift for those people from Wenjiang. "

"Good Lord, I\'ll do it now."

Yang Shu waved his hand and continued to look at the account book on the table. He should make an account of these things as soon as possible and leave the Imperial City in a few days. He should finish the account first.

In the evening, in an unknown alley in the Imperial City, a small restaurant welcomed the distinguished guests of this evening. Although this restaurant is small, it is not famous, but ordinary people can\'t afford it at all. A simple meal can swallow the expenses of ordinary people\'s family for several years.

Few people know the background of the restaurant, but Yang Shu knows the root, because this small restaurant is opened by his people.

Yang Shu is always the best at eating, drinking and having fun. He can\'t play with his six brothers, let alone eat. He often looks for high-quality dishes everywhere to taste fresh. At the same time, he is also the inspiration to help his restaurant find new dishes.

For example, the signature salt and pepper chicken of the tavern where Yang Shu used to go is also made here, but the taste is two points worse. Of course, most people are not as picky as Yang Shu, so they can\'t make a difference.

The prince invited me to dinner, which is very rare in the other six princes. But Yang Shu often does this. When you think about it, you can make an appointment, push a cup, change a lamp, sing poetry and songs, make wine orders or vegetarian wine and meat dishes. Yang Shu can accompany you very well.

Even Yang Shu, a high-level friar, could talk with her.

When he arrived at the restaurant a little earlier, he found that tie Ji had arrived, and there were five friars with bright clothes but stiff faces in the wing room.

"Ha ha, tie Ji, I haven\'t seen her for a long time. It\'s more radiant!" Yang Shu said hello with a smile when she came in. Tie Ji, as the high-rise of Yueying studio, is also the contact around him. On his face, he has always made friends equally.

"I\'m flattered," said the prince. She was old, but she had high self-cultivation and had a good face. She looked like a mature woman at most. She was in her fifties. She was not old.

After a pause, tie Ji introduced her and said, "Lord, haven\'t you seen these three?"

"No. I met Master Liu in Wenjiang before. I think these should be the five outstanding disciples of his school mentioned by master Hu?" Yang Shu arched his hand.

The five monks also saluted and reported to their families: "I have seen your highness King Ling, the disciples of the nine life immortal in the dead city, Liu Cheng, Liu Hao, Liu Ren, Liu Wu and Liu Qing!"