Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 644

Bai Changqing\'s stiff face was filled with a smile when she returned home.

I don\'t know why Bai Changqing wanted to laugh every time he thought of the surprised expression when he heard his "can" in the Wanmin palace, especially Ye Lansheng, who suddenly turned back and looked unbelievable.

"Ha ha." for the first time in many years, Bai Changqing saw the stunned expression on Ye Lansheng\'s face, and thought about it, she unconsciously laughed.

"Sir, what\'s so happy?"

"You don\'t understand what\'s going on in the temple. By the way, can you have wine in the evening and drink with me today?" Bai Changqing was in a good mood and smiled comfortably with a soft hug in her arms.

However, Bai Changqing didn\'t know that he laughed happily with his two lovely wives, drank alcohol and enjoyed the happiness of the whole people. But the next day, how much wine he drank and what he said in the evening would run to Blackwater in fengri city in the form of copper bars. After being analyzed, he would be quickly reported to Jiang Cheng, the caretaker of Jingxi town.

After Jiang Cheng got the news, he didn\'t hesitate. He turned directly and went to the command, so that the Yamen handed it to Pang ban face to face.

Intelligence is very simple, but the comprehensive conclusion plays an important role in lateral confirmation.

For example, Bai Changqing was in a good mood yesterday and drank at home as if she were celebrating.

This piece of information does not need any professional analysis. Combined with Bai Changqing\'s actions at the Grand Court meeting on that day, we can immediately draw a conclusion: Bai Changqing really chose to stand in the opposite position with Ye Lansheng after careful consideration, and did not have "forced worry" because of offending Ye Lansheng.

Pang ban put down the copper bar, took a sip from the tea cup on the table and said with a smile: "it seems that Bai Changqing has found a good new ownership. It\'s natural to be happy."

"My Lord, Bai Changqing is going to follow the spirit king? In this way, the power of the spirit king will be very different!" Jiang Cheng is also paying attention to the changes in the Imperial City during this period. Although he can\'t enter the temple, he knows much more than people at the same level because of the relationship of black water. So I feel that the wind direction changes too fast in this short time.

At the beginning, Jiang Chengcheng privately ordered the forces of the seven princes. It seems very complicated. In fact, a little contact can also find the law, that is, time.

The age of the seven princes is equal to the power they now have. That is to say, the older the power month is, the closer the age of the brothers is, the closer the strength of the power will be. Similarly, the older the difference, the greater the power gap. This law was not discovered by Jiang Chengcai, but has long become a consensus, or "common sense" in the upper class circles of the imperial city.

In fact, this is also very easy to understand. For the prince, the power that he can openly own and contact is actually limited. There is so much food in the pot. Whoever starts eating first will naturally eat more, while the seven princes who only serve a bowl later can only face the leftovers.

This is also the most fundamental reason why most people think that the seventh Prince is the weakest. Because there is nothing left in the pot, what can you get to eat?

So no wonder the "hungry" spirit king extended his hand to those merchants and Xinxing xungui. Are these people powerful? If in the past, Jiang Cheng would not hesitate to shake his head and say: merchants and xinxungui, these people either have no power or have no foundation. They are not strong at the top by luck. Bullying ordinary people may go all the way, but meeting real forces is like hitting stones with eggs, and there is no chance of winning.

However, this idea has changed greatly with Jiang Cheng\'s detailed analysis and intelligence evidence of Blackwater.

Pang ban is still smiling, but his words have been clear for a long time: "different? Indeed different. But the strong is always strong. You don\'t think the spirit king has always been a weak person? Now you have black water in your hand, and your concept should change."

"My subordinates really have to change their mind. I never thought that those people who are not in the stream could have such strong influence and potential. Now it seems that the spirit king has taken the lead?"

"The world is a torrent of events. If you don\'t advance, you will fall back. Who else is not running water? Intertwined can indeed create powerful and long-lasting forces, which seems to be able to take care of all aspects. However, the country and the dynasty are stable, and the big forces can\'t curb emerging forces by cutting down the roots. They can only suppress them for a limited time. Over time, there will be a situation of" weeds everywhere ".

Those "weeds" are disorderly and no one cares, but they are everywhere. Once there is a strong enough pusher, these weeds can quickly rely on the past and harden together. At that time, many people will face it.

However, weeds are only weeds after all. They lack the ability to become beams and columns. If they want to support and become a big force, they still lack a bone. "

Jiang Cheng was surprised when Pang Ban said this: "you mean your majesty also saw these talents..."

"Your Majesty sees much more than you and I think. He pays more attention to the Royal" big test "than we think. Therefore, some people\'s self righteous behavior can only bring death to themselves."

Pang Ban\'s last sentence was unequivocal, but he didn\'t continue to explain to Jiang Cheng. If you don\'t understand it, it depends on Jiang Cheng\'s own understanding.

But there\'s nothing hard to guess. Now who is "self righteous" in the temple is not the one who privately connected with the "money and grain tightening" and was rejected by Bai Changqing yesterday, Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng.

"You mean Zuo Xiang..."

Pang ban smiled and interrupted: "well, now that Bai Changqing is with the seventh prince, on the surface, don\'t have any contact with him. Heishui should pay more attention not to leak the news. I believe the king of spirit will send someone to help Bai Changqing sort out the people around him. The two spies must not be exposed.

Besides, how are you doing with Liao Chengfeng? "

Jiang Chengzao was used to Pang Ban\'s jumping speech style. He quickly put away his mind and replied, "my Lord, my subordinates have set up a volume according to your instructions. At present, they are deploying control and secretly arresting some major minor figures. The time to move Liao Chengfeng can be reached in five days at the latest."

Pang ban nodded to express his satisfaction and told him, "Liao Chengfeng\'s accomplishments are not low, and there are many close guards around him. He also intersects with the third prince and has a xiuzu background, so there are variables. You can\'t handle him as an ordinary case, you need to be more careful. In addition to doing a solid job at the top of the file, you should also hit him immediately when arresting him. You can\'t drag mud and water and create complications, understand?"

"Subordinates understand."