Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 643

With a can of blue sea tide in exchange for a just right opportunity, plus standing in front of the other party\'s best choice and suddenly showing a kind of "hidden wisdom", Yang Shu and others came to a satisfactory result.

Bai Changqing nodded and agreed. Later, if the power of money and grain tightening really falls on Yang Shu, he will fully assist Yang Shu in promoting various money and grain tasks.

The implication is to agree to stand in line with Yang Shu, but the tightness has to be seen step by step. We won\'t directly devote ourselves to the past.

This is already a good result. Because Yang Shu is sure that he will soon get the power of money and grain tightening strategy. After so many years of "power weakness", there will be no change because of "becoming very rich". Yang Shu is well aware of the cognitive habits of the royal family.

Sure enough, on the night when Yang Shu and Bai Changqing had a secret talk, he received an order from the palace asking him to attend the government affairs in the Wanmin Palace tomorrow morning.

As soon as the order for the audit arrived, it basically confirmed Yang Shu\'s previous speculation.

The next day was the great court meeting. Yang Shu touched the time to the Wanmin palace and stood in front of the civil and military queue.

The prince seldom has the opportunity to participate in the proceedings of the court. Generally speaking, the prince is either impeached and needs to come and make some concessions or excuses face to face; Or there are special arrangements for the prince.

Today\'s civil and military officials actually have a bottom when they see Yang Shu. The "money and grain tightening strategy" recently retained by the emperor is actually very urgent and thought-provoking. Many people privately speculate about the emperor\'s plan. Now Yang Shu is clear.

However, Yang Shu\'s name of "Royal shame" is very loud, and everyone has been used to it for so many years. Just came to see the ceremony, and then no one was close to Yang Shu. On the one hand, I feel that the prince is "unreliable and less contact is better". On the other hand, it is also an inappropriate occasion. Taking the initiative to contact the prince in full view of the public seems to be somewhat flattering and has a bad reputation.

Yang Shu didn\'t say hello to anyone. He stood in front of him without saying a word. He was wearing a imperial suit, but he still looked like a fool. He didn\'t stand up until the eunuch sang the emperor arrived. He saw that the surrounding civil and military shook his head secretly.

Only Bai Changqing, who had had tea with Yang Shu yesterday, secretly said: the king of spirit has indeed cheated almost everyone.

After the emperor took his seat, he received a great gift from the following civil servants and officials, and then raised his hand to let everyone flat. Then, according to the process of the Grand Court meeting, starting from the Ministry of military affairs, each department will report on recent affairs and raise new issues for discussion. The Ministry of war said before that it had changed only after the recent war in the south. In the past, the Ministry of war was the last to speak. It can be seen how quickly the temple changed.

Yang Yansi, the Minister of the Ministry of war who was bound to arrive at the great court meeting in the past, has not appeared for some time. In place of Yang Yansi, Wen Mingju, the current Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of war, came out of the class. Wen Mingju is now clearly the puppet of the emperor, and Yang Yansi, although still bearing the name of the Minister of war, has actually been hung in the shade waiting to dry. It should have been the last time that the emperor hated Yang Yansi, the general of the state of Zhu. It was not easy to tear his face and hurt the hearts of the army. He had to deal with it so coldly.

So now it looks like six, but in fact it can only be regarded as five. The military department has temporarily lost its relative independence.

After the military headquarters finished, they continued one by one. After finishing the last six, the emperor threw out the last and biggest thing today.

"In view of the busy affairs of the Ministry of household and the imminent tightening of money and grain, the executive director of the nationwide tightening strategy of money and grain will be moved to the Lingwang mansion, which will be implemented by the Lingwang."

As soon as the emperor\'s voice fell, the Lingwang Yang Shu had not had time to go out of the class to take the order, but ye Lansheng standing in the first row came out first.

He bowed his hand and then said, "your majesty! I think it\'s inappropriate to entrust such a heavy burden to the spirit king. Please take back your order!"

The emperor was surprised. He really didn\'t expect Ye Lansheng to jump out and obstruct this matter. According to his previous idea, the foxes in the court should be able to use these days to figure it out, not to mention the extremely smart people like Ye Lansheng. Can\'t you see that this is the balanced behavior before the Royal "big test"? How dare you interfere?

Seeing the emperor frown, ye Lansheng continued to bow down without fear: "Your Majesty, although your highness Lingwang is smart, the tightening of money and food is very important, and it requires experience in all aspects to coordinate and connect. It is difficult to smooth the above in a short time. In addition, the soldiers in the south are dangerous and urgent, so I think your highness Lingwang is not suitable to take over such an important task at this time. Please think twice!"

This is Ye Lansheng\'s opening remarks, which can be regarded as a situation. Then, before the emperor opened his mouth, one Shangshu and Chamberlain stood up and continued to advise. From ability to opportunity, and then from experience to situation, they were eloquent. Although they didn\'t talk at length, they sounded reasonable and reasonable. After all, what is a "shame of the royal family" qualified to undertake this important task?

One by one, they went out of the class to give advice. After that, they knelt down and didn\'t go back to wait for the emperor\'s reply. Soon, a large area of people knelt in the front of the hall. It seemed that at least half of the people came out of the civil service.

The corners of the emperor\'s mouth rose. He had not encountered such an interesting situation for a long time. He was surprised. Looking at Ye Lansheng kneeling in the front, he thought again.

In contrast, though banglieli also whispered, no one came forward to refute these remarks of the civil servants. First, the "money and grain tightening strategy" belongs to government affairs rather than military affairs, and they have no reason to interrupt. Second, the wind evaluation of King Ling is really bad, and it seems that he is very unreliable. It is also inappropriate for most people in the army to hand over the power of tightening money and food to such a person. After all, this matter also directly involves the military foundation in the south.

But as a party, Yang Shu was very calm. Instead of looking at the faces of others in the hall, he looked up at the emperor sitting above.

How can others gossip about the Royal "big test"?

How could the emperor change the process because of the opposition of only a few ministers?

However, Yang Jian didn\'t go back immediately. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed to Bai Changqing, the Minister of household who had been standing in the class. He said, "Bai Changqing, what does your Ministry of household say? Can you cooperate with the king of spirit to complete this important task?"

The emperor wondered why Bai Changqing, the Minister of household who should have taken the lead, did not move today, so he called Bai Changqing\'s name. He looked forward to whether there would be other words from the Minister of household.

"Your Majesty, I will put forward the general plan and the specific direction will be decided by your majesty. No matter what your majesty decides, I will try my best to complete it."

Yang Jian smiled more intensely, waved his hand and said in a voice: "I ask you whether you can or not!"

"Minister, yes!"