Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 642

Bai Changqing is the first time to deal with the legendary "Royal shame" today. Unexpectedly, she feels pretty good.

Very funny, self-restraint, understand tea, and have literati quality. Chatting is like meeting a bosom friend, which makes people feel very happy. In addition, the cup is a rare good tea in the world, and the environment is elegant and quiet. It is a rare leisure time.

However, Bai Changqing understood that the prince could not have come here to make friends with him.

"I also drank tea. I don\'t know why your highness is looking for a minister?" Bai Changqing didn\'t beat around the Bush and directly led the conversation to the main topic. Now several princes show their skills in the imperial city. They can often hear rumors and come to him. He just pushed it off before.

Want to come to the spirit king to pull him in line? Bai Changqing thought secretly.

Yang Shu also put down his tea cup and said with a smile, "I heard that Lord Bai\'s tea art is unparalleled, so I want to see it and help Lord Bai solve a problem by the way."

"Oh? I wonder if you have any problems to bother your highness?" the spirit king in front of you is not a "Royal shame". The rumor is completely wrong. Bai Changqing had to cheer up and deal with it seriously.

"Don\'t you know? It\'s the problem between you and Zuo Xiang, Lord Bai. I can help you."

Bai Changqing was surprised, but his face was smiling and looked light. He shook his head and said, "I don\'t understand your highness very much. Zuo Xiang is the top of the minister and has always been kind to him. What\'s the problem between minister and Zuo Xiang?"

Yang Shu leaned back in his chair, relaxed, and continued to laugh, "no? I heard that Zuo Xiang is secretly in series to advise his father and reject the decision to move the power of the strategy of tightening money and grain. I don\'t know if Lord Bai knows about it?"

Without waiting for Bai Changqing to speak, Yang Shu then said, "even if Lord Bai doesn\'t know, it doesn\'t hurt. I can tell you that Zuo Xiang is making this idea and is going to connect with 50% of the civil servants in the temple to give advice tomorrow, that is, at the grand court meeting."

These news are true. It is Yang Shu who got it from Yueying building these days. It is highly credible.

Bai Changqing frowned slightly when he heard the speech, but he still didn\'t speak.

"Hehe, Lord Bai, don\'t do this. You had a good talk with me just now. I feel like meeting a confidant, so I won\'t beat around the bush with you."

After a pause, Yang Shu then said, "what does your father mean by leaving the" money and grain tightening strategy "you compiled by Lord Bai in the middle? Lord Bai should know it well? Now it\'s just for me. This is a generous gift from my father before the" big test "and the key to winning. If Zuo Xiang wants to obstruct, he is against me.

Maybe the king is weak and not in the eyes of Zuo Xiang. Even Zuo Xiang deliberately contacts with the two royal brothers of the king in private. I think he is trying to change his father\'s intention. This is very angry.

But why? Why should Zuo Xiang do such thankless things? Is it good for him to oppose the king? Or has he stood in the team of the king\'s brothers? "

With that, Yang Shu shook his head, overturning his guesses just now.

"Lord Bai should know Zuo Xiang\'s plan? Otherwise, Lord Bai wouldn\'t deliberately alienate Zuo Xiang, which is different from the harmonious relationship between you and Zuo Xiang you just said."

Speaking of this, Yang Shu no longer spoke, but poured himself a cup of tea and smiled at Bai Changqing in front of him.

"Your Highness, why do you think the minister is avoiding Zuo Xiang?"

Yang Shu took a sip of tea and shook his head: "why don\'t you be frank, Mr. Bai? Or are you worried that the king is trying to trap you? In fact, it\'s not necessary. Ye Lansheng has great selfish desires. When he was in power, he was covered up by authority. Now civil servants are in a weak position, and his bad roots are exposed without doubt.

You chose to avoid him. To tell the truth, it was wise. "

Bai Changqing emptied his eyes, put away his indifferent expression and asked, "bad root? Your highness, why do you say this?"

"Hum, ye Lansheng is obsessed with power and doesn\'t want to give up. He doesn\'t hesitate to gamble on the war of national fortune. He is a big thief of the country. Lord Bai doesn\'t want to go with others. Naturally, he is the loyalty of the country."

"Your Highness, this is..."

Yang Shu waved his hand and interrupted: "Ye Lansheng seems to want to advise to change the strategy of money and food austerity. In fact, he just wants to let the civil service group continue to hold this huge power, and then use this power to restrict the soldiers in the south, so as to bring down the border army, put the border army in a difficult situation, and finally retreat to the low fire level. In this way, he has an excuse to come up with the" peace talks "again The strategy of seeking the right to speak and power.

Am I right? "

Yang Shu\'s expression was gloomy and serious at this time, and Bai Changqing didn\'t know how to answer for a moment. Because Yang Shu really said something hidden in his heart.

Indeed, it was for this reason that Bai Changqing chose to avoid Ye Lansheng. But I didn\'t expect to be revealed by the spirit king.

There is no point in pretending to be stupid.

Bai Changqing also poured himself a cup of tea, but he didn\'t drink it. He just put it in front of him and smelled it. After a long silence, Bai Changqing said, "Bai Changqing was born in a decent way. His family has enjoyed the salary of the national Dynasty for several generations. Outside the ancestral hall, the first emperor gave an inscription to commend my Bai family\'s achievements. Seven people in his family have died for the country, and it has been spread to six generations. Two generations are martial arts and four generations are literary.

The Bai family remembered such kindness and dared not forget it. But there are always disturbances in world affairs, state affairs and family affairs. Although Bai Changqing has been living for decades, he is inevitably too busy to take care of himself. He can only avoid it and dare not make a cold face. He is ashamed of the emperor\'s kindness. He is really ashamed... "

Yang Shu understood and knew that Bai Changqing\'s diction was to avoid the important and take the light. He directly interrupted: "Lord Bai, I have something to say directly, and you\'d better say it directly.

Ye Lansheng\'s plan is insidious, but he can\'t succeed. No one, no one can ask any Yang emperor to make concessions or change the strategy of the imperial examination. This is the Royal iron law, not to mention Ye Lansheng and the poor people connected by him. Even if it is broken, it can\'t disrupt the pace of the imperial examination.

Therefore, ye Lansheng can\'t succeed. And Lord Bai, you will also be regarded by Ye Lansheng as a vent for failure. On the one hand, it\'s the power of the father and the anger of Ye Lansheng. You\'re wrong whatever you choose.

It\'s better to jump out of this circle and choose a new way. Maybe the way out can be broader. "After that, Yang Shu raised his tea cup and motioned to Bai Changqing. It seemed that he drank it all instead of wine.

Bai Changqing didn\'t drink the tea in her hand, but asked, "Your Highness is trying to attract me?"

"Didn\'t lord Bai say" the torrent of world affairs "? Since you often can\'t help yourself, why don\'t you change your way of life? Or do you think I can\'t help you?"

Can\'t help? If it were before today, Bai Changqing would agree with this statement. But now, I\'m afraid the seven princes cheated everyone early