Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 641

Yang Shu\'s business is not just that of imperial merchants\' tea. He directly or indirectly controls no less than 50 stores in the imperial city. If Yan Guan hadn\'t made too much trouble, Yang Shu would have covered a third of the stores in the imperial city.

In addition, the business of "tea" of imperial merchants mainly includes tea, so the best and most high-grade tea house in the imperial city is Yang Shu\'s industry.

Unlike others who like to open tea houses in junhou street to do business for dignitaries and dignitaries in the next Dynasty, Yang Shu\'s tea house is opened in the remote south corner of the city. A dense bamboo forest serves as a barrier to separate the noise of the market outside. Inside, there are bamboo Pavilion buildings, accompanied by a cover array to ensure the privacy and quiet of each guest.

The name of the tea house is: Bu er.

Tea was produced in the south of the Jingjiu Dynasty, and there were many famous teas, but the rarity was the most expensive. The most expensive tea was not produced in the Jingjiu Dynasty, but came from a wild tea called "tea island" in the treasure sea. It was called blue sea tide.

The charm of bihaichao is very special. It belongs to the top tea, but there is a kind of return sweetness that no other tea has. The most important thing is that bihaichao is not only tea, but also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which can be used in pills. When tea is brewed, it has a good concentration effect on monks. Long term drinking can even improve the sensitivity of soul and the toughness of meridians.

Therefore, one or two tea leaves and twelve gold, blue sea tide is this prohibitive price. Moreover, there is no market for price. It is rare to see ordinary people who boast of high class, let alone drink.

Of course, profiteering belongs to profiteering, and there are also gimmicks. Although bihaichao is indeed a traditional Chinese medicine, it is not widely used. There are only a few kinds of pills that can use it.

But it\'s certain that it\'s good to drink. Moreover, the area of tea island is very small. The output of bihaichao above is very low. There is a total output of more than 20 kilograms throughout the year. Except for the three or five kilograms of Shanggong, it\'s strange that the rest are not sold at sky high prices.

All the tea houses in the imperial city only have "No. 2" here to drink. Of course, if you want to drink bihaichao, first prepare money, and then look at luck. You can drink it only when you are lucky.

However, not many people in the imperial city know that the "No. 2" tea house is an industry under Yang Shu\'s name. However, many people guessed that the emperor merchant "tea", but they knew that the actual controller of the emperor merchant "tea" was Yang Shu, which was also very few.

Bai Changqing belongs to the latter. He knows the name of the "No. 2" tea house and has even been to it several times. He guessed that the background of this tea house must be not small. Perhaps it is the "tea" run by the imperial merchants, but he doesn\'t know that it is actually the seventh Prince Yang Shu behind it.

Bai Changqing was invited to have tea today. The person who invited him was his former teacher, the former Minister of household Zuo Shilang, who had been serving in the countryside for many years.

When Bai Changqing was still at the local level, he got up step by step by relying on the teacher\'s contacts. He can\'t do without his own skills. At the same time, the blessing of the teacher has really given him a great favor.

Fortunately, the teacher also has self-cultivation. Now he is 90 and 5, and he is in good health. Every year, Bai Changqing comes to visit and listen to his teachings. But rarely invited by teachers.

Bai Changqing can decline other people\'s invitation. He can use his "family care" as an excuse, or let others think that he is "afraid of the inside". This is the means he has used as a shield for this period of time. Even ye Lansheng\'s invitation is handled in this way. However, Bai Changqing still had no way to refuse the teacher\'s invitation.

But when Bai Changqing was led by his attendants to the innermost forest Pavilion of the tea house, he knew that the teacher would not come today. Because it is said that this is the best "wing room" of the "No. 2" tea house. The teacher has been in office for a long time. It is impossible to have such a big face.

Unexpected, but also reasonable. Bai Changqing was also prepared for the accident. Knowing that sometimes people can\'t help themselves, teachers may have to suffer.

But Bai Changqing didn\'t go, but sat down at ease. He wondered who spent so much time thinking about seeing him.

In addition, on the tea table in the pavilion, there is a can of tea with unique appearance, blue, with a sticker written "Bi" on it.

Bai Changqing liked drinking tea and knew more about tea, so when she sat down, she recognized the origin of the tea pot on the table at the first sight.

"Blue sea tide?" there was a trace of joy and confusion.

This kind of tea can\'t be bought with money. It\'s one or two teas and twelve gold, but it\'s not possible to buy it ten times the price. After all, there are too few such teas. Even Bai Changqing, the official residence minister, only had the honor to drink once at Ye Lansheng\'s house, just a small teaspoon of tea and a cup of tea.

But now... A jar?

Bai Changqing didn\'t believe it. He reached out to pick up the tea pot and weighed it. It was really not empty. When he opened the lid, he was surprised. There was really more than half a pot of tea in the pot. The light blue unique shape like the waves was not the blue sea tide! Who\'s so proud?

"I heard that Lord Bai has unparalleled tea skills. Do you have the honor to see it?"

Just when Bai Changqing was surprised, someone came in outside the forest, and the voice came first.

Turning around, Bai Changqing was even more surprised, but he quickly stood up and bowed his hands: "Bai Changqing has seen his Highness the king of spirits."

The visitor is naturally Yang Shu, the seventh prince. The guest Qing under his door could just find Bai Changqing\'s teacher, and then "know it with affection" naturally asked him to come forward and ask Bai Changqing out. Will Bai Changqing complain? I believe that a mature Minister of the Ministry of household is impossible, and the city government has no patience. Whether things can be achieved after that depends on how Yang Shu deals with it.

"Hehe, you don\'t have to be polite, Mr. Bai. Please sit down." Yang Shu is dressed in regular clothes, but all his clothes reveal his noble spirit, which is very different from his usual dressing style.

Sitting opposite the tea table, Yang Shu began to light the small stove on the table with fruit trees, and then put a pot of spring water on the stove to burn.

"Will Lord Bai show his hand?"

Bai Changqing also smiled and said, "Your Highness doesn\'t dislike Chen\'s craftsmanship." he was also impolite. He began to make a fuss with the tea set on the table, moving one by one and having a sense of beauty. The so-called tea art has begun at this time. Every action is exquisite. Those who understand naturally understand, and those who do not understand will watch the excitement.

Yang Shu makes money from tea. He is also knowledgeable about tea. Looking at Bai Changqing\'s actions, he is indeed an old tea pot as rumored.

"For the first time, I don\'t know how to grasp the fire. Please give me more advice."

Yang Shu nodded, waited until he drank a mouthful of the brewed tea, then seriously aftertasted it, and said, "very good! Really good skill..."

Yang Shu really understands it, and unlike other princes, he can bend down to flatter the people below, and he has clever means. He rarely misses.

Sure enough, even Bai Changqing and others could not resist the compliment and flattery of a prince. The smile on his face was much more natural than before.