Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 640

Although Yang Shu always shows people like a fool, he is very clear in his heart and knows a lot about the princes in the temple. For example, Bai Changqing, Minister of the Ministry of household, and Yang Shu have never heard of anyone who put the word "greed leads to mischief" on this person\'s head.

A person who can be a minister of the Ministry of household and still can\'t fall after the ups and downs of the official sea for so many years will be a greedy and misguided person? Yang Shu doesn\'t believe it at all.

But at the same time, Yang Shu also knew that his guest Qing must have firm evidence to say those words. At least Bai Changqing did perfunctory decline Ye Lansheng\'s private invitation with a new sister flower.

"Bai Changqing can\'t offend Ye Lansheng for two women. Is there another reason? Have you found anything else?" Yang Shu thought that only this explanation could explain Bai Changqing\'s abnormal behavior.

Sure enough, the guest Qing bowed back and said, "the Lord is right. We think so. Bai Changqing has always been a cautious and smooth person, and he is relatively principled. There is no stain on women\'s color on the way. In any way, he should not repeatedly refute Ye Lansheng\'s face.

So we asked the people in Yueying building to help check Bai Changqing and ye Lansheng\'s recent action track and private affairs. It was found that Bai Changqing did go home after work. He looked like an old man. There was no other problem. But ye Lansheng was restless.

According to the news from Yueying building, ye Lansheng has made frequent appointments with all the ministers recently, and they are all private appointments. Except once in the tea house, the rest choose to talk secretly in their own residence. It is not clear what they have talked about outside. But according to the analysis of Yueying building, it should be related to the recent strategy of tightening money and food. "

"What do you say?"

"The people in Yueying building believe that ye Lansheng should want to connect with the backbone of civil servants in the temple and advise his majesty against removing the real power of money and food austerity from the head of the household."

Yang Shu frowned slightly: "this means that ye Lansheng wants to break the benefits his father is going to give me?"

"Yes, my Lord. And after we got the information about the moon shadow building, we thought it over and over again. Combined with Ye Lansheng\'s recent performance in the temple, we thought that ye Lansheng might really be brewing a big move aimed at tightening money and food. But we still think it\'s all appearances."


"Yes, appearance! My Lord, if ye Lansheng only wants to change his Majesty\'s mind on the strategy of money and food austerity, Bai Changqing, as the Minister of the Ministry of household, will never jump away in advance to keep a distance from ye Lansheng even if he doesn\'t want to be a leading bird. Therefore, ye Lansheng doesn\'t want his majesty to remove the power of money and food austerity from the Ministry of household. There must be other reasons.

The subordinates thought that ye Lansheng\'s move was probably not at present, but in the south. "

Yang Shu was silent for a long time. He suddenly thought of something. Then he stared at the guest Qing in front of him and asked, "don\'t you think ye Lansheng was secretly tripping over the war in the South after he planned to hold the power of money and food tightening?"

"My Lord, this is the result of the discussion among subordinates. Because the war in the south is related to the voice of the temple and the sharing of power. Now that the army is on the rise, it is bound to reduce the voice of civil servants, which has been obvious in recent months. If civil servants led by Ye Lansheng still want to fight back, the only possibility is to cut off the war in the South and change it to what they advocated before "Peace talks" so that they can regain their previous voice and power.

It is difficult to turn the situation in the south from "war" to "peace", especially when Jianchuan won a great victory. The only possibility is... "

"Another big defeat. It\'s best to completely break the current long-term situation in the south, force Zuo Yuliang to withdraw from baohuoguan, and lose his troops, so that he can move the central government to redefine the strategy in the south, and the civil servants will have a chance again," said guest Qing, but Yang Shu didn\'t take this into account.

"The Lord is right in his words. This is exactly the result of our analysis combined with the information given by the moon shadow building. Bai Changqing should have been hinted by Ye Lansheng in this regard, and then he was frightened. He took the initiative to distance himself from ye Lansheng and worried that things would be involved."

"Ye Lansheng... This dog like thing takes the power given to him by the state as his own thing. Dare you seize it?"

You can use what you give; you can\'t take what you don\'t give. This rule, Yang Shu, as a royal family, naturally stares very hard. He also hates Ye Lansheng\'s plan judged and analyzed by Keqing.

As for whether everything is true, as Keqing said, the confirmation is also very simple. Just wait and see if ye Lansheng wants to force the decentralization of the "money and grain tightening strategy", and then step up the erosion against some key figures. It\'s not very difficult.

"If your judgment is correct this time, you will have a great chance to take Bai Changqing under your command. Because Bai Changqing now seems to be estranged from ye Lansheng. Once Ye Lansheng advises your majesty that he wants to change the strategy of money and food tightening and delegate power, Bai Changqing must stand in line, or he will be the enemy of Ye Lansheng, so you will be able to solve Bai Changqing\'s problem at that time He has no reason not to choose your side. "

After this long speech, Yang Shu couldn\'t sit still. Get up and walk back and forth in the room.

Indeed, if what the guests analyzed in combination with the news of Yueying studio is right, Bai Changqing is now like a poor bug standing by the fire pit, either jumping into the fire pit, or someone can hand him a rope to escape.

Should it not be a "rope" to save Bai Changqing from trouble? Yang Shu should think it over. Because this will disrupt his previous plan and intervene in the high-level power competition in the official face in advance, which will aggravate the situation that he was attacked by several brothers.

The benefits are self-evident. The Ministry of household has always been the vital central department of the country and the dynasty. It is in charge of money, grain and goods. It can touch all aspects of the country and the dynasty directly or indirectly. Once the house can be won, it is equivalent to changing thatched houses into tile roofed houses for Yang Shu, one day at a time.

After a little consideration, Yang Shu nodded and said to Keqing, "in this way, you can make an appointment at a suitable time or create a suitable opportunity. I\'ll talk to Bai Changqing face to face."

No matter how good an idea is, it\'s just an idea. Whether it can be realized or not depends on actually trying. Yang Shu is not ready to let go of this opportunity, so he wants to explore Bai Changqing\'s bottom first. If he can really pull Bai Changqing over, he will pick up a big bargain.

"By the way, is there any peace in the moon shadow building recently?"

"It\'s normal, but because of the recent situation, their asking price has risen relatively high."

"Money? Is this a problem for me? All right, don\'t keep staring at money. Please make another appointment with tie Ji for me. I\'m very satisfied with the person she helped me find this time. I want to thank her face-to-face."