Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 635

Yang Jian now spends half his time in the warm soup of Fu\'an palace every day.

Some people say that the reason why the Imperial Palace chose to build in Tianlan city was that Tianlan city\'s geographical advantages could be in the middle of the huge territory of the old Jing Dynasty, and it also meant to suppress Qi luck.

But Yang Jian knew that after the founding of this foundation, the ancestors of the Yang family liked the geographical location of Tianlan City, but there were other reasons. For example, this warm soup in Fu\'an palace.

No one believed it, but this is the truth. In the eyes of every generation of Royal leaders, this pool of warm soup is extraordinary.

The strange spider webs on Yang Jian\'s chest are now all over his whole torso. Except for his face, neck and other exposed parts of his clothes, they are basically full of these things.

If you were outside, every time with Yang Jian\'s breathing, these black and red "cobwebs" would follow a slight rhythm, bringing Yang Jian extreme pain.

Over the years, Yang Jian realized why the first emperor would be both pleased and pitied to see his expression before he succeeded to the throne. It turns out that this position is really the most difficult and miserable position in the world. And it won\'t give you a chance to go back.

Now Yang Jian knows that he is following the old road of the former Emperor, and this is also the bumpy road of their royal family.

The seven princes are not few in the past dynasties. Yang Jian is very proud of his ability to have a son in his early years. He is better than the former Emperor, which gives him more choices.

The ridiculous saying that there was no direct eldest son to succeed to the throne in the imperial dynasty of the Yang family has always been that those who are capable live in it and those who are mediocre. Moreover, there is no exaggeration in history books, but some concealment is omitted.

Anyway, Yang Jian thinks their royal family is fairly aboveboard. Although the alternation of imperial power has been bloody, it has little impact on ordinary people.

For this strange thing, Yang Jian began to decorate it 20 years ago. The first is to suppress and control the seven sons and let them understand the charm of imperial power, so as to have a longing for imperial power. With this yearning, we will go all out to participate in the later struggle and give full play to everyone\'s potential.

Then gradually guide the seven sons to develop their own personality. This is very important. People are different. Their advantages and disadvantages correspond to each other. There is no absolute good or bad. The growth of personality is the key to a person\'s success. It can also make it easier for Yang Jian to see his seven sons.

At the same time, this screening and training process can also re sort out all forces and ministers in the DPRK.

The ruthlessness of the Yang Dynasty is not only for its own people, but also for its subjects. However, anyone who wants to seek something untimely in the change of imperial power can only end up with one word: death.

It is not only a matter of trust that the emperor and his courtiers are mentioned. It is more likely that the unlucky and stupid have been screened out in the change of imperial power.

However, Yang Jian also had to lament that things were changing, and people were not as good as heaven. His 20-year arrangement saw an additional change at the last minute. The barbarians who thought they had been abused had repeated their selfishness because of Yang Yansi and others. They not only wanted to rebuild the king\'s court, but also fought with the state and the dynasty in the south.

There are five eunuchs waiting on Yang Jian\'s side. These people are his loyal servants and will be buried with him in the future. Therefore, Yang Jian will never avoid them in secret. Of course, it also includes Yang Xiusheng who never leaves him.

Unlike Yang Jian, who likes to soak in warm soup, Yang Xiusheng doesn\'t like water. Even Yang Jian stood on the shore or sat in a chair and closed his eyes for meditation.

"Your Majesty, the red plume on the front line is urgent!"

A eunuch hurriedly came in with a copper bar with three red feathers, knelt on the ground and presented it to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian sat up straight from the pool. The expression on his face was not very happy. Recently, even if he was soaked in warm soup, his pain did not reduce as much as before.

After receiving the copper bar and carefully checking that the seal on it is correct, it can be opened. Then after reading it quickly, I had a smile on my face, and looked at it again, so I laughed.

"Uncle, I won!"

Yang Jian conveniently put the copper bar in the eunuch\'s hand and let it pass to Yang Xiusheng who heard the laughter.

"Zuo Yuliang really didn\'t disappoint me. He fought beautifully this time. He endured it for more than a month and finally got a reward. Now he defeated the enemy in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan and completely solved the dilemma. Since then, the three strongholds of Jianchuan will take the initiative again and reinforce each other wantonly. The barbarians will no longer dare to threaten the stronghold, and the pressure on Jianchuan will disappear.

Hahaha, in this way, the next plan should be pushed forward slowly. Turn passivity into initiative. Let\'s see how many barbarians can survive this time! "

Yang Xiusheng looked at the copper bar in his hand and his face was also filled with a smile. The generals of the country can still win the war. Before, the situation in Jianchuan has been in danger, which is likely to lead to the complete collapse of the first-line defense, but now it is directly reversed, and everything is really turned over.

However, although Yang Xiusheng knew the plan of the Ministry of war, he was still worried, but his identity was not suitable to say anything, so he could only smile.

Why can\'t Yang Jian see Yang Xiusheng\'s idea and say, "uncle, what do you want to say? But it doesn\'t hurt."

After thinking about it, Yang Xiusheng said, "are you sure you want to turn away from customers? How to deal with such a long supply line? Now just going to the original line of Jianchuan and Huzhu is the limit of the Ministry of war and the Ministry of household. If you go further, once the supply is cut off, the army will lose everything to be slaughtered."

"Hehe, how can I know what uncle said? Zuo Yuliang is also a famous general in the world. How can he not know that a long front will bring disadvantage to the war situation?"


"Uncle, do you remember the criminal official named Xu Hong?"

"The former left servant of the army?"

"That\'s him. Xu Hong colluded with the pseudo evil friar to use the loophole of the border army to smuggle a large amount of materials from Xiaochuan through the thousands of miles bamboo sea to the barbarians. The road has now been opened up by Zuo Yuliang\'s personnel. Now a mixed army of 30000 people has crossed the thousands of miles bamboo sea to the east of the barbarians, and has established a fixed military stronghold."

Yang Xiusheng frowned. He didn\'t quite understand Yang Jian\'s meaning. He opened up the bamboo sea and continued to lengthen the front. Is there a connection between the two?

"Hehe, is uncle familiar with the geographical location of Wanli bamboo sea and barbarian region?" Yang Jianhao asked without time.

"Hmm? Do you mean that after reaching the barbarian hinterland through Wanli bamboo sea, the military stronghold can be used as a bridgehead, and the channel of Wanli bamboo sea can greatly shorten the distance of the supply line?"

Yang Jian nodded: "it\'s not only to shorten the length of the supply line, but also very safe. Not everyone can walk in the ten thousand mile bamboo sea. It\'s more difficult for the barbarians to break my supply line."