Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 634

Shen Hao was silly. He thought a lot about the scenes and results of the fight between monks in xuanhai territory, but he didn\'t think it would be the scene in front of him.

There was no terrible Qi tide or the power afterwave of destroying the sky and earth, only an ordinary sword, and then one fell and died.

If he didn\'t know that both of them were monks in xuanhai, Shen Hao didn\'t bother to take a look at the fighting scene.

A xuanhaijing died like this?!

"Who is that man?" Shen Hao asked the bodyguard subconsciously.

"If what we expect is right, that person is Xuan Tianqing, the five elders of wanjuan book mountain."

"What accomplishments?"

"I don\'t know. It\'s said that xuantianqing has entered the back of xuanhai."

Shen Hao was stunned

Xuanhai territory can walk horizontally in Jingjiu Dynasty, which belongs to the existence that thousands of people look up to. Xuanhai and Houjing... No wonder wanjuan book mountain is called super sect gate. It\'s not without reason.

But the monk seems to have stabilized the situation, but what about the military stronghold? Can\'t that expert run to kill ordinary barbarian soldiers?

When Shen Hao regained his consciousness, he suddenly found that the high-intensity attack and defense on the wall of the stronghold retreated a lot. The barbarians who had rushed up endlessly before now have not seen their head.

Is it true that the death of a monk in xuanhai territory has such a great blow to the scholar spirit of the barbarians? Or worry about being directly inserted into the array by experts?

Shen Hao held a big shield in his hand and covered himself with a thick layer of Qi shield. He went to the stronghold wall and looked down. He was surprised to see that the barbarians retreated like the tide.

"The barbarians retreated! Really retreated!"

Not only Shen Hao discovered the changes under the Walled Village, but also many smart and courageous people nearby. Shouting loudly seems to win. More directly, it means that everyone can\'t die for the time being.

When this breath was relieved, many people couldn\'t hold their breath. They sat down on the ground and couldn\'t tell whether they were happy or sad. Some young people directly cried on their faces. Men don\'t cry, but at this time, even if they advocate breaking teeth, promoting blood circulation and swallowing, no one in the army laughs at those who cry.

It\'s a great terror between life and death. It\'s a good thing to cry and vent.

Although Shen Hao was confused, he also breathed a sigh. At least for the time being, the upper military stronghold is guarded. It seems that it\'s just noon. Is it some arrangement of Cheng jinhou that works?

"Dong Dong Dong..."

The nerve that had just loosened was tightened again by the sudden deafening drum. Shen Hao hurriedly looked under the stronghold wall. The barbarians were still retreating and didn\'t mean to continue their attack. What were you doing beating drums at this time?

It was Shi Changhe on the walled wall who received the news. He cheered up immediately.

"Those who can still move and can ride horses and kill, go to the military stronghold horse farm to lead the horses and go out with the army!"

Cavalry is useless when attacking and defending the stronghold. They can only be used as infantry after dismounting. Now all the horses are on the horse farm of the stronghold. But there are few cavalry, and there are fewer left after two consecutive wars. Therefore, if you want to regulate the power of chasing and killing all the way, you can only choose directly from those who can "ride a horse and kill".

Shen Hao turned down the walled wall without thinking about it.

"Shen Hao, where are you going?"

"Lead the horse, don\'t you mean to go out to chase and kill? How can you lose me?" Shen Hao wiped some solidified blood on his face, grinned, looked ferocious, and the three guards were inexplicably afraid.

He was killed by the blocked door. Now run if you want? Shen Hao\'s chest was full of rage. He had to chase out and let the barbarians taste his knife.

The hostility and evil spirit are particularly strong at this time. Rao Shi\'s three bodyguards\' accomplishments are much higher than Shen Hao. They can\'t help but feel uncomfortable. Finally, they can only attribute this evil spirit to "born".

As for worry. Shen Hao had one before. Now he doesn\'t worry at all. Taking "noon" as the timeline, Cheng jinhou accurately divided the war situation into two halves. The elder of wanjuan book mountain named Xuan Tianqing is a long hidden card. Even the last time Cheng jinhou hurt his arm, he must have played it on purpose.

Now it\'s time for the barbarians to retreat. It\'s certainly not that they can\'t afford to die. When so many people die and see that the stronghold is about to be broken, they choose to retreat. There must be some danger related to life and death. They have to give up the fight that has reached 90% here.

That\'s why Cheng jinhou calmly beat the drum to chase the enemy.

Shen Hao soon saw his scattered guards under the stronghold wall. There were more than 30 people before, so there were less than 20 left.

When I went to the horse farm, the horses were brought by Shen Hao and later incorporated into a very miscellaneous riding team. There are no detailed orders, just saying "chase the enemy", which is limited to 20 miles.

This is very wanton.

The Dharma array at the gate of the military stronghold was lifted, and the gate of the stronghold was wide open. Only more than 300 riding teams rushed out of it, and then spread out in a linear shape to pursue the retreating barbarians.

So many people are useful?

Shen Hao controls the speed of the horse. He doesn\'t need to fight for credit. He has done enough credit so far. He\'s curious. But where is Cheng jinhou\'s confidence?

Soon, Shen Hao saw Cheng jinhou\'s confidence.

In the distance to the East, a dark military array has appeared on the horizon, while in the south, there is also a dark military array leaning up.

Reinforcements are really coming?

Shen Hao told his close guards not to rush forward blindly and keep riding at a slow speed in the middle and back of the front. At present, the military array from Dongbao is still a little far away. If it is too tight, it will be funny if it is fought back by barbarians. We still have to look at the situation first.

The change came faster than Shen Hao thought. There was a sudden commotion among the barbarian troops who were retreating to the west, and the formation obviously began to be chaotic. Some marginal barbarians even began to retreat to the north.

Is this... Some sign of collapse?

In the west, there are also military formations from the Jingjiu dynasty?

As a soldier in the army, Shen Hao, no matter how smart he is, can\'t see every change in the whole battlefield. He would never know what kind of chess the border troops had played at what price, nor would he understand that today\'s tragic offensive and defensive war was a great opportunity for Cheng jinhou to wait for more than a month.

The ruins of the tower in the stronghold have been cleaned up. Cheng jinhou and xuantianqing returned to the big account.

"Will the elders Wu Yuan and Yuan Qingyun be all right?" Cheng jinhou was still as calm as before, but his aggressive eyes disappeared. Instead, he was worried about the two masters of xuanhai who had not returned.

"Don\'t worry about them. There is no one in the army attacked by the barbarians who can kill them. Now they haven\'t returned, they may take advantage of them and don\'t want to go." Xuan Tianqing sat in his chair and closed his eyes. He was completely different from when he disguised as a flag officer. He had a sharp spirit that ordinary people don\'t have. Now he doesn\'t need to hide it.