Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 636

Jianchuan victory!

Wipe out more than 20000 enemies! Completely solved the siege of Jianchuan and changed the situation in the south.

Naturally, the first winner of this success report was the Ministry of war, which was personally written by Cheng jinhou, the commander of the upper stronghold of Jianchuan, and then jointly signed by Shen Wanlin, the commander of Jianchuan defense area.

Xuanqingwei also received good news almost at the same time. Now, because of the relationship between the supervision envoys and the construction of intelligence channels, xuanqingwei\'s intelligence transmission speed is actually faster than that of the Ministry of war. But many details are far less clear than the intelligence of the Ministry of war.

"It seems that the Ministry of war has fought a beautiful battle. Now the situation in the South will be much better." Pang ban rarely set up a simple table at home, three meat, three vegetables and one soup, and two jars of wine.

"Yes, now the news is spreading all over the streets, and the people are very happy. The rich have even contacted the dental bank to ask the purchase price of subsequent barbarian slaves."

Pang ban entertained only one person, Jiang Cheng, the caretaker of Jingxi town. This made Jiang Cheng a little flattered. As far as he knew, Pang ban invited someone to his house for dinner for the first time.

Jiang Cheng didn\'t dare to take it empty handed, so he took two jars of Wuliangye, which is said to have been brewed for two years, which are the two jars on the table at this time.

After a few mouthfuls of food and two bowls of wine, Pang ban naturally talked about the most lively topic in the imperial city recently: the victory of Jianchuan.

"Hehe, the people will listen to the music. It\'s too early to get real benefits. According to my estimation, although the Jianchuan victory is very important, it only pushes forward the war in the south. It\'s not a decisive victory. So it\'s still too early.

By the way, I read the edition of the reward list reported by Jianchuan. Shen Hao\'s ranking is very high. It didn\'t humiliate xuanqingwei. Are you preparing an extra reward? "

Jiang Cheng didn\'t know Pang Ban\'s idea and didn\'t dare to answer it easily. He just said, "that\'s the version reward of the Ministry of war. The credit is also directly issued by the Ministry of war. His subordinates just received a pension note about the soldiers killed in battle and didn\'t ask for credit, so they weren\'t prepared for an extra reward for the time being."

Pang ban shook his head and said with a smile, "great achievements should be rewarded. You should draw up an extra reward. The things go through the mouth of the commander\'s Yamen and let others understand our xuanqingwei attitude."

Jiang Cheng, this should be.

After a few words, pangban boasted that the wine was delicious. At the same time, he said with a smile, "I heard that your old peak asked you for wine the day before yesterday? It seems that he didn\'t drink to the fullest and finally left?"

"You know that, my lord?"

"Hehe, Liao Chengfeng said after he went out that you are ungrateful and your eyes are higher than the top. Although I rarely go out, I have heard of it. It\'s reasonable to say that you Jiang Cheng are not a stingy person. I\'m afraid Shen Hao didn\'t send you this good wine? Aren\'t you willing to give it to Liao Chengfeng?"

In fact, there are jokes inside and outside. Jiang Cheng knows that Pang ban is giving him an opportunity to explain.

"Lord Hui. If Lord Liao only wants to drink, it would be easy. I still don\'t lack Wuliangye, but what Lord Liao asks is not a little wine, but something else. It\'s hard for his subordinates to accept, so it attracted Lord Liao\'s dissatisfaction, so that he thought his subordinates were ungrateful and above the top. It\'s really a bit wronged."

Pang ban took a bite of food and ate it in his mouth. Then he didn\'t urge him, so he waited for Jiang Cheng to continue.

"I shouldn\'t have told you this, but when you ask, my subordinates will report it to you." Jiang Cheng continued: "A few days ago, Lord Liao came to see his subordinates. The so-called thing was to ask his subordinates to arrange several people in the southern army. His subordinates shirked on the ground that Shen Hao was now in charge of the affairs of the supervisory envoy in the southern army. After several disagreements, Liao got angry and left."

Pang ban naturally knows the whole story, so he needs to listen to Jiang Cheng\'s words.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he saw Pang ban pick up the wine bowl and quickly touch the other party to kill him, and then he took the initiative to pour the wine.

"Liao Chengfeng used to be the caretaker of Jingnan town. The former supervisory envoy of the southern army was under his command. But now he is under your command in Jingxi. Why? Some of his people want to put him in. They didn\'t do it long ago, but now they remember? What do you say?"

"My subordinates learned later that the people mentioned by Lord Liao were all guest Qing in the third prince\'s house. You told me that you should never have anything to do with the princes recently, so my subordinates didn\'t dare to talk to Lord Liao."

Jiang Cheng really worked under Liao Chengfeng for a long time. But that doesn\'t mean he is the iron core of Liao Chengfeng\'s department. Jiang Cheng had deep differences with Liao Chengfeng on the issue of black flag camp before. Later, Jiang Cheng supported Shen Hao to handle several major cases by acting arbitrarily. After showing his face, he took advantage of the internal purge of xuanqingwei to replace Liao Chengfeng as Jingxi town Caress the envoy, and Liao Chengfeng came to Jingnan. Then the relationship between the two was a stranger.

But Liao Chengfeng suddenly came to the door and asked for the placement of staff. Jiang Cheng was not so easy to talk. Moreover, he heard that Keqing, the third prince, refused directly.

Liao Chengfeng probably didn\'t expect that Jiang Cheng, a pawn once under his command, now dared not give him face, so he was very angry. Only after returning did he hear about Jiang Cheng\'s "ungrateful" remarks.

Really, from Liao Chengfeng\'s point of view, Jiang Cheng is not strong enough. But Jiang Cheng is not a fool. Can he bear anything?

Sure enough, Pang ban put down his chopsticks when Jiang Cheng finished. The smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by an expression of disgust.

"Liao Chengfeng is becoming more and more presumptuous."

Jiang Cheng didn\'t answer. But he also heard. Liao Chengfeng has been following the path of the third prince. It is even rumored that he has friendship with Ye Lansheng. However, the Liao family was a big family in the old Jing Dynasty, and there were several marriage relationships among the Xius behind them. They were intertwined, moved and led the whole body. Coupled with the potential of the third prince, Pang ban kept Liao Chengfeng open and closed.

"Now the austerity strategy of the Ministry of household has come down. At present, it has been announced at the court meeting, but it has not been found in the follow-up. However, it did not fall on Bai Changqing of the Ministry of household as per the normal terms of reference, but was kept by his majesty. The intention is to choose one of several princes to borrow this burden."

"Do you still think the seventh prince will be reused?"

"This is inevitable. And not only me, but others will certainly see it. Your majesty will certainly push the seven princes ahead in the end. Otherwise, it will not be fair to fight with uneven strength.

But in this way, the other princes were somewhat passive, and there was no result, so they had to find another way. This is why the Third Prince wanted to insert his guest Qing into the southern army.

Shen Hao has no roots and no Ping. You are the only teacher who can be regarded as a backer, and now others are in the front line, so there won\'t be many people who go his way. It\'s much easier to find you. The third prince is just the beginning, and you, the caretaker of Jingxi Town, will become a fragrant steamed bun. "