Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 633

If he didn\'t see the wolf clan carrying the huge blade, Shen Hao didn\'t perceive the existence of the other party at all, just as the other party only exists in the vision but doesn\'t exist in his perception. He didn\'t even feel that all the soldiers were killed by the other party.

The three bodyguards protected Shen Hao behind him like a great enemy. They even held him directly without Shen Hao\'s reaction and began to step back.

I don\'t know if it was Shen Hao\'s luck. The wolf didn\'t look at Shen Hao at all, but bared his teeth and looked up at the towering tower in the army.


With a wolf howl, the wolf family jumped up under his feet, flew down from the stronghold wall, and then ran towards the tower like a hurricane. There were a piece of broken limbs and arms everywhere. All those who dared to stop were twisted to pieces by the huge blade in an instant. Even wearing magic weapons and armor would not help.

Shen Hao didn\'t dare to move at this moment. He could feel the strength gap crushed. It seemed that the wolf family could kill him by moving his fingers, and the three guards in front of him could not block each other.

"What is that?"

"Xuanhai territory body repair!" Shen Hao was not the only one with lingering fear. The three bodyguards also had a feeling of survival, and then said: "they went for Cheng jinhou! They\'re going to be punished!"

Only Shen Hao has a different emotion in his heart, that is "speechless". Because just when I saw the wolf, the black animal tattoo on his chest jumped again.

This is really greedy, snake swallowing elephant! Shen Hao was stunned and immediately scolded in his heart. He felt that the black beast tattoo was a pit. It\'s OK to drool at the souls of the barbarian monks who died in his hands. After all, for the black beast tattoo, it\'s giving up the "food" to his mouth. But the wolf clan carrying the huge blade just now is also "food"? Shen Hao sniff at the reaction of tattoo of black animal, and even make complaints about it.

However, the idea only turned around in his heart, and then was forgotten by Shen Hao, because he now faced a choice: go or stay.

"Shen Hao, let\'s go! Cheng jinhou is dead, and the military stronghold can\'t hold it!"

Shen Hao still shook his head: "No. the military order is to keep the stronghold wall. You can\'t go until the stronghold is broken."

In fact, Shen Hao himself can\'t tell why he has so much confidence in Cheng jinhou, but he has his own small abacus. If Cheng jinhou dies, the military stronghold will be in chaos once it is broken. He has Tu Dun in his hand, and his breath is far longer than that of ordinary friars. He is sure to avoid it by traveling with Tu dun. He is not in a hurry at all.

To be frank, even if you want to run, you have to look at Cheng jinhou\'s death, otherwise you can\'t run.

The three bodyguards wanted to persuade, but the towering tower behind them collapsed directly. In the smoke, you can see that the wolf family with a huge blade is holding a chopping posture.

A burst of howling, the sound directly hit my mind and made my mind dizzy.

"Sound repair?" it has the sound repair characteristics like Ning Ziyi encountered by Shen Hao.

"It\'s not sound training, but special sound stimulation, an ability to control the body to the extreme."

Sound control? Shen Hao didn\'t understand it at first, but he immediately thought of another world\'s interpretation of sound "vibration and sound waves". I also have a new understanding of the means of physical training. The original physical cultivation is not only strong enough, but also used to the extreme.

"It\'s over. Cheng jinhou can\'t live."

"No! Look, who is the man around Cheng jinhou?"

The smoke dispersed and the collapsed tower showed its shape. Cheng jinhou really didn\'t die. He didn\'t even have any scars on his body. The strength of the knife was thrown at him just now, but someone helped him block it.

Even Cheng jinhou was not the only one. At this time, everyone on the tower showed their shape after the dust dispersed. They found that they didn\'t want to defend Cheng jinhou, but they waved their hands and held back.

"Don\'t worry if elder Xuan is here." Cheng jinhou said calmly.

Shen Hao tried to look out. He couldn\'t hear Cheng jinhou\'s words, but when he saw that the smoke and dust dispersed, the person protecting Cheng jinhou was not one of the previous several who took the command flag to help Cheng jinhou command and give orders! Although Shen Hao didn\'t write down the man\'s specific appearance, he remembered the man\'s clothes clearly. Moreover, at this time, there were several command flags inserted in the man\'s waist.

In addition to the command flag on his waist, the "command flag officer" also had an old-fashioned long sword in his hand.

After that, both sides didn\'t speak and killed each other directly.

It\'s strange that Shen Hao took the time to watch two experts in the military stronghold fight, but it gave him the feeling that it was like a competition between ordinary martial artists. There is no sign of real Qi surging, no prestige, no destructive power, and even the scope of body movement is limited to a small open space.

Until he found that the wolf clan stepped on a large weapon shield scattered on the ground when moving, the thick shield disappeared like gasification in an instant. He didn\'t understand that maybe this is another level of fighting, which can\'t be understood by Shen Hao\'s current cultivation.

Even Shen Hao couldn\'t help thinking, why did the wolf family fight with the sword repair that suddenly erupted in this way? Isn\'t it better for him to open and close?

Maybe the wolf family can\'t help it.

In addition, Shen Hao saw it for a while and always felt that the rhythm of the sword dance was very familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. He thought quickly and remembered it soon.

When watching Nie Yun compete with Qingwan Fairy on changbaifeng, this is the sword skill used by Qingwan fairy at the critical moment. But now the sword is much more fluent than the Qingwan fairy, just like heaven. No matter how the huge blade in the wolf\'s hand is waved, it is easily taken away by the long sword, and then the light sword can force the wolf\'s friars to the left and right.

"How strong! This is to envelop the ultimate sword idea between the surrounding areas, not let a trace of power leak out, and create their own energy space of heaven and earth. This is the legendary" domain "? Who is that person?"

"Who else can it be? The sword move is like knowing all the material enemy\'s opportunities, and has the strength to hold down the monks in xuanhai. There are only a few such figures in the territory of Jingjiu Dynasty."

"You mean the elder of wanjuan book mountain?"

"Well, I can\'t think of anyone who can have such strength except him."

"But shouldn\'t that elder be in charge of the army in Wuhu? Why did he appear here?"

Suddenly, there was an ordinary sword stabbing straight in the distance, and the speed seemed not fast, but it stabbed the wolf Friar\'s chest so strangely, and it was like only breaking the skin of the other party. But the wolf friar stood motionless, his breath dissipated quickly, and then fell to the ground and became a corpse.