Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 632

Shen Hao meets Wu Kai. Wu Kai will die if he slows down one more step.

A barbarian with a three foot long knife directly split Wu Kai\'s stone armor, and a knife cut into Wu Kai\'s shoulder. Once Wu Kai supports the other party\'s arm to vent, it will end up being split into two.

Shen Hao passed by, covered it with a soul force, and then cut off the barbarian\'s head with a knife.

"Are you ok?"

"Sure. But I hurt my bone this time. It\'s a little uncomfortable. Do you have Dan on you? Give me one."

Shen Hao dragged Wu Kai to the back, took a healing pill from the storage bag and said, "if the bone is broken, set your own bone, and then use the medicine..."

"OK, I know better than you. Tut Tut, it\'s a big family of Xuanqing Wei. Take this kind of middle-grade pill as soon as you say."

Shen Hao shook his head and didn\'t tell Wu kaiduo that the situation on the front walled wall was more dangerous. He didn\'t have time to stay behind.

Counting the time, it\'s almost past now, and half the time has passed since the two hours mentioned by Cheng jinhou. But Shen haogang just looked out of the stockade wall. At least there was no sign of reinforcements in the East.

"Shen Hao, are you going to stay here all the time?" one of the three bodyguards whispered to Shen Hao in the gap.

"Can you go without guarding?"

"We protect you and can go."

Shen Hao shook his head. Naturally, he would not stick to it or play with "people on the battlefield". In the final analysis, he did not have that loyalty to the Jingjiu Dynasty. But now is not the time to consider leaving.

Go now? Cheng jinhou ordered him to be executed without blinking. Three bodyguards of Yuan Dan realm. What is it here? The xuanhai elder of Tianchan sect beside Jin Hou can easily slap Shen Hao, including three bodyguards, to death.

Even if you want to go, you can\'t go until the stronghold is broken and things are irreparable. Now we can only follow the crowd. If the people around us are willing to sacrifice their lives, Shen Hao should also sacrifice their lives. Otherwise, even in the future, old accounts will be turned over.

In addition, although Shen Hao can\'t see what Cheng jinhou is doing up to now, he is sure that Cheng jinhou should not be bluffing and pretending to be calm, but there must be some later moves to use.

Compared with the danger of others, Shen Haojiu felt a happy fight. For him, it\'s just dangerous. The barbarian friars with similar accomplishments could hardly resist his soul power. Even the first and second level physical cultivation of Yuan Dan realm, which was a line higher than him, was also difficult to break through the shackles of soul power. He could easily cut off his head.

If the soul strength is much higher than his enemy, he will be surrounded by three bodyguards of Yuan Dan territory.

Therefore, although the East stronghold wall is in danger, at least at the monk level, Shen Hao solidly guarded this area.

Even when the black animal tattoo in his body was evacuated, he still had an "appetite" from time to time, and was finally tolerated by Shen Haosheng. There are many people here and many experts. If you dare to devour your soul, you may expose yourself. Shen Hao doesn\'t want to be regarded as an evil Friar and then chased and killed by the friar of xuanhai territory.

However, the complementarity of the battlefield has been clearly reflected at this time.

Even at the level of friars, the old guard did not lose the wind, but at the level of soldiers, they could not hold on. Although the military stronghold stands still, the people on it will be polished by the barbarians!

Shen Hao estimated that from the early morning until now, the barbarians have thrown at least 10000 bodies under the stronghold wall, and the number of casualties in the military stronghold has exceeded 2000. Looking at the thin array line and the increasing attack and defense intensity, Shen Hao feels that it may not last until noon.


A burst of Qi suddenly shot out of Shen Hao\'s head. He quickly raised his head and looked into the distance. The Qi was a figure.

Monks in xuanhai can fly in the sky, or soar the clouds, or defend the sword, but Shen Hao has never heard that the speed of flying in the sky can be so fast. For example, running thunder may be exaggerated, but it is definitely faster than ordinary birds!

Looking back, Shen Hao overlooks the tower in the middle of the military stronghold. Although it is far away, he can see about it. The friar Wu of Tianchan sect who had been on the top of the tower and guarding Cheng jinhou is far away.

"It was Wuyuan who flew out just now?" Shen Hao asked the bodyguard as he threw a tiger head just cut off by him down the walled wall.

"It should be. You feel it carefully. There seems to be new real Qi there. The tide is surging. Wu Yuan joined in."

In the distance to the East, there were monks in xuanhai territory fighting. They went to Yuan Qingyun, the elder of Love Flower Valley. Now Wu Yuan has passed, and at such a rapid speed, it seems that there must be changes there.

Although Shen Hao was curious about what the fighting scene of monks in xuanhai territory in the East looked like, he also subconsciously turned around and looked at the tower in the military stronghold. Before, Cheng jinhou was bullied close to him, saying that it was to protect Xu Jie, the principal of the supervision mission, but the fact is that Cheng jinhou hurt his arm.

This shows that the barbarians also have experts who can break through Cheng jinhou\'s side.

What if Cheng jinhou suddenly died? At least the morale of the stronghold is absolutely devastating, and it is likely to collapse in an instant.

But in such a crisis, Wu Yuan still left, which shows that Yuan Qingyun continues to help. In this way, isn\'t Cheng jinhou a "bare rod" again? If the barbarians raid again, will Cheng jinhou be in danger?

As soon as Shen Hao thought, he had to be distracted by the barbarians who climbed up the stronghold wall again. If Cheng jinhou, who is alone on the tower, may be in danger now, the current stronghold wall is about to be chiseled through by the barbarians.

Even though Shen Hao was strong and arrogant, he didn\'t have much time to help those ordinary soldiers. He was red eyed. When he turned his head, he could always see that a face that had just passed by had fallen into a pool of blood.

Like Wu Kai.

This guy was saved by Shen Hao just once again. The wound was more serious this time. A spear was inserted into his stomach and came out through his body. He was almost nailed to the ground. His mouth was covered with blood bubbles and his grin seemed to be smiling.

Shen Hao could only help seal some of Wu Kai\'s blood to stop bleeding, then cut off the spear on his stomach, pulled it out, fed the pill, and stuffed back the intestines to wrap around the wound.

"If you don\'t die, remember to owe me two Chinese pills. If you die, the two pills should see you off."

Wu Kai has too many blood bubbles in his mouth and can\'t speak. He can only reluctantly nod to Shen Hao.

Shen haogang was about to say something, but he saw a sudden panic in Wu Kai\'s eyes. Shen Hao was horrified. He quickly turned his head and found that a piece of the East stronghold wall that he could barely support before came out. All the soldiers within a few feet died in two parts. On the spot, a wolf family with a huge blade stood among the stumps