Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 629

Shen Hao feels very sorry. The monks in xuanhai are fighting hard. This kind of scene is too rare.

But yuan Qingyun\'s avoidance of the battlefield is actually well understood. Listen to the roar from places beyond your eyesight in the distance and the terrible real Qi tide in your perception. The energy of heaven and earth seems to be shaking. I\'m afraid a little residual power can turn a lot of soldiers on the battlefield into fly ash?

After Yuan Qingyun left, the offensive and defensive war on the three sides of the military stronghold also entered a white hot stage.

The soldiers on the wall of the stronghold were killing their flesh and blood. The barbarians began to invest in a stronger individual race and cooperate with the flexible mouse race, which brought great trouble to the wall of the stronghold. Often, when a rat clan is stabbed down here, a wolf clan jumps over immediately. Without thinking of killing the enemy, he smashes his body forward, trying to knock down the big shield and give the rat clan who continues to climb up the back the chance to throw the gray snake grass poison bag.

In addition, the village wall several feet high can\'t resist the fierce attack for a long time. Even if the village wall is equipped with a Dharma array, it can\'t be easily destroyed. However, the height is limited and can\'t be as high as baohuoguan. Therefore, if the high-intensity battle lasts for a long time, it will inevitably pile up a thick layer of corpses under the village wall.

It doesn\'t matter if there are more than a hundred bodies. But thousands of corpses have problems. At least it can offset the height of the stronghold wall by half a Zhang.

Don\'t underestimate this height. It can at least reduce the climbing time of two breaths for an agile mouse clan and three to four breaths for wolves, which directly makes the defensive side on the stronghold wall feel more pressure.

Moreover, as the battle continues, the corpses under the walled wall will only get higher and higher. Not to mention filling, as long as half of it is filled, the wall will almost be empty.

"Make a flag, throw fire oil!" Cheng jinhou still looked like that. At the same time, he was aware of the problems on the battlefield and immediately responded.

So the good players in the army came on. For example, Wu Kai, who has been left on the school field until now, and the dozens of Pro guards under his command.

Wu Kai is the cultivation in the back of the gathering God realm, and most of his close guards have cultivation near the body, both in the initial and middle realm of Qi refining. They are separated at this time, and the three walled walls need them now.

"Take it, come near and light it again. Don\'t spill it, don\'t be thrown high, and hit it against the stronghold wall!"

Beside Wu Kai, in addition to his three personal guards, there were more than a dozen "good hands" transferred from the same group. Under the stronghold wall, the people of the baggage camp distributed a jar of thin cans. This thing is called fireoil bomb and pottery pot, but it is very thin and will break with a little force. The top is sealed with mud, leaving a small opening. There is an oily cotton cloth in the opening to connect the inside.

Wu Kai had seen this kind of thing before when he was in the haixiatun army. He knew it was dangerous. Now it is the first time he has used it in actual combat.

Each jar is slightly smaller than the head and has a rope to hold it. Wu Kai took twenty cans. He had a storage bag, and his accomplishments were the highest among the group. The Quartermaster of the baggage camp had high hopes for him.

"Ready! Go!"

Line up, with Wu Kai at the head. A group of 15 people are responsible for a distance of 20 feet around the North stronghold wall. After going up, he didn\'t dare to show his head. He hid behind the gunman\'s ass and waited for the commander of the big shield army and Shi Chang in front.

Just as the gunmen stabbed out their long guns again, Shi Chang burst out and drank: "fire oil! Go!"

Fire! He rushed forward and threw his hand against the stronghold wall while the spear pierced a gap.


With the explosion, the heat wave rushed up from below, and the flame ignited by a can of fire oil could rush up half the wall and splash everywhere! If you are stained with fire oil, it is very difficult to put it out.

There are also bad luck. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was cut off by the quick eyed barbarians below. He screamed and was dragged away by his companions behind him. The people behind the left tinder jar continued to throw it down.

The barbarians also have people who want to catch the fire oil. However, the jar is too thin, and it is difficult to catch it no matter how soft it is. It can only explode immediately after the crack. Who takes who dies first.

Wu Kai moves quickly. His perception allows him to know what\'s going on outside the wall without the naked eye. Naturally, he can find the most appropriate time.

He smashed half of the thirty cans in the storage bag in a blink of an eye, and the climbing offensive of the barbarians in all the places where the fire broke down immediately. And it\'s easier for the people behind to continue throwing cans and increase the fire.

Don\'t worry about the stockade wall. No matter how big these fires are, they can\'t burn the stronghold wall blessed by the Dharma array. They can only turn the corpses under the stronghold wall and the barbarians who try to continue climbing into fly ash.

This is the purpose of Cheng jinhou\'s request to drop the fireoil bomb.

There are too many bodies under the stronghold wall. The intensity of the offensive and defensive war is too high. It has lasted too long. The barbarians are crazy, regardless of life and death, but they can\'t go crazy here.

The high temperature and difficulty of extinguishing the fire oil can make the soldiers on the stronghold wall rest for a while. The bowman can also bandage a finger that breaks due to excessive stringing.

At the same time, the burned dry and soft corpses will no longer have a complete shape and stress state, and can no longer be used as stepping stones for the barbarians behind to climb up.

We all know the truth. It\'s not easy to do it. The guarded barbarians stared at the outstretched hand. Among them, there were monks and experts. Throwing fire oil tanks was also extremely dangerous. Sometimes a stone like a concealed weapon can accurately hit the hand and oil tank just stretched out, and then... Bang! The people on the walled wall will also be swallowed up by the fire.

The smell of barbecue filled the air again.

Wu Kai relied on his perception until a mouse man with a visor avoided his perception and cut him on the wrist.

Fortunately, he was always very vigilant. Zhenqi reacted. A layer of Zhenqi shield was immediately stretched at his wrist to block most of the strength of the knife, but a bone opening could not be avoided.

Fortunately, the hand was, or the tendon would be broken.

Relying on the shaking skills on his hands, the fire oil jar was thrown down by Wu Kai and was not stopped or broken in the air. But as he pulled away, the rat man jumped up.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

At the same time, the rat man was a piece of black stone as sharp as a blade. He accurately grasped the gap of the big shield of "throwing fire oil" and shot down the gunmen who were preparing to come up and stab.

Then he turned his hands over, and two one foot long three pointed forks came into his hand. Once facing the door and left chest, he stabbed Wu Kai, who had just left and had not yet stood firm.

Wu Kai raised his knife to block with one hand, and kicked at the other\'s waist at the same time.


The double fork just stuck Wu Kai\'s long knife and twisted it. Wu Kai couldn\'t hold it at all. Secretly surprised that the strength of the other party was so great that it was definitely above him.

Wu Kai understood that the mouse man with a face armor was a barbarian whose cultivation was not weaker than his barbarian cultivation.