Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 630

In terms of strength, Wu Kai was obviously not the opponent of the other party. In addition, one hand was injured and it was useless. The long knife in his hand was twisted off by the other party\'s fork in an instant.

Wu Kai failed to kick the past one, and was flexibly avoided by the other party.

Physical practitioners are naturally proficient in physical skills and take advantage of them in close combat.

However, Wu Kai is also a war experienced expert. His cultivation and concentration of spirit are all practiced in the background. Now the danger is in front of him, which makes him calm.

Directly release the long knife to avoid wringing the right hand. At the same time, drum the real Qi on the body. In the blink of an eye, a layer of grayish brown "armor" quickly filled Wu Kai\'s whole body, and even his face was wrapped up. Only a pair of black spar shaped back seemed to have a line of sight.

Earth attribute technique: Stone armor!

As a member of the army, the floating skills and playing methods are obviously inappropriate, and they are not easy to use in battle. Because the army is more close combat than you stand on the left and I hit each other on the right.

But also consider the consumption and durability of the technique.

Wu Kai learns the five elements of native art. On the one hand, it is consistent with his qualifications. On the other hand, many Native Defense Techniques consume little, and also have a significant increase in strength. With the use of some close body techniques, Wu Kai has fought his future with these means for many years, so he is full of confidence.

The strength of the other party is strong and powerful, but the situation is different with the addition of stone armor. At least it is flat in strength alone.

In addition, Wu Kai\'s body raised a layer of dust and covered all the surrounding five feet in the blink of an eye. Not only can he not see things, but also his perception will become dull, just like falling into a mass of mud.

Earth attribute spell: dust blindness!

One side is physical cultivation, which makes your body the sharpest weapon. You can fight, run and resist. Even ordinary swords can\'t hurt it.

On one side are the local martial arts friars, who use magic and use magic. They rely on themselves to induce the energy of heaven and earth to produce all kinds of mysterious powers. There is no absolute saying that who is strong and who is weak. Life and death depends on life, and winning or losing depends on means.


Wu Kai didn\'t choose any skills, and he knew that he might not be able to surpass each other in skills. In addition, the venue and time were not suitable to compete with each other slowly. So he used the most adventurous and direct way.

Hug and fall!

With the instantaneous interference of dust blindness and the limited space on the walled Wall today. Wu Kai was sure that the other party could not jump off the stronghold wall, so he rushed at the other party with open arms.

The one who greeted Wu Kai was the double fork, which fiercely shone on his ribs. The momentum was strong and heavy. He didn\'t believe that Wu Kai\'s stone armor could be blocked.

The scene was ferocious. Both Wu Kai and the mouse man with a visor tacitly chose a move to determine life and death, did not avoid, and hit each other hard.

All the electro-optic flint, the rise of dust blindness only exists for five breath and then subsides quickly.

The soldiers who rushed forward found that Wu Kai was lying on the ground, with a fork in his ribs, straight to the handle. The body of a rat man was lying obliquely in front of him, his face armor was damaged, his eyes were buckled, the whole back of his head was overturned by some force, and his brain splashed on the ground.

With the help of his companions, Wu Kai stood up, and the soldiers pouring up around him continued to smash the oil tank below, while the defense formation of shield and gun was filled again.

Step back from the stronghold wall. Wu Kai sat down in a corner, and a soldier took ointment and gauze to treat his wound.

"The wound is very deep. It may hurt the organs. Sir, why don\'t you go back and take a pill? I don\'t have it here."

"It\'s all right. Just wrap it up for me. I still have the pill in my hand."

The soldier should be. He quickly bandaged Wu Kai and left in a hurry. Leave Wu Kai to sit in place for a while.

Just now, Wu Kai immediately released the stone armor technique, hugged the other party, and then covered the stone armor technique on the other party\'s arms and upper body, so that the other party\'s action stopped instantly. Also let that pair of forks deeply inserted into his ribs and almost stabbed him diagonally into his heart.

Paid such a dangerous price, the natural pursuit is to kill with one shot, and the speed is that minute.

At the moment when the other party\'s hands and body could not move, Wu Kai held the other party\'s head tightly with his hands. Two thumbs fiercely inserted into the other party\'s face armor and buttoned off his eyeball. Then his real Qi condensed into a wave, rushed in fiercely along the thumb inserted into the other Party\'s head, overturned the other party\'s skull and rushed out, killing him in an instant.

If Wu Kai had been a little slow before and after, he would be the one who died now.

Just after half a cup of tea, the Quartermaster of the baggage camp who sent the fire oil tank came over without talking. He pointed to the small cart behind him, with 30 new fire oil tanks on it.

"Those who can do more work. These are from the East. You can smash them."

"OK. Is there any water?"

"Here." the Quartermaster pulled a water bag from his waist and handed it to him. In fact, there was not much water in it.

Wu Kai drained the water in the water bag, took a breath, waved his hand and put 30 cans of fire oil on the cart into the storage bag. Then he pulled out the leather armor on the Quartermaster and put it on himself. Finally, he turned and ran towards the East stronghold wall.


"Report! The last group of formed personnel have all been on the stronghold wall. Now the reserve is empty, please make a decision!"

"Organize all those who can move, including my own soldiers. Tell me below and keep it for another two hours."


On the tower, a general came and went, running all the way in a hurry.

Shen Hao also heard it on the side. The situation has reached the last minute. Although Cheng jinhou was calm and had no problems dealing with it, the disparity in military strength made him less and less room to move.

Now "those who can move are organized", but it reveals a determination. So far, Cheng jinhou has not mentioned the word "withdrawal". Even if there has been no barbarian attack on the village gate in the south, at least Cheng jinhou can go. But Cheng jinhou\'s words are: hold on for another two hours!

It\'s Chenshi now, and the next two hours are noon. Taking into account the offensive and defensive war that began in the early morning, we have to fight for most of the day without stopping?

In addition, can the troops in the stronghold and the physical strength of the soldiers really last until two hours after what Cheng jinhou said?

And why two hours? Can we say there will be reinforcements?

Shen Hao kept guessing. He himself had to consider how to choose the future situation.

No, Jin Hou soon helped Shen Hao choose.

"Lord Shen, I\'m afraid the supervisor will die if he is seriously injured. You\'re idle on the tower. Can you go to the east to help fill in the vacancy?"

The words are extremely polite, but Shen Hao dares to refuse? Naturally, I didn\'t dare. I had to hold my fist. Then I went down the tower and led my personal guard to the east wall in a hurry