Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 628

Cheng jinhou issued a strict order before the formal close combat. It sounds a little inhumane. The most cruel fact is that soldiers have no choice.

However, the number of soldiers who can still fight in the stronghold seems to be only 3000, many of whom are wounded themselves. Even if we add Wu Kai\'s group of retired people who took turns off, they just met more than 1000 people in this matter, and the total is less than 5000

How many barbarians are there opposite? A conservative estimate of 20000, maybe 30000.

The situation is still difficult even if the stronghold wall sticks to it. If someone breaks up in his heart and wants to run away in fear of war, it is easy to exaggerate his emotions to other soldiers. At that time, once a mass panic is formed, all defense lines will collapse. That\'s why Cheng jinhou used cruel military orders to force his soldiers to erase the panic at the bottom of their hearts.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

With the sound of war drums, the chest of every soldier standing on the wall of the stronghold fluctuated violently, his eyes were murderous, and his hands holding long guns and big shields could not help sweating.


The one who jumped up was a short mouse man with a short knife in his mouth. When he climbed the stronghold wall, he jumped up with both hands, and then threw a fist sized plant bag

"Stab!" Shi Chang burst out, and the gunmen in front stabbed the rat man who was still in the air into a honeycomb

The bag thrown out by the rat man broke itself in the air. It seemed to be crushed by inertia, spilling a large dark green liquid

"Zhizhi..." the rat man was thrown down the stronghold wall and died for ten years.

But the liquid spilled from the plant bag corroded the soldier\'s skin armor, and the skin was instantly festered and screamed.

It\'s poison. The festering part needs to be cut off immediately, otherwise it will rot more and more, and there is no way to save it in the end. Even the thick iron shield cannot be immune to this liquid, and it is corroded into terrible bubbles.

There are one and two. When the first mouse man climbs up, it\'s like a wave washing the rocks, almost endless.

The defense of big shield is very effective. Not every rat can jump up and throw out the plant bags in his hand after climbing up. Most of the thrown bags are blocked by big shield. Compared with personal injury, the loss of ordnance is completely affordable. As long as the shield doesn\'t hold, the baggage camp will send a new one to replace it immediately.

The Gunners in the back row need to keep an eye on their defensive area. Don\'t worry if you see the leader. Wait for the other half of the body to come out and stab again, otherwise it will be dangerous to be avoided or caught.


Wu Kai no longer felt "lucky". After arriving in Jianchuan, he understood why the veterans who had participated in the war 40 years ago always talked about the past, and there were few more belligerents.

Killed numb, either crazy, or afraid, or hiding.

Wu Kai doesn\'t know how he will see these experiences in the future. At present, his only thought is to kill the enemy and live.

Originally, Wu Kai was going to sleep for half a day after taking a rotation break from the cruising point, but who thought he was awakened after only two hours of sleep, and he was still a large-scale attack camp of barbarians, holding weapons to greet his similarly tired soldiers to go into battle again.

The only good news is that Wu Kai did not arrange a specific defense area and waited in the field of the Chinese Military Academy for reinforcements at any time. At least there can be an adaptation process.

However, the speed of injury is faster than Wu Kai\'s previous judgment. The barbarians used a large number of poison bags of rat man and grey snake grass this time. Many soldiers who were carried down for treatment screamed endlessly. They were unlucky people whose faces were corroded by the poison bag. This kind of injury can hardly be saved. People under Wu Kai had this situation too. They usually screamed and died in less than half an hour.

When the order came, Wu Kai frowned. Because reinforcements were not sent out under the integrated system, but were taken away in pieces. Take away his two things here and take away his two things there... It can be predicted that soon he will only have dozens of soldiers left to become bare poles.

When all the soldiers around Wu Kai were really pumped out, it was already bright, and he could smell the stench when standing on the school field.

That\'s the smell of barbarian corpses. Different from human blood, barbarian blood has a strange smell. Even fresh blood smells rotten. After more, it smokes the eyes. These Wu Kai already knew. At the same time, I can\'t sit still. It\'s not like the barbarian style in the past to attack for such a long time. Who will kill you? Are the barbarians really willing to die?

Willing? It doesn\'t matter whether you give up or not. If you don\'t die now, you\'ll all die after that. The barbarians also see through. The high-intensity attack and defense for two consecutive hours is their attitude.

Standing on the towering tower, Shen Hao didn\'t know when to sweat. The folding fan used to shake in the past was completely forgotten at this time.

Because after dawn, the barbarians far away from the stronghold welcomed a large number of reinforcements again, more than the total number of those attacked in the early morning. Shen Hao heard Cheng jinhou say "more than 50000" on the tower.

In this way, even laymen like Shen Hao can understand that today\'s battle has just begun. The battle of the barbarians seems to be determined not to pull out the upper stronghold.

But even Shen Hao felt the danger of the situation, but Cheng jinhou, standing on the tower, still looked calm, but his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Suddenly, the two monks in xuanhai looked at the East stronghold wall together. There was a tall figure between the barbarian army array and the stronghold wall in the distance. Although there was only one person, the momentum of the body was like a thousand troops. Even if it was so far away, Shen Hao instinctively felt frightened after looking at it.

The man

"I\'m an acquaintance. I didn\'t decide with him before. I should fight again today."

Yuan Qingyun, the second elder of Love Flower Valley, spoke.

Cheng jinhou nodded, arched his hands and said, "then bother yuan Changlao."

Yuan Qingyun returned a salute and floated. She jumped out of the tower and trampled in the void under her feet. One bright red "love flowers" appeared out of thin air, carrying her for several feet in the air. Then the "love flowers" grew larger and flew up like a real magic cloud, while yuan Qingyun stood on it with his hands on his back and his momentum climbed rapidly

The following people are fighting and killing, which is very important, but it is not absolutely important. This is why there are two monks in xuanhai in a military stronghold.

Shen Hao feels that his heart is about to jump out of his throat. The monks in xuanhai are fighting?! This can\'t be seen all the time.

However, it was not as Shen Hao thought. Yuan Qingyun in xuanhai and the barbarian monk did not choose to fight on the battlefield, but shot away. A moment later, the roar of thunder came from a place beyond the sight in the distance, accompanied by the true Qi tide beating from a distance like the waves