Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 627

Although the tower is far away from the stronghold wall and the barbarians who are suddenly "long" on the ground from the crotch, Shen Hao can imagine that the scene must be very wonderful.

Look at the sudden stagnation of the originally rapid "flowing" array, you can know how powerful the so-called earth thorn array is. At that moment, even 70% of the barbarians who rushed forward were strung together. And the sudden emergence of stone spikes is also a kind of obstruction. If the barbarians behind want to come, they must give these obstacles to

"... boom! Wow..."

Shen Hao\'s thoughts came here and was interrupted by a series of roars.

I saw huge stones being pushed from the barbarian array, and the rolling speed was very fast. They not only followed the barbarians in the first echelon, but also crushed the protruding stones with huge stones.

Soon Shen Hao suddenly realized that no wonder the earth stab array was powerful just now. The people on the tower were not excited at all. They should have known that the barbarians would have this move long ago. The barbarians continued to attack so calmly, which should also be expected of the earth thorn array. So didn\'t the barbarians just do it on purpose? Take your life to destroy an array with a large killing range?

The figure pushing the boulder is especially tall. Although it is far away, Shen Hao is more than twice as big as the ordinary barbarians on the side, with a pair of horns on his head.


Shen Hao remembers that among the barbarians, the Niu nationality is a less aggressive group, which is relatively mild. But gentleness is gentleness, and killing people is not vague at all. With its huge size and strength and heavy weapons, individual soldiers are only inferior to the elephant family, and the number is not comparable to the elephant family.

Shen Hao thought Cheng jinhou would have an array, but he didn\'t. It\'s normal to think about it. There was a big war yesterday. The corpses were piled up like a mountain. Even if Cheng jinhou arranged several array defenses, I\'m afraid they would have been used up long ago. I\'m afraid the earth stab array just now was made by rush work.

Cheng jinhou stood on the top of the tower with his hands on his back, overlooking the three walled walls, and had a panoramic view of the war. Just after the earth thorn, the second echelon of the barbarians came up again, and this time there were more. The ox clan pushed boulders to head the array, followed by small mouse people with short forks or knives.

The feather arrow arrived when it was more than 100 steps away from the stronghold wall. There was no rhythm in the shooting. It was all random shooting. There was no law at all. It could be used by the barbarians and could only move forward under the wooden shield. But some feather arrows can withstand it, and some feather arrows can\'t be carried by wooden shields alone.

Shen Hao stood in the tower and looked down. He could see that some soldiers were playing with something like a bed. Giant arrows with thick arms were shot out of these things. And the shot was rotating, and then dropped it high, not to mention a few inches thick wooden shield. Even the iron shield had to be smashed through by this thing.

This thing has a very simple name: bed crossbow.

Unlike the bed crossbow in another world, it does not rely on strings, but on an array like the catapult, and can shoot five to eight at a time.

Unfortunately, in Shen Hao\'s opinion, there are not many things that are simply killing sharp weapons. There are about ten behind the three walled walls.

But it\'s not over. There was still a barrier when we were forty steps away from the stronghold wall.

"Boom!" a fire wall about three feet wide was lit. It was full of dry firewood and fire oil. The flame was two feet high. When the wind was stirred, the hair could be burned four or five feet away.


Most of the bow and crossbow men on the wall of the roaring beast language army stronghold don\'t understand. They don\'t know that the barbarians opposite are shouting to let the soldiers dig soil and bury the fire ditch. They just numbly draw a feather arrow from the arrow box on the side, then string it, bend the bow and aim at it and shoot it out. With a distance of more than 40 steps, any bowman can guarantee 90% of the hit.

Select the barbarians whose big shields were shot by the crossbow in the back bed. The feather arrow can kill them with an arrow in the eyes or neck. The chest and abdomen are not necessarily, because these barbarians are very strong and can carry them for a long time if they are hit by an arrow.

Before the fire ditch goes out, this is the time when the crossbow men on the wall of the stronghold kill the enemy most efficiently.

But the barbarians are not waiting to die. There are monks among them. Although they don\'t know the Terran art, they are extremely strong and powerful under physical cultivation. They lift the boulder that was pushed by the Niu people before and smash it into the fire ditch. If one piece is not enough, three or four pieces. It won\'t take long to build a hot channel on the fire ditch. Although it\'s better to step on it and be roasted, it\'s better than being stuck in place and being washed by arrow rain, isn\'t it?

What, wait for the fire wall to go out? This fire can burn at least one or two incense sticks. Is it ready to die collectively to stand together for such a long time? Only when you jump under the stronghold wall as soon as possible can you avoid the arrow rain, and then it is the real battle.

Through the stone bullet, through the arrow rain and the thorn forest, and finally through a fire wall to reach the bottom of the stronghold wall. There are dead bodies left behind. But for the barbarians, the battle has just begun, and the dead companions are only the necessary price on the road to victory. As long as the stronghold stuck on the hub road is destroyed, there will be a smooth road ahead, and the war against zudi will take a big step forward.

Smelling the bloody smell of their companions, the barbarian soldiers\' eyes were almost bleeding. Their violent instinct made them rush up along the stone path opened by the body friars. Even if they were accidentally pushed down the stone path, they could not be afraid.

"Wuwuwuwuwuwu..." the horn in the military stronghold sounded again, playing a special rhythm that Shen Hao didn\'t know.

The crossbow men who took arrows on the wall of the stronghold began to retreat with their orders, and continued to project feather arrows outside the wall by throwing, but there were no conditions for the previous accurate shooting.

A pair of soldiers with guns and shields quickly replaced the position of the previous crossbow man. The shield is in the front and the gun is in the back. Keep a distance of half a step from the stronghold wall and resist it. It seems that another women\'s wall has been erected behind the stronghold wall.

As for why not stab the stronghold wall with a gun, because it is easy to be hit by stones or wooden spears thrown under the wall. The gain is not worth the loss. It is the most reasonable way to put the other party up and give a fatal blow at the moment when the other party climbs up the wall and has a shaky foothold. It is also the method adopted by the soldiers of the upper stronghold.

The attack and defense war at the top of the wall was imminent, and Shen Hao standing on the tower in the distance found that the array of barbarians stopped in the distance killed the third batch, which obviously had more people!

"Command flag! Inform the friars of the whole army to guard their own area. They are not allowed to leave their own defense area without orders."

"Flag! Tell all the officers and men of the army that even if they die, they will die in their own position. Who dares to step back, engage in military justice and erase all the previous meritorious deeds, and be punished for fear of war!"

PS: I\'ll just take a break today. Please forgive me. Bow your hands!