Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 626

It was not dawn yet, but the whole military stronghold was in full swing. One flash amulet was hit high into the sky, and pieces of white light shone brightly on the dark morning.

On the wall of sizhouzhai, there are already a large number of soldiers, and behind the wall are stone catapults pushed out and loaded with stone bullets. There are three people standing on the side of each catapult, with a clear division of labor, one filling, one calibration, one hammer smashing and maintaining the array on the vehicle.

In addition, Shen Hao finally met the monks in Jingying mansion in the military stronghold. The number is much higher than Shen Hao\'s first prediction.

Just from his camp to Cheng jinhou\'s big tent, Shen Hao saw no less than 30 monks in Jingying house all the way. Shen Hao couldn\'t really see how high the cultivation was in the back of Jushen realm, where the cultivation was the lowest.

In addition, Shen Hao and his party were carefully investigated three times along the way. Before finally approaching the big tent, Xu Xiaowei and all his soldiers were stopped and needed to wait on the military stronghold school field, except for three Shen Hao\'s personal guards.

"See the general to Shen Hao, the chief officer and the chief chore officer of the supervisor!" after singing his name into the room, Shen Hao stood on the side and prepared to listen to the tune. At the same time, he observed everyone in the account, especially the two friars standing next to Cheng jinhou.

The waist accessory of the person on the left is from Tianchan sect. It should be the Tianchan sect elder who is said to be the second in xuanhai territory. His surname is Wu. That is the third elder of Tianchan sect, Wu Yuan. He has a high status in Tianchan sect.

The man on the right is a middle-aged beautiful woman. Her charm is not reduced. She looks at her eyes. She is wearing a white women\'s strong dress to add more heroism. There are accessories of Baihua Valley on her waist. Her surname is yuan. She should be yuan Qingyun, the second elder of Baihua Valley.

Cheng jinhou is sitting in the middle. Below is a row of generals, waiting for his arrangement.

Time is tight. They are all in a few words. The tasks of their generals have long been set. If Cheng jinhou doesn\'t make other adjustments, he will follow the steps step by step, so the speed of arranging affairs is very fast. Just a cup of tea is less than half empty in the big account.

"The rest followed me up the tower!"

The so-called tower is a high wooden tower in the middle of the military stronghold. It is the highest position in the whole military stronghold. It is usually used as the vision of the auxiliary four corner watch tower. It is also the commanding point for the main general to observe the situation of all parties in the military stronghold at all times during attack and defense. When Jin Hou talked about going to the tower, most of the people in the tent, including the two monks in xuanhai territory, changed their faces and seemed not to agree. But Cheng Jin Hou was full of momentum at this time. It can be said that he was not angry and self-confident, and no one dared to speak against the wartime decision of the first military commander.

Shen Hao naturally followed.

Fortunately, the tower is spacious enough, with several floors above and dozens of people standing in layers. Shen Hao\'s identity is quite special. He followed Cheng jinhou to stand at the top of the tower, while Chen Zifang is on the lower floor.

After the vision was wide, Shen Hao immediately decided to give up. A stream of blood rushed straight to his forehead. He couldn\'t help breathing. His eyes stared round, and his palm unconsciously clenched the knife handle around his waist.

With the flashing symbol in the sky, Shen Hao saw for the first time what is called "coming under the city" and what is called "a big army pressing on the border".

It\'s like a thick black cloud. It comes from a distance. It\'s all black on three sides.

I\'m afraid it\'s more than 20000?

Even if there is no accurate number, Shen Hao secretly calculates that the number of barbarians will not be less than 20000.

"The flag! Take a thousand steps and tell the people holding the array not to move."

Cheng jinhou stood on his side with a full five flag officers. According to the order in which he issued orders, the five people took turns to convey military orders. So Shen Hao saw the first flag commander standing on the side of the tower, waving several flags with great movements, and then uploading the flag to the special mana fluctuation, which can be synchronized to the target of the command instantly, with almost no delay.

But Shen Hao didn\'t understand why Cheng jinhou wanted to give such an order. It is said that the range of the catapult is 1500 steps, almost three miles. Why take the initiative to shorten the attack distance?

He was confused, but Shen Hao didn\'t ask. He opened his eyes. He felt that he would soon see the reason why Cheng jinhou ordered so.

Because the military stronghold belongs to a fixed target, the closer the barbarians around are, the closer they will inevitably get to each other, which directly increases the compactness of the formation. In this way, the killing effect of stone projectiles of stone catapults can be improved in disguise.

It\'s a very simple truth. Shen Hao wanted to understand when he looked at it. There are many doorways in the secret way army array.

I thought the barbarians would pack up like this, but in fact, the barbarians were not as brainless as Shen Hao thought. Moreover, they had fought many times and basically figured out the way. When they surrounded nearly 2000 steps, there was a differentiation of formation. Most of the simple formation stood still, and the rest continued in a relatively loose formation.

Is this a echelon attack?

In addition, the barbarians are not without critical equipment. Iron is estimated to be lacking, but the big shield made of wood is still not lacking.

The big shield half a Zhang long and wide can cover two people at a time, and then charge under the stronghold wall quickly together, quickly breaking through the 1000 step limit distance that Cheng jinhou just explained.

After a thousand steps, Cheng jinhou didn\'t need to order another reminder. The stone catapults that had already adjusted their elevation began to hit the machine one after another. The ten kilogram stone bullets were thrown out, and they would hit about 800 steps away from the stockade wall.

Stone bullets are not angular, but deliberately beaten stones with relatively smooth amplitude. Not for the sake of looking good, but because this stone bullet with few edges and corners is easier to bounce or roll forward after falling, which can turn point-to-point killing into point and linear killing.

The machine speed of this kind of catapult is extremely fast. It takes less than five breaths from filling to ejection, and there are a large number. It is estimated that there are no less than 300 within Shen Hao\'s eyesight alone.

In addition to stone bullets, some lighted fireballs were hit out by the catapult. This kind of fireball is not aimed at killing, but to hit the light source at different distances, so as not to miss the trace of the enemy because of the gap between the light and symbol in the sky.

"Lingqi! Earth spike array, activate!"

Although the catapult has a long attack distance, it has limited coverage in the end. Although it can suppress the advancing barbarians, it is difficult to cause effective large-scale killing. Entering a hundred steps is the range of the bow and crossbow, but it basically belongs to a white-edged engagement at that position. So there are other moves before the blade war.

As soon as Cheng jinhou\'s voice fell, another flag officer waved the flag in his hand, and sent the command message through a special magic wave.

In the next moment, Shen Hao saw through the flashing symbol in the sky and the fire bullet lit up: the original flat ground suddenly changed and burst up stone pillars with arms as thick as three feet. The speed was almost impossible to capture with Shen Hao\'s eyesight.

The scene made Shen Hao shake his fist. Just a little bit of shortness of breath has become a little more soothing at this time. Because the barbarian sandal array close to the stronghold wall suddenly "solidified" a large area.