Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 625

There was a smell of barbecue in the air all night, but the smell could not arouse anyone\'s appetite. On the contrary, many people in the military stronghold vomited after smelling it. Those who didn\'t vomit also looked ugly.

Shen Hao is not used to it, but what can he do? The cruelty of the battlefield is no less than that of xuanqingwei\'s torture room. At least Shen Hao has not seen as many dead people as he has seen today. And according to Wu Kai and Xu Jie, Jianchuan has experienced this scene several times.

Sitting in the temple, even in the camp of Wuhu lake, even looking at the war report, it is absolutely not true to visit the scene in person.

"Tell the brothers, sleep with clothes, soldiers and swords don\'t leave the body, and talismans are always in a convenient position. The guard can\'t be relaxed at night. By the way, where\'s the captain Xu who sent us?"

"Captain Xu camped with us, not far from your big tent. The third tent beside the group. There is division Chen Dan in the middle."

"They are not under the jurisdiction of the upper stronghold, are they?"

"No. I asked him and said that all the people who should have been unloaded in the fish and stone were left there, plus some killed on the road. Now the rest will follow us."

This gives Shen Hao some confidence. As for the No. 30 Pro guard, it\'s too thin. If you count the people who rode the team before, nearly 100 can always play a role.

"Remember to consult with Captain Xu tomorrow. It\'s best for you and the riders to fit in a battle array for urgent need. Do you understand what I mean?"

The small flag officer of the guard doesn\'t understand. After a little thought, he understands that Lord Shen is preparing for a rainy day. Hastily bow your hands, and then exit the tent.

Shen Hao looked at the hazy moonlight outside and always felt a little uneasy. It seems that the upper stronghold of Jianchuan is not a good place. He should leave as soon as possible. This feeling is inexplicable, but Shen Hao dare not ignore it.

Shen haozhen has thought about leaving carefully, but it\'s not easy to leave here.

First of all, Shen Hao came to the military stronghold in the upper part of Jianchuan with Chen Zifang as the chore manager. Just now, he set up a body burning array and left? Not even the camp? Doesn\'t that make sense?

Secondly, the original plan was to go to the central military stronghold in Jianchuan. Later, he encountered a barbarian raid and was afraid of entering the siege by mistake after fighting and retreating. Therefore, he avoided the central military stronghold and summoned the Taoist priest Yamen in Wuhu to ask for the next action. As a result, he was dispatched to the upper military stronghold.

When Shen Hao thought of this paragraph at that time, he realized that the word on the order given to them by the Taoist executive yamen: dispatch.

Dispatch, dispatch, dispatch! Not "can", "can", "can". The tone of the command is clear. In other words, even if Shen Hao, the chore manager, wants to leave after his work in the upper military stronghold, he needs the Taoist priest\'s Yamen to order again to confirm and write off the previous order before they can leave, which is divorced from the simple purpose of inspection before him and Chen Zifang.

In this way, even if Shen Hao is sure that his line is pressed by the Taoist priest\'s Yamen, he can\'t move here for the time being. It is also the reason why Shen Hao indicated that his pro guards should seize the time to run in with Xu Xiaowei\'s command tomorrow. Since we can\'t go for the time being, we should give full play to our combat strength and seek self-protection.

But the question is, why did the Taoist executive yamen come to such a mandatory assignment?

When Shen haochu joined the army, he didn\'t pay attention. Now he thinks carefully and reacts. Did Chen Zifang, who has been in the army for many years, know that and didn\'t say it on purpose? Or are you used to it and don\'t feel the need to say it alone?

The most important thing is that at the beginning, the Taoist executive yamen did not have such a mandatory order, but came after the attack on the central military stronghold on the road. It shows that the Taoist executive yamen is also a temporary intention.

Shen Hao now feels that this dispatching order is very like "catching a strong man".

Is it necessary to catch strong men even if there are less than 100 people? Shen Hao didn\'t think so, but he seemed to understand the three bodyguards around him.

However, it is reasonable to say that Shen Hao\'s identity is special. Now he is the "temporary bridge" jointly agreed by the military and xuanqingwei. When pushed to the front line, it won\'t look good in case something happens. I don\'t know how embarrassing it will be on his face.

But Shen Hao\'s professional habits make him always like to deduce things from the worst side. For example, would a drowning person dislike that the board floating around him is too thin? Definitely not.

And what kind of situation can be called "drowning"?

Naturally, it is the time when the military peak is coming and the reinforcements are not enough!

Shen Hao was also startled by his deduction. But as soon as the idea came out, I couldn\'t stop it. But it can\'t be taken out directly to tell people that it is easy to be regarded as disturbing the military\'s heart and beheaded, so it can only be more vigilant.

"It\'s hard to mix up! It\'s said that the people in the army are upright, and they always hear that the people in the army are upright and bright. They always come and go straight, and there are few twists and turns. Tut Tut, it seems that Hu has caught me by the words of Zhang Qian and Gan Lin. those two guys are unreliable, and I shouldn\'t believe them."

Shen Hao couldn\'t help laughing at himself. He was influenced by the "army" described by Zhang Qian and Gan Lin. And more than once. It seems that we should really take "honesty" and "forthright" and "not beat around the Bush" from the army.

Perhaps the brain turned frequently. In addition, there was another fight in the afternoon before. Shen Hao felt a little tired at this time. He sat on the stool, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his hand.

At dawn tomorrow, he is ready to urge Chen Zifang to turn around the upper stronghold, and then on the pretext of inspecting the stronghold to many defense points on the cruise defense line. Those places are not suitable for large-scale military confrontation. In Shen Hao\'s opinion, they will be much safer than the stronghold.

As for fighting for the old Dynasty, Shen Hao had no such consciousness, and he didn\'t think he would do it.

Empty your mind. It\'s a rest.

But a shrill horn made Shen Hao play directly from the stool.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Not only the horn, but also the soldiers patrolling the camp, banging the Gong in their hand and shouting at the top of their lungs.

In an instant, the originally silent stronghold was lit, and all those who could go down to the ground came out of the camp with weapons. Although there was tension on his face, he was not in a panic. Under the leadership of his senior commander and school captain, he began to rush to his defensive position in an orderly manner.

Shen Hao walked out of the camp. His own guard flag and Xu Xiaowei, who had been riding in the team, came to listen to the order. As for Chen Zifang, it is also listed.

"Master Chen Dan, at this time, I think we\'d better go to general Cheng\'s big tent to listen to the tune." Shen Hao didn\'t talk to Chen Zifang politely and said he was asking, but actually his feet had begun to move.

"This should be the case, Lord Shen, go!"