Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 624

Shen Hao didn\'t stay in Wu Kai\'s camp for too long. He asked all the questions. Staying only delayed Wu Kai\'s rest. According to the order, Wu Kai had only one night and half a day to rest temporarily in the military stronghold, and a big sleep passed.

When I returned to my camp, the Haizheng time had passed, and there was a musty smell in the tent.

"My Lord, Xu Jie, the surveillance envoy in the army, asked for an interview." as soon as he sat down, the guard came in and reported to the police.

"Let him in."

Xu Jie, the chief of the monitoring envoy in the upper military stronghold, is the old man\'s hand in the monitoring envoy. Li Jiang, Shen Hao\'s adjutant, is a fellow of xuanqingwei. He joined xuanqingwei after many years in the army. Therefore, with the strong recommendation of Li Jiang, Shen Haocai sent Xu Jie to the front line as the head of the supervision mission.

Not long after, a man of medium build and brave face came in from the outside. After seeing him loudly, he stood ten feet away in front of Shen Hao with his hands tied.

"Don\'t be polite. Tell me about your side."

Xu Jie was relieved when he saw that Shen Hao didn\'t mean to blame him at all. Shen Hao arrived in the afternoon. Xu Jie should have come to see him at the first time, but as soon as Shen Hao entered the stronghold, he was called away by Cheng jinhou. After that, he went to Wu Kai\'s place. Xu Jie threw himself into the air several times. Finally, he waited near Shen Hao\'s camp until he came back.

"If you return to my Lord, the situation of the upper camp is very bad. On the fifth day when my subordinates came here, the supervisor died, and then I made up three more supervisors. Two of them died, and now there is another seriously injured supervisor in a coma. My subordinates would have been as miserable as the unconscious supervisor. Thanks to general Cheng\'s timely rescue, general Cheng also injured his right arm."

Shen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. There was a lot of information in this remark.

"If Cheng jinhou doesn\'t save you, you will end up like the seriously injured supervisor? Were you standing together?"

"Yes, sir, they are standing together. The incident happened suddenly. My subordinates only felt several strong winds coming. Then they saw general Cheng standing in front of me as soon as they saw a flower in front of me. The supervisor next to me was unlucky and was just swept by the strong wind. Now it seems that half of his bones are broken. I\'m afraid it\'s hard to live."

Let\'s not talk about how Cheng jinhou was touched by people under the protection of the heavy troops of the Chinese army. As Xu Jie said, at that time, he stood with a supervisor, that is, next to each other, but Cheng jinhou only saved Xu Jie and did not save the supervisor nearby. Was it intentional or not?

Shen Hao is sure that Cheng jinhou deliberately didn\'t save the supervisor. He probably wouldn\'t have saved it. At this time, the disadvantages of the supervisors being unpopular became apparent. No one pays attention in critical times, and no one cares when they die.

"People often kill Cheng jinhou?"

"Yes, sir. Some friars in the barbarians are very powerful. They will disguise as ordinary soldiers and mix in the attacking soldiers. When they get close to the stronghold wall, they become violent and difficult. Some run so fast that it is difficult to stop them in advance."

"Gong Weicheng jinhou is a monk from Jingying mansion? What\'s the source?"

"There are mainly two people. One is an elder surnamed Wu from the Tianchan sect, who is said to have achieved the double of xuanhai territory; the other is an elder from the love Flower Valley, surnamed yuan, who is said to have achieved the double of xuanhai territory."

"Hiss!" Shen Hao took a breath. I was not frightened by the accomplishments of these two senior friars at the elder level, but by the abilities of those barbarian friars. The two monks in xuanhai territory, Gong Wei, are still unable to protect Cheng jinhou Wanquan. This

"Then what? Were the barbarians who attacked Cheng jinhou killed?"

"Three were left, and two of them retreated after the assassination failed."

Shen Hao doesn\'t know what to say. No wonder he and Cheng jinhou didn\'t see any master in xuanhai territory showing his face when they arranged an array outside the military stronghold to deal with the corpse. It\'s estimated that he has no light on his face and protects Cheng jinhou in the dark.

"Any other news?"

"And my Lord. At present, according to my subordinates\' observation, there is a serious shortage of troops in the upper stronghold. Take the war yesterday, there were only 6000 people who could fight in the stronghold. As a result, nearly 2000 people were lost and more injured after the war. The defense line outside is said to be 20000, but only 15000 people can really fall on the front line, which is extremely scattered and often associated with barbarians Small groups infiltrate and kill together, and they also suffer great losses in the field.

But I heard general Cheng mention before that the next batch of reinforcements will not arrive in five days. If the barbarians make another raid of yesterday\'s scale during this period... "

Before he finished, he left half of it, but Shen Hao understood Xu Jie\'s meaning. I\'m worried that if the barbarians attack again, the upper stronghold will not hold.

The five-day time seems to coincide with what Wu Kai said before. This is not a good phenomenon, because in terms of time, even if the reinforcements come, there is no spare time to adjust, and there is no room for maneuver to deal with emergencies, which is a big loophole in Shen Hao\'s view.

Doesn\'t Cheng jinhou know? What\'s his plan?

"Are there any countermeasures?"

"Cheng jinhou didn\'t say it. Even the people below usually remind the danger and don\'t let Cheng jinhou explain more. He still maintains a strong defense posture of external strength and medium strength, and has no intention of shrinking his hands."

"Have those monks in Jingying mansion ever mentioned this opinion?" Shen Haoyue was more and more surprised. Would a general famous for his steadiness in the army allow loopholes everywhere without making any adjustment? The following people can\'t control Cheng jinhou\'s thoughts, and the supervisor is also seriously injured. The friars in Jingying house should have words.

However, Xu Jie shook his head: "No. basically, the friars in Jingying house don\'t talk much to the people in the army, let alone interfere in military strategy."

"Didn\'t the supervisor appeal to this matter before? Or did you reject it?"

"Jian Jun has mentioned it, and more than once. His subordinates also know good or bad. This obvious disadvantage of military strategy, his subordinates can\'t jump out and reject it. He just ignored Jin Hou, and there was no news after Jian Jun\'s report was sent out."

The Jianjun\'s letter will not sink into the sea, and Cheng jinhou has absolutely no courage to go his own way against the Jianjun\'s withdrawal restrictions. The only explanation is that the supervisor\'s letter didn\'t work as usual, or even their own consular supervisor didn\'t give support.

After the Haishi, Xu Jie didn\'t leave until the Zishi was almost over.

Shen Hao didn\'t feel sleepy at all. He sat in the big tent and looked at the topographic map of Jianchuan spread out on the table for a long time.

But the three bodyguards outside the account were whispering.

"The situation here looks very bad."

"Hmm! It\'s not too much to say it\'s in danger. I don\'t know where Cheng jinhou\'s confidence comes from. He will continue to stick here. I\'m afraid such a big war damage will wear away the morale of the army in a short time."

"Listen, if you can\'t do anything, protect Shen Hao and retreat."