Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 623

In addition to dry cakes, the meals in the military stronghold are soup cakes. Dry cakes are easy to understand, but soup cakes are somewhat abstract. They are not flour cakes soaked in soup, but bone soup, vegetables and meat foam cooked together with rice. Each person has a basin of soup and water.

Wooden basin, wooden spoon, Shen Hao and Wu Kai sat on the small bench in the tent with a large basin and ate hard. Soup cakes will not choke like dry cakes because they have soup. They can eat quickly and feel full. Of course, cooking is also more time-saving.

Neither of them spoke. When the soup cakes in their pots were finished, they put down the pots and wiped their mouths. They smiled very comfortably.

"Hoo! If only there were wine. It\'s really comfortable to eat, but it\'s almost delicious." the food that used to be lazy to look at is now a rare delicacy for Wu Kai. At least it\'s hot. But it\'s just that I\'m a little addicted to alcohol. It\'s uncomfortable.

"Hehe, I have wine. Dare you drink?" Shen Hao took a jar of Wuliangye out of the storage bag and showed it off in front of Wu Kai.

"Gulu!" swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Wu Kai quickly moved his eyes away and waved his hand and said, "put it away! No drinking is allowed in the army during wartime. It\'s no joke to be found that fifty sticks."

Wu Kai refused. Shen Hao naturally wouldn\'t persuade people to make mistakes, and he didn\'t dare to drink. After all, the army really broke the military rules. The leader can cut you down. Be honest.

Put away the wine in his hand. Shen Hao said with a smile, "then keep it until the day of triumph."

"Ha ha." Wu Kai smiled and nodded, but he didn\'t know whether he could drink the jar of wine.

Wu Kai\'s expression Shen Hao also saw something and said positively, "Wu Pian general looks so tired and seems to have hurt a lot under his command. Can you tell me?"

"What can\'t you say? But what are you doing in Jianchuan? Isn\'t it because you should stay with the Chinese army in Wuhu?"

"Well, Zuo Shuai appointed me as the general manager of the camp. This time, he followed Chen Zifang and Chen Dan to inspect the camps, so he came to Jianchuan. However, he was supposed to go to the central military stronghold to see general Shen first, but before he arrived at the central military stronghold, he met a wolf horse and was dispatched here by the Taoist general manager Yamen."

"You? Chore manager?"

"Don\'t believe it?" Shen Hao pulled down the rough waist token and handed it to Wu Kai. Then he said, "didn\'t you see the large Dharma array outside when you returned to the stronghold? I\'ll find someone to get the body burned."

Wu Kai was surprised. He thought Shen Hao had come as the chief officer of the supervision envoy, but who thought he was actually the "chore manager". Although he heard about this position for the first time, he could guess from his name that most of the tasks of this position were in the office.

"Did you burn the corpse? Hehe, that\'s good. There are too many dead people. Recruit mice and produce mosquitoes. If you\'re unlucky, you\'ll have a plague and burn it clean. But what about our own people? Burn it too?"

"Burned. The pit dug alone and erected a monument together at that time can also be regarded as the meaning of the robe of the whole life and death." Shen Hao sighed and knew that these words were whitewash, but the reality is so. There are too many bodies on both the barbarian side and the Terran side. Only those Shen Hao outside the military stronghold visually measured more than 5000, including those in the military stronghold, I\'m afraid there are more than 7000. It\'s no use burying such a large quantity alone.

"That\'s a good idea. If I die, I\'ll burn and bury a pit with my brothers to avoid being alone."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Shen Hao subconsciously turned his head and looked at Wu Kai more. He said curiously, "don\'t expect that you have changed a lot last time."

Wu Kai\'s most direct feeling to Shen Hao now is that the cunning in his eyes has been lost. The whole person has become like a stone and there are almost no emotional waves. Even when it comes to the topic of "burying yourself" just now, it looks calm.

"If you kill the enemy every day, watch your brothers fall down every day, and patrol one cruising point after another every day, even if you dare not loosen the handle of the knife when eating and sleeping, you will also change. Now you have no other mood, just think about how to kill more enemies and how to live with these brothers."

In fact, Wu Kai doesn\'t know how long he can live. Maybe he won\'t come back next time he goes out.

However, Wu Kai had no fear or fear at all. As he had just told Shen Hao, he didn\'t have much time to think about anything else. He just thought about how to live and kill the enemy. Dead? There are thousands of dead people outside. I don\'t see anyone who doesn\'t want to die.

"The barbarian army is coming?"

Wu Kai shook his head when he heard the speech: "not yet. But there are many soldiers across Jianchuan. There are all nationalities. Our mixed army has sent outposts to explore before, and came back to say that there are almost 80000 barbarians in front of Jianchuan. There are a lot of people, but it is almost impossible to break through Jianchuan\'s defense now.

The main thing is consumption. When it comes to equipment, barbarians are a lot worse than us. They almost don\'t even have bows and crossbows. They all rely on close combat. Moreover, their epithelial armor is not only thin, but also there is no iron mirror protection at the key position. There will be few battle formations. If their natural strength and body size are not higher than ours, we will change them for more than three of them.

Let alone supply. Although we are also difficult, it is even more difficult for the barbarians. Now it depends on who can afford it. "

Shen Hao also had no smile on his face. Listening to Wu Kai\'s plain words, he heard the cruelty of the war situation, and even reached the point of "who can afford to die".

"When will you take turns?"

"Soon. When I came, 20000 people fought fiercely these days. According to the calculation of the deaths of my brothers, it can last up to five days, and then I have to repair it."

Wu Kai didn\'t say the specific number of casualties to be repaired, because the military order of "50% can be repaired" really made him speechless. Every time he thought of him, it was like a lump in his throat, but Cheng jinhou\'s array in the upper military stronghold was also so regular, so cruel that Wu Kai didn\'t want to lose his temper.

After a moment of silence, Shen Hao asked, "how long do you think Jianchuan can withstand? Can you rely on the fortifications around to kill the barbarians?" this was whispered, and Shen Hao didn\'t avoid it. Now he really wants to hear Wu Kai\'s views on the war.

Wu Kai took a deep breath, looked around, looked at Shen Hao for a long time, and then replied, "it seems that you, the chore manager, are concerned about a lot of things. I can\'t say whether you can stand it, even if general Cheng said it. It depends on the support of Wuhu lake and whether the temple can withstand long-term casualties."

"What if you can?"

"If you can, the barbarians will probably be dragged down because of the war potential, and finally the whole army will completely destroy the barbarians."

"What if the above support is not enough or can\'t bear the loss?"

"Then the army will be defeated and the mountain will fall. Not only will the original line from Jianchuan to Huzhu run away, but also the Wuhu lake can\'t hold it. We can only return to baohuoguan and let the barbarian ancestral land back."