Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 617

After coming out of the fish and stone, the riding team was less than half, leaving more than 100 people, of which more than 10 were the personal guards of the black flag camp brought by Shen Hao.

It\'s rare that Chen Zifang didn\'t continue to find words to talk to Shen Hao. Riding on his horse, he kept taking a pen and writing down something in a small book, with a serious expression.

Shen Hao is also happy to be quiet, shaking his fan, sitting on the horse and enjoying the cool wind after the sun is West.

At the beginning of fish and stone, the weather is hotter, but as long as the sun goes down, the small water around can still make it cool, and the cool wind will not make it sad at night. This is much better than fengri city.

As before, the cavalry team is still tight, and there are still a lot of outposts, and the overall passing speed is slightly higher than before.

Shen Hao thought about the time in his heart. The secret way should be coming to the central military stronghold soon, right?

Just thinking, suddenly a sudden flare lit up in the sunset sky ahead, flashing four or five times, and the color gradually changed from dazzling white to black and red. It lasted more than ten minutes in the sky before it dissipated.

This is... The guide sign in the army!

The front sentry was attacked?!

"Wuwuwuwuwu..." the hurried horn tore open the calm of the riding team. The originally highly vigilant people immediately subconsciously grasped the weapons in their hands. Even Shen Hao is no exception.

"Send a signal to recall the sentinels in other directions! Everyone spread into a wild goose ridge array! Put away the long gun and put on the bow and crossbow! Jog towards the northwest first! Hurry up!"

Xiao Wei, surnamed Xu, is an old man in the border army. He hunts outside the baohuo pass all year round and has rich practical experience. He issued several orders at the first time after seeing the help sign in the sky. First, we should take back the scattered manpower, so as to reduce the possible losses and concentrate our efforts.

Run to the northwest because the direction of the guide sign is straight ahead, that is, the direction of the central military stronghold. This shows that the central stronghold is likely to be fighting with the barbarians at this time. If it is close, it is very likely that it will not be reinforced but wrapped up by the barbarians. Moreover, the sentinel in front has come to warn, so we should avoid subtlety.

The northwest is the outer part of the upper stronghold. Run there first. In case of any major accident, it is also convenient to retreat to the upper stronghold.

As for hard hitting? Not only did the captain surnamed Xu of the riding team not think about it, but everyone in the riding team didn\'t think about it, including Shen Hao.

I\'m crazy. So many hundred people fight against barbarians in the wild, unless they are all monks in the back of Jushen state or Yuandan state. Otherwise, it\'s better to run.

However, just as the rest of the riding team dispersed, the northwest also rushed to the sky with an aid charm, and it seems to be closer than the one in front!

Without waiting for the captain surnamed Xu to make adjustments, you can already see the sentry in the northwest in the distance. Sporadically, three horses are running back from a distance.

So the captain surnamed Xu did not change the direction of the March, but accelerated to meet the three cavalry sentry.

"Report! Wolf cavalry found in the northwest! More than 200!"

Wolf cavalry! The captain surnamed Xu couldn\'t see what he was thinking. After pondering for a moment, he waved his hand and ordered the Lingqi Soldier: "continue to move towards the northwest, slowly raise the speed, but not more than half, so that everyone can be ready to change direction at any time."

This series of commands all fell in Shen Hao\'s ears. Although he could not understand them all, he also understood them for six or seven points. But the problem is that he has no confidence in his riding! He has been in this world for ten years. Riding has always been at the stage of "being able to ride and run". He is worried that something will happen if he can\'t keep up with the action of the riding team later.

"Lord Shen, how are you doing?" Chen Zifang, who was beside him, hurriedly asked Shen Hao.

"Not bad."

"If the riding team changes too frequently later, you can find a soldier\'s horse ass and step on it. Are you sure?"

Shen Hao thought of the time to jump off his horse and keep up with the riding team with his legs, but when Chen Zifang said so, he thought it was more appropriate.

"What about master Chen Dan?"

"Hehe, I\'ve been running around in the army all year round. My riding skills are OK. I can\'t be much worse than these soldiers. I can keep up. Besides, what about your personal guards? Can you do it?"

Shen Hao nodded. All the pro guards brought out this time have military qualifications, and riding has been practicing. There is no problem.

With just a few words, a rapidly enlarged "black line" has jumped out from behind the horizon, with a faint and clearer roar approaching quickly.

With Shen Hao\'s current eyesight, we can see that the "black line" is the sentinel who found the wolf cavalry.

Although this place is flatter than the surrounding area of the fish and stone army station before, there are still a lot of gravel the size of human heads on the ground. It is not easy for cavalry to run here, and they dare not run too fast. Otherwise, if a horse doesn\'t step firmly and kicks on the stone, everyone will die. This is also the main reason why Shen Hao has little confidence in his riding.


Shen Hao pulls out the wild goose ridge knife at his waist, and so does the pro guard behind him. They don\'t have the kind of sabre equipped with cavalry that is more suitable for high-speed dragging and cutting. Wild goose ridge Sabre is not so easy to use in horse war. But I can\'t care so much at this time.

He glanced at Chen Zifang around him. Shen Hao was surprised. He didn\'t expect that Chen Zifang, a gentle looking Dan master, was still murderous and tyrannical. Even Chen Zifang took out a long snow saber from the storage bag, which was obviously an old Youzi.

However, only these people around Shen Hao drew the knife. The people in the riding team did not move the saber and long gun according to the order of the captain surnamed Xu. They continued to hang on the side of the horse, holding the bow and crossbow with the upper string in their hands, controlling the horse with the strength of their legs, and staring at the front.

"Make the flag! Turn southeast after five breaths! Reduce the speed by 10%, adjust the formation and keep the wild goose ridge! Keep moving after 200 steps away from the enemy!"

Five breath is enough for the galloping riding team to run far, and the speed is not slow now. The galloping steering is still in such a place with such road conditions, and ordinary people don\'t have this riding skill. Shen Hao didn\'t support hard either. As soon as he raised his body, he jumped up from his horse and fell behind the ass of a pro guard nearby. He stood firm against his true Qi, and took off himself with the strong wind of running, so that he wouldn\'t put all his weight on the horse below to affect the pro guard operation of riding the horse.

Standing on the horse, his vision became more open, which also made Shen Hao clearly distinguish that the wolf riding in front of him was close to 500 steps!


As soon as the five interest rates arrived, more than 100 people of the whole riding team turned to the southeast and drew a huge arc turn. During this period, the distance between the two sides has been reduced to about 300 steps!