Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 618

After a big turning arc, the speed of the riding team will come down by more than 10%, which further shortens the distance between the two sides.

Finally, after reaching the 200 step distance mentioned by the captain surnamed Xu, the speed of the riding team was immediately raised, and the wolf cavalry who caught up with them always maintained a 200 step distance.

"The flag! Let them in fifty more steps!"

After turning, it seems that the change of wind direction made the captain surnamed Xu adjust his order again. The whole national and imperial cavalry team carried out in an orderly manner, and there was no slightest panic. Even Shen Hao, who had never been in battle, was much more relaxed than before.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides narrowed again to more than 150 steps. With Shen Hao\'s eyesight, we can see the expression on each other\'s face clearly.

It\'s not the red pupil wolf family, but the three eyed wolf family. This branch of the wolf family is not rare among the barbarians. There is a white stripe on the forehead, such as an eye, so it\'s called the three eyed wolf family.

In fact, these names of the barbarians are taken by the human race. The barbarians have their own language system, and the races do not call them like beasts like the human race.


Although they are not beasts, many habits are almost the same as beasts. A wolf roar is full of killing intention and provocation, and it is also giving orders to wolves.

Here, Captain Xu\'s new order was transmitted to the whole riding team by making the flag soldiers almost synchronously.

"150 steps, two arrows, shoot!"

The trembling sound of the taut bow string suddenly exploded, which can be clearly heard even in the sound of the horse\'s hooves flying. Then there was a dark arrow rain visible to the naked eye. It shot up from the riding team, tilted upward, and then threw a line to catch up with the wolf.

It is difficult for the barbarians who lack iron tools to form effective confrontation power on bows and arrows. They can\'t afford the consumables of arrows. A bowman can consume the iron of a long knife in a month, which is too heavy for the barbarians.

However, you can\'t shoot at the wolf horse in front, but there are other countermeasures.


After a wolf howl, Shen Hao stood on his horse and looked into the distance. He could see that the wolf cavalry on the opposite side bent down. At the same time, he raised a wooden shield from behind to block his head. In addition, the angle of the falling arrow rain and their forward speed could just block most of the arrows.

Of course, there will be bad luck. Either the wooden shield in his hand was broken by the arrow rain, and then he became a hedgehog, or he sat down and the wolf was shot in the eye or head, and rolled directly to the ground.

"Flag! After three rounds of shooting, take 60 steps closer! Shoot their wolf!"

It is impossible to ride a wolf with heavy armor such as a big shield. A small shield of one foot can\'t stop the wolf under the seat. It\'s just that to shoot a wolf, you must have better accuracy. You can\'t shoot intensively, and the distance will be closer. This is not good news for Shen Hao.

Take 100 steps, then 80, 70, and finally control the distance of more than 60 steps.

Such accurate distance control shows the elite of the cavalry. Together with the Xuanqing guard and the pro guard who are with the cavalry, they are barely taken off the chain.

Shen Hao looked at the captain Xu for a few times. The other party\'s face was still not a bit flustered as usual. Even when riding a horse, he could easily avoid the big stones on the ground like a focused soldier on the side.

Shen Hao has seen the wolf riding behind him angry. After the three rounds of arrow rain, although they haven\'t lost much staff, they are angry! If you have a short hand, you will be beaten. You want to have a close horse battle to vent your killing intention, but you can\'t catch up after 60 steps.

That\'s the difference between a horse and a wolf. Although they are all mounts, the horse\'s endurance and speed are above that of the seated wolf, and the explosive power and powerful attack of the seated wolf are unmatched by the horse.

Therefore, when encountering in the wild, unless necessary or show momentum, the cavalry on the Terran side like to use the advantages of fast horse speed and good endurance to control the distance, and then attack the wolf by riding and shooting. And when the other party starts to retreat, they will post it again.

But soon things got worse. A team of wolf riders also appeared in front of him this time, and it was obvious that they spared some distance in advance. They rushed out when Shen Hao\'s riding team detoured and turned in the southeast and copied to the rear.

"No! Speed up and continue to retreat southeast!"

"I can\'t retreat." Shen Hao looked further. The empty southeast gap was a rocky beach with dense boulders. There was no horse running at all.

Now there are only two roads in front of the cavalry team. Either turn forward and fight a handful. Outside the central army stronghold, you can get the support of the garrison. Or turn back and have a horse fight with the wolves from the northwest, bet that they can chisel through each other before being surrounded by the new wolves behind, and then use the speed advantage to go to the upper stronghold.


Xu Xiaowei\'s choice is not clear. He has adjusted the direction many times. It seems that he wants to try to deceive the other party and get out of the current trap, but he has failed, and the scope of being trapped is getting smaller and smaller.

Shen Hao stood on the horse\'s back and tightened the wild goose ridge knife in his hand. He secretly said that he was afraid he could not avoid it, but he was inexplicably strange in his heart. He didn\'t know whether it was because he had seen the battlefield for the first time. He always felt that the wolf riding opposite seemed to be able to predict the trend of the riding team. This feeling is more obvious especially when the wolf riding behind appears.

"Something\'s wrong!" it feels like being watched every move. Shen Hao doesn\'t believe that the barbarians opposite can stop in front of the riding team just by predicting.

"Is it a technique?"

Shen Hao stood on horseback, glanced left and right, and felt all open, but he didn\'t find anything like magic.

Not these barbarians?

Shen Hao thought quickly. If it\'s not a technique, you must look at the whole battlefield, otherwise you can\'t catch the fighter so accurately. But the battlefield of cavalry is not fixed, and the scope is huge. How can we look at it? Unless

Look up fiercely. Then Shen Hao locked a sesame sized black spot above his head.


Is that thing staring? Watch the beast, and then summon it to cooperate? On such a thought, the wisp of doubt in Shen Hao\'s heart was solved. At the same time, I\'m sure there must be a barbarian monk who resists the beast in the back wolf ride.

"Can you get the eagle above?" Shen Hao gestured. At least 300 feet high, he couldn\'t reach it with his ability. However, there are three masters in the pro guards around him. Maybe there will be a way.

The three commanders sent the Yamen sect to stare at Shen Hao\'s bodyguard. Hearing the speech, they raised their heads and soon found the eagle Shen Hao said.

"Royal beast? Hehe, no wonder I always feel a little strange. Look, I\'ll take it!"