Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 616

Everything has a cognitive process. If Shen Hao had not taken hundreds of supervision envoys under his command as empirical evidence in the accounts of the Chinese army, the people present at that time would not take his remarks about boiled water seriously, and probably would have determined that he was sophistry with "nonsense".

The front-line doctors here still don\'t believe that the water in the river is not afraid of the disease of floating corpses after boiling, not to mention the ordinary soldiers below.

The consular doctors in one military station were pressed on the ground, stick by stick next to the military stick, and they shouted loudly. It is said that it is not easy to be hurt by the stick to the abdominal cavity, but it is easy to leave a secret wound if they hold it. The rest of the doctors were punished by halving the punishment. One person had 15 army sticks, and no one could run behind.

The chief officer of the military station was the same, and just now he thanked Chen Zifang, because Chen Zifang clearly said that he would not report it back. But only once.

On the other side is a big pot of boiling water. Chen Zifang took the lead to dry three bowls in a row. The water inside is boiled and comes from the water in the river outside the military station.

"The water in the river outside is running water. A corpse floating inside can\'t be drunk directly, but you won\'t be afraid after boiling. In the future, you can boil the water according to my method just now. After boiling, let it cool and drink. You can cure your diarrhea! Remember! You must boil it, but it\'s useless if it\'s hot!"

Chen Zifang can order to beat the principal officials here, which is a symbol of status in the eyes of the soldiers. The soldiers followed the crowd and were brave. When they saw someone take the lead to drink first, they naturally removed most of their doubts. Besides, if it\'s really useless, who dares to let people drink water that will get sick? Everyone can run away from the plague.

So some soldiers who had long been dry in the days of water shortage immediately took out their bowls to scoop water from the pot under the leadership of Shi Chang.

Take a sip. It\'s a little hot. It tastes like cold water. It\'s just to blow before drinking. It\'s more troublesome.

"Boil the changed and washed gauze in boiling water for an hour, and then dry it for standby, which can reduce the incidence of wound pus filling."

Shen Hao saw more than a few problems, and even normal things in Chen Zifang\'s eyes were all slot points in his opinion, but he had his own considerations. If he couldn\'t hold back, he wouldn\'t speak easily.

For example, when Shen Hao saw that the gauze wrapped around the wounded was dirty, he simply washed it and wrapped it around them. How can this be done? Don\'t think people die fast enough or something?

Originally, I had a big cut in my back and survived. But if I finally died in the inflammation of the wound, I wouldn\'t be reconciled.

Inflammation and inflammation Shen Hao can\'t explain clearly and doesn\'t know how to talk about it. He can only use the "pus filling" that everyone here knows. Generally, people will have fever all over before filling pus, and then many seriously injured people will be directly taken away by the inflammation and fever caused by infection before filling pus.

Chen Zifang was stunned, then stared at Shen Hao and said in a trembling voice, "Lord Shen, you can\'t joke about this!"

"Shen is not kidding. Although this method cannot be eliminated, it can definitely reduce the risk of pus perfusion."

"What\'s the reason?"

"I don\'t know. It\'s just picking up people\'s wisdom. But I think the reason should be similar to" drinking boiled water ". Shen Hao himself just" knows "but not" understands ". It\'s impossible for him to explain medical things. So I can only prevaricate. Fortunately, Chen Zifang is not an inquisitive person and pays more attention to practical results.

After a little thought, cooking gauze won\'t do any harm to the wounded anyway. It should be true or false. So I found 20 seriously injured in the military station. First, I carefully cleaned the wounds, applied healing medicine, and then wrapped them with gauze soaked in boiling water for a long time.

"You must, you must take good care of the twenty wounded and deal with everything according to the steps I told you before. Summon me every day and remember not to miss any details. Understand?"

After a beating, the consular doctor of the military station nodded again and again. Although he didn\'t know the inside story, he guessed what Chen Zifang was trying, and didn\'t dare to neglect it.

So Chen Zifang and Shen Hao stopped at the first military station for three days and set out again. The next station is the military station that had an accident not long ago: fish stone.

It had been three days since we arrived at the fish stone. Everyone was shocked by the appearance of the fish and stone army station. Compared with the previous military station, the appearance of Yushi military station is too miserable.

Although the tall wall has been repaired, the damaged traces can be clearly seen, and the burned marks on the wall are still clearly visible. The large tombs at the entrance are still fresh, and a large stone tablet beside it clearly says what the people who sleep here have experienced. Also told the latecomers that the place of life and death is under their feet.

The situation is similar to that of the military station in front. The people here are also short of water, and they don\'t believe the saying about drinking boiled water from the Taoist priest\'s Yamen.

Chen Zifang is not polite. He doesn\'t care whether the people here are heroes for the rest of the postwar life or meritorious soldiers. If they are wrong, they are wrong. If they are wrong, they should be punished. A stick up, and then perform in public to drink boiled water. At the same time, teach everyone to boil water. The last set of process is to settle these people\'s mind about drinking boiled water.

In addition, good news also came from the 20 seriously wounded selected by Chen Zifang at the previous military station. Only two of them died quickly after fever. The remaining 18 people are in good condition, and half of them have recovered some consciousness and are no longer unconscious.

What does that mean? It shows that the method of "long-time soaking" proposed by Shen Hao is really helpful to reduce the possibility of pus perfusion of trauma. At the same time, it also supports the explanation of boiling water theory in wound. Indeed, some invisible "poisons" can invade the body through "mouth", "wound" and so on, causing physical discomfort or disease. And boiling with water can kill these "poisons"!

This is definitely a huge discovery! Even Chen Zifang seems to have determined that his name will appear immortal in a Book of immortal medical skills or history

So... Chen Zifang\'s eyes often made Shen Hao feel a burst of fear, and his fists were clenched.

Then Shen Hao shut up again. No matter how tired Chen Zifang was, he just didn\'t speak. Just chattering for another three days. Shen Hao and Chen Zifang left half of the riding team and continued to go east. There is no military station in front, only the front-line army stronghold.

"There are three front-line military strongholds in Jianchuan. There are 30000 people in the upper part, 20000 in the middle part and 30000 in the lower part. The central part is the center, which is also the place we want to report first. General Cheng, the main general of Jianchuan, is in the central military stronghold."

As Chen Zifang rode beside Shen Hao, he told Shen Hao about the next trip. He knew that Shen Hao didn\'t know much about people or rules when he first joined the army, so he always said it first.

"Isn\'t it far?"

"It\'s not far. At our speed, we can reach the central military stronghold in the evening."