Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 615

The next day, just after a piece of white fish belly, Shen Hao and his party set off again to the East.

One obvious change is that the speed of the whole cavalry team has become a little slower, and there are twice as many cavalry sticking out, and the formation of the arch Guard Center has become more compact.

"Entering Jianchuan is the war zone. Maybe we\'ll meet barbarians. Xu Baihu came and said just now that we\'d better not leave the brigade and stay in the array."

Chen Zifang is much more familiar than Shen Hao, and has stayed in the army for a longer time. Seeing some changes in Shen Hao\'s face, he took the initiative to explain.

"Is this the only way to enter Jianchuan? You need to be so careful?"

"Of course. Be careful. There\'s no big mistake. You and I are all laymen in military affairs. Just follow." Chen Zifang smiled, but spoke directly. Compared with others, he didn\'t think Shen Hao was difficult to get along with, so he spoke more casually.

"What Chen Dan said is that I was nervous when I first went to the front."

"Hahaha, Lord Shen is joking. His cultivation is just a barbarian. What can I be nervous about? Just because there are many military rules, we don\'t care about marching and fighting. If we ask blindly or get involved blindly, we will make taboos. The gains will outweigh the losses at that time, Lord Shen, are you right?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen Dan is right. We should be more cautious." Shen Hao is also smiling. When people talk to him well, he naturally listens well. Moreover, what Chen Zifang said is indeed reasonable. Like Jiang Cheng and others reminded him before, the rules in the army are big. It\'s better to say less and see more.

Next, Chen Zifang chirped and wanted to use fatigue tactics to set Shen Hao\'s words, hoping to get some new ideas. But Shen Hao also learned to be good. He said uh huh from time to time, but he just didn\'t say it was useful. Not all the things in the other world can be copied, and they say too much. What if they are collected and asked to explain? Do you really think you can muddle through just by relying on a "dead enlightenment mentor"?

But even if Shen Hao didn\'t say anything, he still couldn\'t stop Chen Zifang\'s chattering nature. In the back, Shen Hao seemed to think that the background sound of riding on the road should be Chen Zifang\'s broken words... Numb.

"What are those? Dead people?"

Shortly after entering Jianchuan, Shen Hao saw the bodies of several barbarians on the roadside. The death was strange. His limbs were cut off and he was lying on the ground. There was a big stone on his back. There was a pool of splashing blood in front. In the blood, you could see fragmented meat pieces, which seemed to be organs.

"It\'s a tramp from the surrounding tribes. It\'s estimated that he ran into the hands of the patrol team. Ha ha, these barbarians are unlucky enough."

"Tramps? Barbarians also have tramps?"

"Oh, of course there are. These guys are in groups. They are all bad people driven out of various tribes, or the remnants of the tribe that have been destroyed. They are tangled and wander around. They either steal or attack the lonely fellow people. They are the guys that no one wants to see in the barbarian territory.

Before the war, the barbarian tribes from Jianchuan to Huzhu were swept up and cleaned up very clean. Although there are barbarians invading Jianchuan, we have just entered the war zone, and all these tramps we meet here. You see, they are not a race, only tramps can mix together like this. "

"Why do you want to kill like this? It seems that you are fastidious." out of professional habits, Shen Hao is very curious about the death methods of these barbarians. For the first time, he saw this technique of cutting people\'s limbs and then crushing them with boulders. I feel it doesn\'t take so much effort to kill simply.

"Oh! It seems to be called" stone Tortoise ". It\'s not our method. It used to be used by barbarians. It\'s their method to kill the enemy. It\'s the most insulting. Later, it was returned to them by the frontier army. These unlucky bastards should have been dead for a long time, otherwise the bodies here should be dragged away by wild animals.

Let\'s go. "

Shen Hao nodded, followed Chen Zifang and rode on.

Just a few bodies have made Shen Hao directly feel the hostility of the front line. This is completely different from his previous case handling or killing evil. There is no "right or wrong" relationship, only direct ethnic antagonism, either life or death, and has reached the level of torture and killing as much as possible.

Of course, Shen Hao doesn\'t believe that all soldiers will like the so-called "stone turtle", but from the reaction of people with Chen Zifang\'s identity, at least most people in the border army don\'t think it\'s wrong to use "stone turtle" to kill barbarians.

Shen Hao didn\'t do much. The cruel scenes he had seen were much more tragic than the "stone turtle", but he had an intuitive feeling about the war for the first time.

The urgency of war is not only the bodies of a few unlucky people on the road, but also the patrols that appear frequently along the road and the seriously wounded soldiers dragged back by vehicles and horses.

The situation of the first military station was much worse than what Shen Hao and Chen Zifang had expected before they came.

"My Lord, I can\'t help it! There\'s not enough water to drink here. There\'s no spare to clean the wound every day. This, this is an injustice, my Lord!"

Seeing that Chen Zifang was about to drag him down, the doctor of the military station cried and begged, feeling extremely wronged.

"I\'ve given you an order. After boiling, the water in the river can not only be drunk, but also be used to clean wounds. Why are you still short of water?"

"But my Lord, there are often floating corpses in the river, which is the means of barbarians. If you drink it, you will get sick. If you are unlucky, you will have a plague. What\'s the use of burning it?"

Chen Zifang took a deep breath and he understood. The front line here looks at the dead bodies floating in the river every day. Who dares to drink the water in the river? Even if a note was given to tell them that water quality problems can be avoided after boiling water, who dares?

In fact, Shen Hao can\'t guarantee that the water floating with the dead body can be boiled. He has never said such words to others. But the water here is living water and flowing. I think even if the dead body floats, it won\'t breed too many bacteria to stay in one water area, right? After all, it\'s just "floating" rather than "covered".

"The military Chinese book is an order from top to bottom. There is no price for an order, and it is not allowed to obey openly and disobey secretly. If you come, hit ten more sticks!"

"Spare your life, my Lord! Spare your life, my Lord!"

Should it be no problem for a triple doctor in the Qi refining realm to receive the thirty army staff? It\'s ugly to call it so fierce. Shen Hao originally thought of this, but on second thought, suddenly, people may not be afraid of being beaten, but expressing a "punishment effect". What will happen if you don\'t say a word or even show disdain when you are dragged down

Then a big pot was set up in the military station and began to boil water. The first pot was still hot. Chen Zifang blew a little in front of the wounded and doctors in the military station, then swallowed it and drank three bowls in a row.

"Boiled water, you can drink!"