Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 612

One day later, the judge department worked with the other two analysis departments to get the "Bai Changqing\'s recent behavior analysis and deduction book", which appeared in front of Wang Jian with a thickness of one inch.

After reading it twice, Wang Jian nodded to be satisfied with the formal document. Then he changed hands and rubbed one. The original was stored in the document library. He personally reported to the Fushi Yamen in Jingxi Town, the Imperial City, with Jiang Cheng on his face.

Unlike Shen Hao, Wang Jian was not given any preferential treatment in the Fushi yamen of Jingxi town. He even had no qualification to wait in the teahouse. He had to wait in a side room at the back door. If he hadn\'t taken the warrant given to him by Shen Hao, he couldn\'t even stay in the house.

After seeing Jiang Cheng, he handed the above book, and then was rejected after a few simple inquiries. Jiang Cheng won\'t say more to him, let alone directly express his views on this document.

Wang Jian is used to Jiang Cheng\'s attitude. He doesn\'t feel wrong. His position is too low to enter Jiang Cheng\'s eyes. But he\'s content to show his face directly. Thank Lord Shen for giving him the opportunity.

Wang Jian left the government office of the town governor, but Jiang Cheng took this newly handed document and walked back and forth in the public house. His mind was uncertain.

After a little mental calculation for a while, Jiang Cheng did not rub the newly obtained document and send it to the document library for filing, but directly put it into the storage bag, pushed away all the back affairs, and went straight out of the governor\'s office to report to Pang ban.

Even when it was reported that it was an urgent business, he was stopped in the teahouse and waited for half an hour. The bodyguard explained that "the commander makes the adult have something important to deal with. Please wait a moment unless it is urgent."

Having said that, Jiang Cheng naturally won\'t think what he\'s doing is urgent. But what Jiang Cheng didn\'t expect was that he saw a man wearing a dark green civil servant robe on the way to pangban\'s public house, and he also knew this man: Wen Mingju, the left servant of the Ministry of war.

Wen Mingju arched his hand at Jiang Cheng without taboo. He greeted Jiang Cheng generously, but Jiang Cheng still had to see Pang ban, so they didn\'t talk much and separated with a gift.

How did Wen Mingju command the Yamen? And it looks like Pang ban should have seen him before?

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Cheng knocked on the door and was called into Pang Ban\'s public house.

As soon as I went in, I saw Pang ban standing in front of a three foot long and wide topographic map. From time to time, I drew a distance with my hand on the topographic map and looked very seriously. Although there was no name on the map, Jiang Cheng was familiar with the terrain on it. He knew it was a map of the barbarian region, but it looked much more detailed than that stored in Xuanqing Wei.

"Come and look at this map. It\'s the latest and complete." Pang ban smiled and greeted Jiang Cheng. He turned around and took a sip from the tea cup on the table. Pointing to a small red dot on the upper right of the map surrounded by many lines and text notes, he said: "here, Jianchuan, it is said to be the most difficult place at present.

According to the news from the front line, nearly 40000 people have been killed in Jianchuan so far. It seems that the barbarians have regarded this as the main breakthrough point. Not only the army is in front of them, they also frequently organize small groups to infiltrate, and almost pierce the Jianchuan defense line several times.

Tut Tut, it\'s hard for Zuo Yuliang. Such a long supply line and the unprotected terrain of Jianchuan are still holding on. "

In his words, Jiang Cheng heard that Pang ban did not agree with Zuo Yuliang\'s overall strategy.

Jiang Cheng was not surprised. He has been in the army for a long time. Pang ban also has many resumes in the army. Although they are not "famous marshals" or "generals", they are definitely knowledgeable. Zuo Yuliang\'s military strategy, which prefers to lengthen the front rather than retreat step by step, looks very tough, but in fact it is dangerous.

Even according to Shen Hao\'s information about Xiaochuan garrisoning 30000 troops and then suspected to disappear in the bamboo sea, Zuo Yuliang may have other calculations, but danger is danger, and the most taboo of strategists is danger.

Pang ban continued: "now Zuo Yuliang\'s array has gone south from the clumsy fire pass to Wuhu, which can be regarded as shortening a section of the army line, but the supply is still a problem. I can\'t understand his trick. What about you? Have you figured out something?"

"My subordinates thought that marshal Zuo should have hidden moves. The news from Shen Hao said that more than 30000 soldiers were suspected to have entered the bamboo sea..."

Pang ban waved his hand to interrupt Jiang Cheng\'s words, shook his head and said, "I\'ve also read that information. It\'s based on the things Xu Hongzhao did before. It\'s estimated that the people of the military found the line, felt it several times, thought it was feasible, and then sacrificed it. But it\'s not safe to bet on this kind of thing!"

Jiang Cheng didn\'t speak again.

After a while, Pang ban asked Jiang Cheng what he wanted to do today.

Jiang chengsui took out the document reported by Wang Jian before, handed it to Pang ban and said, "Sir, this is the latest deduction from Blackwater. I think it\'s interesting. Have a look."

"Hmm?" Pang ban glanced at Jiang Cheng and wondered what made Jiang Cheng use the word "interesting".

Jiang Cheng stood on the side with his hands tied.

Pang ban quickly looked at the document and saw ten lines at a glance, but for Pang ban, he would not miss a word. Soon after turning, close the above book, put it aside and gently tap it on the cover with your hand.

"Hehe, you\'re right. It\'s really interesting."

"Your Excellency, did you approve the deduction of Blackwater?" Jiang Chengbao just approved the logic in the document, but he didn\'t really deduce the facts. He didn\'t know. When he handed it to Pang ban, he was going through the procedure and looking for Pang ban for verification. To ask Xuanqing Wei who is most familiar with the situation in the temple, it must be Pang ban.

"HMM." Pang ban didn\'t avoid it, but admitted it directly. He really agreed with the deduction derived from Bai Changqing\'s behavior in this document. Then he said, "Bai Changqing is very smart, especially he has a keen observation of the general situation. At the same time, he is also one of the few people who know current affairs in civil servants. This kind of people are careful to distance themselves from ye Lansheng. What is it that makes him so afraid?"

"The people in Heishui are not clear at present. They say they lack the intelligence support of analysis. It is estimated that they can have the basis for further deduction only after the Ministry of household issues the austerity strategy of money and grain."

Pang ban smelled the speech, pointed to the document on the table and said, "Shen Hao\'s black water is very good. He has seen good results, and he has also done many cases relying on black water. However, he still has limitations and can\'t just stare at the present. Many experiences in the past and barbarian wars can\'t be used for reference this time, because the situation has changed too much."

"What do you mean, sir?" Jiang Cheng didn\'t understand.

"Although the tightening of money and grain is the job of the Ministry of household, it is not necessarily the Ministry of household that dominates this matter."