Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 613

Jiang Cheng felt puzzled when he heard the speech, but he vaguely felt that he had touched a key point and quickly pondered in his mind.

Pang ban didn\'t sell off, and then said, "the timing of previous wars with barbarians is different from this one."

"Do you mean we found out in advance and forced the barbarians to act this time?"

"No, no, no, Jiang Cheng, we talked about the situation in the imperial city before. Do you remember?"

"Sir, you mean those about the seven princes..."

"That\'s right. Your majesty has been letting go of your princes for the past two years. Now all princes have their own power. What do you think your majesty is doing?" Pang ban woke up directly.

"Do you mean that your majesty will hand over the implementation of the austerity strategy of money and grain to the prince? This..." Jiang Cheng wanted to say "this is not appropriate", but he held it in the end.

Pang ban didn\'t explain the rationality to Jiang Cheng, let alone tell Jiang Cheng that the emperor had been taking powerful drugs that did great harm to his energy. Although there is no news, Pang ban knows that the emperor\'s time is running out. This can also be proved from Pang Ban\'s perception of the chaotic breath and soul fluctuation of the emperor.

If you don\'t live long, you\'ll be in a hurry. And it happened that at this critical moment, there was a military affair. Although it was risky, it could test the most capable one.

After Pang Ban\'s advice, Jiang Cheng understood, but he was not as determined as Pang ban.

"You don\'t have to think too much. Your Majesty\'s thoughts are not what we should think too much. Do our own things well. Watch more and move less recently. Keep your hands and shut your mouth. Look more at the cities under your rule. Don\'t stare at the imperial city. We Xuanqing guards can\'t touch such things."

"Don\'t worry, my Lord. My subordinates must abide by your instructions and will never get involved in these things."

Pang spotted nodded. He was quite relieved of Jiang Cheng. Jingdong and Jingbei town comforted him, and they all followed him. Only Liao Chengfeng, the caretaker of Jingnan Town, is getting more and more uncertain. Now I want to see it again.

"However, you should let them continue to turn around in the black water. The eyes on our faces are not suitable for staring at the Imperial City, but we should pay close attention to them. Especially those officials, including the princes, do your best to keep an eye on them. But at the same time, we should pay attention not to expose them. Understand?"

"Subordinates understand."

Here, Jiang Cheng was ordered to leave, but Pang ban took out the document that Jiang Cheng had just come up and read it carefully.

Different from what he said to Jiang Cheng just now, Pang Ban\'s heart was much more violent when he saw the document in his hand than he had just shown in front of Jiang Cheng.

What is Bai Changqing afraid of? This is critical.

Bai Changqing was regarded as the Minister of justice. His power and status can be said to be the top group in the Jingjiu Dynasty. How many people were left to frighten him except the emperor?

His Pang ban may be one, and Yang Yansi can be one if he is still powerful. The rest... Ye Lansheng also counts? And just this time, Bai Changqing is obviously avoiding Ye Lansheng, who has been following his lead for many years.

Although Pang ban had few words in the temple for many years, his eyes were always open and his ears were always listening. He still remembered that Bai Changqing and the five departments other than the military department had been closely around Ye Lansheng. The scenes of their advance and retreat had happened countless times, which made the civil service group strong in the temple for decades.

What happened that made Bai Changqing suddenly take the initiative to distance herself from ye Lansheng? What needs to choose self-protection regardless of Ye Lansheng\'s reaction?

First of all, Pang ban doesn\'t believe that ye Lansheng will take the initiative to harm Bai Changqing, because there is no face tearing beam between the two, whether they are private friends or interests.

Secondly, Bai Changqing is not a fool. It is impossible for him to make such an extreme response because of some mysterious things. He must be so eager because he is sure that something will happen.

It must not be a small matter, otherwise Bai Changqing wouldn\'t be so. But... What would it be?

After thinking for a long time, Pang ban didn\'t think of any possible joints. Finally, he could only put it down temporarily and shouted at the door: "call white face."

There was an answer outside the door. After a while, a middle-aged man in a white shirt came in by knocking at the door. It was the pearly head of the Pang who had arranged to stare at Shen Hao.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

"HMM. has Ye Lansheng noticed anything recently?" Pang Ban said, pushing the document from Jiang Chengbao to the man.

"Back to my Lord, ye Lansheng hasn\'t made any special moves recently. He just walks around more frequently with the people below. They all have private meetings and choose their own residence. The specific content is unknown for the time being." while answering, he took the document, opened it and looked at it quickly.

After reading it, the man called white face by Pang Ban said in a deep voice: "my Lord, Bai Changqing really has little contact with those senior officials in the temple recently. But that\'s all. There\'s nothing else. But this deduction is very interesting."

"Hehe, don\'t worry about it. This channel won\'t be given to you. I\'ll show you that you should pay attention to it. Keep an eye on those civil servants and don\'t let go of any trouble."

"Subordinates understand."

"Besides, what about the princes?"

In fact, his face is not white at all. On the contrary, his skin is dark and looks like a rough man who often runs around. But "white face" was his false name, and now there are only a few people who call him that.

"My lord Hui, the seven princes are restless now. After your majesty has determined the direction of the southern military affairs, they have shifted their eyes from the civil servants and focused most of their energy on the military. Now the relevant yamen of the four front army governors can see the figures of the guests under the princes. However, we don\'t know how many people have been successfully lobbied by them.

In addition, secretly, several princes seem to be privately expanding a lot of manpower, all according to the standard of "internal defense". The number is about 500. "

"Hehe, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Who looks relatively weak at present?"

"Comparatively speaking, Yang Shu, the seventh prince, has the weakest recruitment power. However, he is the strongest in terms of money. According to our secret investigation, he has mastered the" tea "in the imperial merchants."

Pang ban shook his head: "money alone is of no direct use. However, weakness may not be a harm. At least if your majesty wants to balance the contest, he will help make up the strength gap between princes to a similar level."

Bai inquired in the interview: "do you mean that the seventh prince will get great benefits?"

"Well, it should be recently."